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Showing posts with label knit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knit. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Young, Youthful or not?

lacy scarfWhen I bought this yarn I wasn't sure if it would be a scarf for a gift, or a scarf for me. I liked the colors but, just wasn't sure who it was appropriate for. I started it just before leaving for Mexico, as I thought it would be a good small, light weight item to pack and work on during my travels. I'm using a lacy stitch pattern. Not sure how much you see the lace in this picture as I'm holding it up to get snap the picture with my other hand. Believe it moved a bit. (I think you might see the lace pattern better in the first picture I took when it was started, click on I bought this yarn).

So, my question is...is it youthful looking or not? If it's youthful looking it may end up being part of a Christmas gift for my niece who's 14, I think. I'm terrible at birthdays and remember ages; but believe she just started middle school this year. If it's not youthful, it may go to a charity for battered women that likes lacy and pretty scarves. This scarf though lacy, is also warm as it's 100% wool, made with one of my favorite yarns to work with, Taos. Then again, it might find it's way around my neck because it is a warm scarf. Generally, I make light weight scarves for those battered women; not knowing what climate they're in. Light weight works for all as an indoor scarf for decor and comfort. A wool scarf would only be welcomed by those living in cold climates part of the year, so is less usable.

Open to you thoughts and ideas. What do you, Young Youthful, or Not?

Continuing to work on a scarf for DD, which I should be able to finish by tomorrow when she arrives. Finished the corner to corner ghan for Bridge and Beyond 2 days ago, worked some yesterday on tucking in the ends; just a few left to do today. On last section of the blue and burgundy squares also for Bridge and Beyond; should finish it today. Hoping to get both those ghans in wash so I can block them. Have some fun colorful yarn sitting here starting at me, calling my name. I might have to give in and start something with it.

If you're traveling for Thanksgiving, travel safe and enjoy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Adding Green to the Ghan

Dumped out, sorted, rolled, organized Green. Wow...look at all the shades of green. We've got lime green, Christmas Green, several shades of olive green, Forest Green, minty greens, almost black greens. Some almost look blue depending on what you place it next too. I followed the pink procedure and pulled out the small balls of green and have continued.

corner to corner knitted afghanThe pictures a bit blurry, sorry bout that. Still have more green to add; but making good progress. Depending on how much green there is, the decrease might start after the green. Kinda fun using up the small balls of yarn this way and seeing the way the colors show up next to each other. This will go to Faith Mission for Bridge and Beyond.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Troublesome Knitting, are you trying to tell me something?

beginning of pink corner to cornerNothing fancy here, your very basic corner to corner ghan with a little detail on the edge created by doing the yo (yarn overs). I'm not sure what happened, or why. Did I count wrong, did I measure wrong, did I weigh the yarn wrong? Did I just forget? Arghhhhhhh

The pink yarn was donated to me HERE, 3 ply knitted worsted. As I debated about whether or not to strip the blanket I weighed the yarn on my scale and figured I had more then enough when I was at what I thought was the 1/4th point.

pink corner to cornerbuzzing along with the yarn in my project bag I wasn't paying any attention to how much yarn I had left, when....at about 2/3rd's done had a snag and pulled the yarn out of my bag to untangle. Yikes...no way did I have enough to finish the blanket. I could frog (which I detest) back to the half way point and make the blanket 2 tone; provided I had the right weight of something on hand. I really didn't want to frog so came up with plan B.

Plan B, switch color, enter pretty minty green and finish blanket. Ok 2/3 and 1/3...little weird, so how about then starting a 2nd piece using the minty green and making just a corner to attach to the opposite corner of the 1/3 minty green. Like a hood? So, for now that's my plan.

I get one row done when my needles come apart and a huge number of stitches are no longer on my needles. You've got to be kidding me. I'm terrible at putting the stitches back on the needle, plus I wasn't at this point real awake. Let it be til I had my coffee. Hooked my needles back together. I've only had that happen once in several years and it was right after I got my Denise Set when I probably didn't put them together well enough to begin with. I really can't believe it. Knit half the next row AND it happens again. Seriously, not as many stitches this time. What's going on. Was that a hint I was suppose to frog? I sure hope not, cause I didn't. I've knit one row since, so far so good.

