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Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

This and That, Pieces Parts, Bits and Bobs, Deportation


This is the prettiest Chocolate Martini I've ever had.  It was also the most tasty!  A real work of art, don't ya think?  This was my desert a month or so back when hubby and I and good friends Elizabeth and Kevin enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Coastal Capri Restaurant 
These hideous pamphlets were distributed in Dayton, Ohio by The KKK.  Yes the KKK is alive and well and very active, as are many obnoxious White Supremacist Groups.  I've posted pictures of a march with White Supremacist that took place not far from my house recently.  The Orange Convicted FELON has green lighted this horrible behavior.  They yell anti Black, anti-Semantic Rants.  They take over streets, they bully and strike fear everywhere we go.  Currently this horrible Administration has deported people without trials, some that are people with green cards and some are US Citizens.  This should anger and frighten everyone. 

This is my 6th afghan project since January of this year.  I've had tons of squares, rectangles etc donated to me for years.  I had a grass roots charity called Bridge and Beyond for 14 years that benefited the Homeless Shelters in my area.  Several years ago I had to disband the charity; but have continued to work my way through my stash and donated pieces parts.    You see small squares, and large squares here.  This will be more tedious to work on than some of my more recent afghans.  Sizing this will be a challenge, and I don't have a lot of an appropriate color of yarn to pull this together.  Orange, Black, and Green, and not a full skein of any of them.  It's not a great picture, but turned it so it would be oriented the same as the picture below.

First thing I had to do was unravel several rows of the very large variegated square (3rd row in 2nd from the left side of the picture.  I was able to use some of that on a few of the other squares.  Likewise I unraveled the too large square top right 5th row in, as it wouldn't fit and was misshapen.  If I had more yarn to size, I might have left the large squares and made the others as large; but ...that's not what I have to work with, so adjustments are needed.  I've made headway, and see the need to unravel a row of the large orangish squares first row, 2nd square.  It's a process!  Might call this Autumn, or Fall, or Halloween, or Trick er Treat.  Will see how it comes along to determine.

The latest beautiful bouquet of flowers darling hubby got me.
Same bouquet, but the other side so you can see all the pretty colors, and the variety of the flowers.

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.  I don't want to say much, as I don't want to give away much about the book; but fun, interesting, sad here and there.  Strong women often have a hard time of things.  Not all women were born wanting to be housewives and mothers.
A true story, lost at sea on a secret mission.  Was it so secret no one knew where they were?  A battle of wills, who's in charge.  Full of suspense and courage and desperate measures.
Vietnam Vet, living off the grid.  An abusive situation for both the wife and daughter.  How does one find their way under such horrible circumstances.
I may be one of a few who has NOT seen the show.  I purposely avoided it wanting to read the book first.  Not sure why I waited so long to read/listen to this.  Frightening and the parallels with what this current far right swing is trying to do to our country should make everyone wonder why anyone would have voted for