Got my toes and fingers crossed I can finish this before I have another issue. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

**pink in first picture seems more on target, not sure why the 2 pictures look so different
This is slated for a charity right here in Ohio, Blankets for all Babies

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Stash Alert! Wear Safety Goggles

jojoland purple and greenCan you feel it? Stash alert seriously....I don't need more yarn; but this jumped right into my hand. 220 yards, only $6.00. Look at those colors..........green and purple, do you know what that means? Bet you do, if you've been here and read some of my other posts that talk about those colors. This is Melody Super Wash 100% wool by Jojoland. They recommend size 1-3 knitting needles for this. When I last tried my hand with some lace I was using super fine sock yarn and just really had trouble. I think, I hope....fingers crossed this will work better for me; as a newbie when it comes to lace knitting.
orange melody super washLuscious, lovely and I just couldn't resists this! I've shown tremendous restraint not starting on either of this skeins right after they adopted me. It's been several days, and really I'm trying to finish one or two more WIP before starting on these but.........it's getting really hard. The orangey reddish, bright here is for mawah. The purple and green of course is for the one and only Darling Daughter since purple and green are her signature colors.

Not reporting on WIP here, maybe next post.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Making Connections

lacy scarf
lacy knitted scarf
Through the years of knitting and crocheting I've made some pretty wonderful connections. Connections with people with big hearts who help charities. People who've helped me help the homeless on Bridge and Beyond is just one example. Connections with people on forums, mail lists, blogs, and social networks that help each other, answer questions. You've hopefully noticed my newest social network connection, The HIVE, I have the badge in my sidebar with a link to their site. It's brand new folks. It's a wonderful group of people who are creative and do lots of different things with their skills and talents. Artists who skills I marvel at, hobbyist like myself, and manufacturers and other professionals. There's beading, scrap booking, woodworking, ceramics and more. Lots of categories growing daily to accommodate lots of interests.

The site is fun, it's easy to use and everyday I make another connection, enjoy reading a blog I might not have found otherwise, and learn something new along the way. The problem I may have is spending too much time there because it's just plain fun! And, the other item I should warn you about is a growing list of things you might want to make when see the wonderful things other people are doing; you'll want to do them too. But, having said all that, I still encourage you to pop over, tell em Sandy sent ya. I love making connections and bet you will too.

The above scarf is one I made while traveling in Colorado about a month ago. It's knitted, a first for me with a lacy pattern. The yarn is cotton and I think will serve nicely for a summer scarf. Often air conditioning can be chilling to this old neck of mine, so when out at night a little something is beneficial. You might remember when I started this lace scarf.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Knitted Scarves should be for?

2 knitted scarvesFinished 2 more scarves. You might remember when I purchased this yarn I blogged about how funky I thought it was. My intention was to make 2 fun skinny scarves for my niece for Christmas. I was patting myself on the back about how ahead I was getting. Not something I do with regard to shopping ahead for Christmas. Since this photo the one on the right is also completeled. Actually only had a row or two left; but had camera in hand for another purpose so took the photo a wee bit ahead of time.

My niece is tall, and young and I thought these would be fun to go with sweaters; more for inside wearing thus the skinny decorative. But, now that they're finished, I'm thinking of sending them off to Passions of the Heart; a charity for battered women. Partially because I think they're a bit short for my niece? Kids/teens wear scarves longer then we adults? Partially because I have time a plenty to make something for Christmas, and partially because I'm not sure these look youthful now that they're finished.

They measure about 4 inches wide by 56 inches long. They're light weight and quite stretchy so no doubt will grow as scarves have a tendency to. They were knitted on large #19 needles after all.

Opinions ladies?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How many is too many?

knitted bright and lofty scarf on the needles
How many projects is too many projects? I've gone back and forth in my knitting and crocheting organization. Working on multiple projects, a different project each day...working on only one at a time, trying to finish one before starting another....working on big projects at home and taking smaller projects with me for breaks at work or car rides etc.

Add to that the difficulty of balancing charity knitting and crocheting, with things for friends and families....and or once in a blue moon something for self. It's a process, one I see lots of knitting and crocheting Bloggers discussing. Towards the end of last year I decided I would finish all my WIP (works in progress) before starting new ones. That plan went by the way side. Why? I'd go shopping because a friend wanted to, or because someone was having a good sale and every-time I did that yarn would find it's way into my hand, into my house. It would call out to me....I'm here....I'm here, please come see and play with me.

Sooooooooooo, I would start something new. Then I thought perhaps I should have exactly 7 projects going, so each day of the week I would work on Project Monday, Tuesday etc. I thought about that, but didn't do it.

Soooo, now I need to count how many projects I have going:
  1. I have Fun and Funky Scarf (knitting) Gift
  2. I have 2 balls recently rolled of fabulous Mango Moon (will be knitting) Me
  3. I have corner to corner ghan for homeless (knitting) Charity
  4. I have granny squares for homeless (crocheting) Charity
  5. I have Candy Corn Ghan for Victory Camp (crocheting) Charity
  6. I have Opal's Ghan (crocheting) Friend Request
  7. I have Bright and Lofty Orange Scarf homeless or passion of the heart (knitting) Charity this is the item pictured here.
I think that's right. So, as it turns out I do have 7 projects after all. Does 2 being balls rolled count as a project? Does the purple green unidentifed specialty fiber not mentioned above but in my mind for a special someone count? I worked on #1 yesterday; I could perhaps finish it today? (though this is a scheduled post so by the time you read this it's no longer today...lol). So, you see my quandary.

Back to my questions how many is too many?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Love it!

knitted scarfHope you can see the texture in this scarf. Remember you can click to enlarge the picture. I really like this, think both the texture and color look very manly. This is the start of a scarf for Daddy. It's slow going though, so wonder if I'm gonna get it done anytime soon?

yarn cakeI've never used this yarn before, and probably won't too often ($12.50 a skein); though it is the softest yarn I've ever felt! I love working with it, but at this price it's only for special people! And, since I only bought 2 skeins, it won't be a long scarf; though Daddy wouldn't want a long one anyway. The yarn is made in Peru. Rowan Lima 84% Bably Alpaca and 8% merino wool and 8% nylon. A cake is only 109 yards, requires hand washing in cold water etc. So, expensive and lots of care. But...I LOVE it.

I'm using Checks and Ridges stitch which is a nice completely reversible stitch in multiple's of 4 +2

Inviting you all to hop over to my travel blog and enter a contest! Click here, or on my Traveling Suitcase badge on the side./

Monday, January 11, 2010

When I Grow Up I'm Gonna....

yarn cakesWhen I grow up, I'm gonna be? What? This yummy, super soft baby alpaca yarn is waiting to be something. My daughter selected this when we had a yarn shopping day. She loves green and purple. Most of her clothes are green and purple. Her room where she's living will be green and purple (still hasn't technically moved in).

This yarn is too pricey to buy much of it, so one skein of each limits what it came become. She asked for a scarf and while she knits herself; she wanted something beyond her current knitting skills. So, it's not really a question of what it will become; but the details of what type of scarf. So, when you shop for yarn, do you know ahead what you're going to make? Or do you buy colors, textures you like and figure it out later?

She asked for stripes, so currently I'm thinking about whether or not I want each color to have it's own texture, or maybe only one color have a pattern/texture with stitches in contrast to a plain 2nd color....Thoughts? I don't think I want both stripes be the same stitch?

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Yummy Baby Alpaca, Chunky and Fabulous

knitted red scarfThis beautiful luscious red scarf is made with 2 different sizes of knitting needles, 10 and 17. This stitch is called Condo stitch and is straight garter stitch knitted alternatively with the 2 different sizes.
knitted lace
You can see how lacy the stitch can be in this photo where the scarf was held up next to a light in order to see through it. The suggestion is to use the size needle suggested on the yarn wrapper for your small needle and then go as big as you like, depending on how open you want the lace to be. I like this 7 size difference. My daughter made this fabulously soft scarf for her school secretary as a special gift to thank her for all the extra things she's done. The yarn is Cascade yarns, Baby Alpaca Chunky ( a bit pricey but this is a special gift).

Below is my start using the same technique but with size 8 and 15 needles and some rather nice high end wool. I say high end, because I rarely purchase fiber of this nature; but am treating myself. I've not made myself a scarf in about 5 years and those I have are looking pretty pathetic. I love the fun colors in this yarn. Crystal Palace Taos 100% wool. Daughter needed to take needles with her so I'll knit this off onto my round Denise needles and attach a different size to each end.
scarf in the works

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I love making booties and wee little hats

I'm not sure what color you call this, but it's one of my favorite colors when making baby items. This is the same yarn I used awhile back for a scarf and hat for The Bridge Project. In fact, it's the same skein of JoAnne's Sensation. I love buying that yarn in it's large quantity. This hat and pair of booties went to my SIL for a baby shower gift. I've made a 2nd pair of booties, and have started a 2nd hat. This 2nd set will go one of the charities...perhaps Lil Troopers?

One skein has 615 yards of yarn, so you really can make quite a bit with one skein of it. This is chunky, so thicker than normal weight yarn, and soooooooooo soft. The set is knitted. The hat was knitted in the round, while the booties are straight garter stitch (I think they're more cushy when made with straight garter stitch), on size 9 needles.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Patriotic Donation

Patriotic booties and hat for newborn. This last set fills my box, and completes this donation to Marine Corp. Kids (link on sidebar). I sent 5 newborn sets, plus one extra pair of booties, and 3 preemie sets with 2 additional hats. They are all knitted, and vary in colors. Blue variegated, light pink, yellow, brown variegated, rose etc. Think most have been pictured here earlier as they were finished. Marine Corp Kids sends donations to various military hospital when wee ones are born while Daddy's deployed. Such a small thank you for all they do.

I must now focus on finishing up some long over do ghans that are in my project bags. I don't like having them hang over my head for as long as they have.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Badges, BlogUpp, and Bridge

Ok, the voting is in...see my new badge! I like it; but am keeping the lightpost in my file in case I want to change it somewhere down the line. Thanks to all who took the time to vote and voice your opinions, much appreciated. Please feel free to grab my badge and add to your blog. That way clicking will bring you here easily. Right click on above picture and save to your computer, add widget to your blogspot blog, click browse and find the picture on your computer; then add url for my blog which is http://4ccccs.blogspot.com/ I really need to change that, if I can remember all the places it's listed that way in order to get it changed. But, for now...I'm leaving it, even though it's a weird url.

This badge is one I made for Jan, my SIL. I know she'd love visitors. I also know lots of you are animal lovers so think you'll enjoy her blog. Tell her I sent you traveling her way.

Have you noticed my BlogUpp widget? It's cool. Click on it and you can find other interesting blogs. Add one to your own blog easily. No registration required. Simply click on the widget, once on their page, add your url and presto......you have a widget. Cut and paste the code on your blog and have fun visiting. It truly is quick, easy, and very enjoyable to go blog walking in places you might not otherwise have known about. Have fun!

And now for my 3rd B...funny how everything today was a B word! I've updated things over on The BridgeThanks so much for all the help. Please take a look and see what people working together can accomplish. And...please feel free to help spread the word, even if you yourself don't knit or crochet. Thanks!

Monday, May 04, 2009

7 Amazing Caring Women! SEVEN

This beautiful comfort ghan made for me by some of my wonderful, kind and very caring ladies here on the internet. We've not met face to face; though some of us have known each other for several years. My words of gratitude can not possibly measure up to how touched, truly touched I was when I opened this box. THANK YOU!
Beth, Lynda (Bunny), Scarlet, Ghost (Diana), Faith, Sandie, and Wendy. All the squares are lovely. Even my hubby was impressed. The card was beautiful. I have it here on my computer desk reminding me daily how good people are. Yes, I am very sad at losing my Mother. I miss her everyday. When I read your card I filled up with tears; not because my Mother died; but because you all have such loving hearts to reach out to me in this way.

Daddy came to dinner last night and I shared the card with him, and explained how I knew each of you. He's 83, doesn't really get how we can know each other via the internet --in that he doesn't use the computer; but he's heard me speak often of things we all have worked on together. And so he knows it's only distance that keeps us from being friends face to face.

I thought perhaps my other readers here might also enjoy knowing how we've come to know each other. Sandie and I first became acquainted on Crochetville. She had been involved in a project with squares that was coming to an end for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The thread was long, I read it all and wanted to help; not knowing the project was now over. Shortly after Sandie and I chatted; she decided to keep the project alive and re-organized it from the original person who had headed it. Ghost (known to us in the group Squares4Survivors) as one with smoke flying off her crochet hook, and Bunny (Lynda) were also in that group. Through blogging we stumbled into each other again and frequent each others blogs. Faith, Beth, Wendy,and Scarlet are all friends through the wonderful world of blogging too.

Many of us blog about life, about knitting and crocheting for charity; and many have been very active helping me with my local homeless charity project, Bridge and Beyond.

I thank you all, truly from the bottom of my heart. This comfort ghan, does indeed bring comfort and will for many years to come.


I wanted to post a 2nd picture giving you a little different view of this beautiful afghan

Friday, March 13, 2009

2 Chest Tubes, ICU...Day 15

We got another surprise yesterday in ICU. Got there wanting a report on the callopsed lung and expected to hear update regarded the possible removal of the respirator. Instead we got news they wanted to insert a second chest tube for the other side of the lung. Apparently, even though puncturing her lung was a mistake and not what anyone wants the upside is that things were draining well. They felt draining the other side with chest tube rather than another needle extraction was needed to remove as much fluid as possible to increase her ability to breath when respirator was removed and to improve her vitals. So, another painful day for Mom. They pulled off quite a bit of fluid during the procedure and even more after by way of the tube. The got her situated, medicated again after the procedure and I think thats the most restfull I've seen her in this long 2 weeks. We all left, as visiting hours were over. Hubby and I headed back when visiting began again at 9 pm to tuck her in. I like to stay until I know she's sleeping and as comfortable as possible. Last night is the first time she was asleep when we got there and remained so. We checked on her 3 times before heading back home.

With any luck at all the next post will be that she's improving, and things are looking up. I thank you again for your support and prayers.

Knitted 2 pair of booties yesterday during our waiting time. Will toss some more yarn in my bag today as I prepare to head back to the hospital.

**Favor to ask
I posted a mini new post on my travel blog (it's nice to post something unrelated to the hospital, something I already have pictures edited for etc.), please stop in look around, post a comment or two. I'd really like to improve traffic on that page. Thanks!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Darling Daughter

This is such a softttttttttt scarf. Made with lemonade Lion Brand Homespun. Some of the yarn DD brought home for Christmas to have me make a scarf. I used size 19 knitting needles and regular garter stitch. It's really nice to touch. The texture is good. Made with double strands and just 1 skein. I had my doubts there would be enough yarn; but the pattern was on the inside of the skien so I thought I'd try it out.
This is yes...knitted with size 19 needles...big and double strand Red Heart Light and Lofty Yarn. It's fun to work with. The colors are Paprika Multi and Spice. A fun combination. More yarn DD brought home wanting scarfs.

This is also knitted with double strand; but it's 1 strand of multi-colored homespun (the one I mentioned in previous post as being such a pain), and 1 strand of thin wool, not quick sock weight wool; but close. I used 15 needles for this. I love the funky look of the colors, it's thick; not super soft; but nice.

She's outside alot to and from school, where she teaches 5th grade and on playground duty, then there's the in and out at grad school where she's working on her master, and the in and out for choir practice. She sings for The Handel Choir of Baltimore. So, she likes scarfs plus I think she wanted a few to give as gifts. Delayed gifts; but thats normal I think for the teachers and those in her program.

Got a few more to do, but may take a break and work on some baby goodies for one of my groups.

Long days all week this week at work, but will get home in time to watch the football game tonight. The Fiesta Bowl. Go Buckeyes

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

#885 Delft and #311 White = SPECIAL OLYMPICS

5,000 Delft Blue and White scarfs are needed for the upcoming Special Olympics. These colors are chosen to match the colors of The Special Olympics, being sponsored by Coats & Clark (Red Heart). These colors are there's only. The request if to have every participant, judge, and official wearing hand knit and hand crochet scarfs. As of a previous publication, 1,000 had been received. No clue when the deadline for the publication was; to know how many more have been collected since then. I do know groups here on Blogger, and some over on Ravelry, and in Crochetville working on this project.
My 3 completed ones are all crocheted: 1 6 3/4 x 68, 2nd one is 6.5 x 72, and 3rd one is 5 3/4 x 74. The one in the works is being knitted and measures 5 1/2 inches wide. I've only knitted 15 inches so far; but would like to finish and get all 4 in the mail soon. I think that will do it for me on this project (and take care of the 2 special colors I search high and low for here in town).
I'm not real thrilled with my one in the works; contemplating ripping it out. Hum...will ponder while at work today.
Have made 2 6 x 9 rectangles (need to make lots more) for HAP
Have 2 pair of slippers for Pine Ridge (want to make lots more)
Candy Corn Ghan still on back burner, haven't touched it in a very long time
Thinking about booties next---red, white, and blue ones. Patriotic Booties for our newborns of our military.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scarfin it up

Red Scarfs! The first one is knit with Airy Aunt Bee, so nice and soft. It's the brighter one of the 3. Wish this pictures would load in the order I actually put them in. sigh
The 2 darker reds are both crocheted. The 2nd one I made was with Caron Simply Soft (hate working with that yarn), it's the one pictured on the far right. I do like the texture. Used 2 dc followed by 1 fpdc, continued that pattern throughout. I did not switch to bpdc on the next row, but continued with the fpdc. Added to both ends and around edge with Red Heart, as I ran slightly short. Gave it a bit more substance and a wee bit of shading.
The 3rd scarf, the one pictured in the middle here was my favorite. I did blocks of stitches and really like how they show up with the solid dark red. sc, dc, v-stitches. All 3 were mailed off 2 days ago for The Red Scarf Foundation. Two measured 68 inches, while the 3rd one measured 76 inches long. Widths varied from 6-7.5-8 inches.
Thanks for the good wishes regarding the mess left from Ike, much appreciated. Heading to The Ohio State Football Game shortly, so no more clean up today. We'll hopefully get the rest of it done tomorrow.
Working on the blue and white scarfs now for The Special Olympics. Just finished the 3rd one last night (no pics yet), and hope to get one more done with the yarn I have left.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Time to Scarf!

One red scarf done, one in the works. Both to be sent to The Red Scarf Project (link on right side of blog). Remember the month of Sept is the ONLY time these scarfs can be sent to The Orphan Foundation of America. The completed scarf was knitted, the one in the works is being crocheted. Look at the close up...I'm really liking the texture. (texture is 2 dc, followed by fpdc, 2dc across...then instead of putting a bpdc in the next row where the pfdc is, I've continued to use fpdc. This is making a nice thick scarf. Hoping to get one more Red one done for this project and get them in mail. Goal to wrap this up this week...fingers crossed.
Then would like to work on some rectangles for HAP, and blue scarfs for The Special Olympics Project...and many other items, but those probably on the top of the list.
Ohio State Football Game yesterday. Yes we beat Ohio University; but we did not play well. Weather was nicer than the previous week in that I didn't feel like I was going to melt from the heat.
Headache, sore throat today...not good, have a very long week ahead at work.
Motto for the week:
Be kind, it makes the world a better place.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Keeping People Warm, sooooooooo many ways!

If you glance back through the last couple of posts, you'll see a bit of a Military Theme. Adding to that, another box going out today. Though this one is heading to Lil Troopers for the wee ones of our men and women in The Army (Previous one was Marine Corp Kids).

Items to warm seniors in the post before this one, as well as those with Cancer; and now...adding Pine Ridge. So many needs, to much yarn; but never enough time

Next up...hum
Still in the works is the Candy Corn Ghan
The Pink and Purple stripped ghan (maybe a baby blanket, or perhaps a ladies lapghan)
Though those items are started, believe I need to switch gears...it's time to reav up for The Red Scarf Project. Remember Sept 1 is when we can start sending in those scarfs to benefit foster care kids in college who need some encouragement. And rectangles for HAP...few other places in need of squares as well.
Can someone clue me into a hat project? Also, can someone tell me how to place the little graph thing here on blogger showing the percentage on a WIP?
Also, question...who's made the Guidepost sweater? Knitted or crocheted version? Do all those sweaters go abroad? I was unclear reading their website whether any of our own kids here in the US get the benefit of them?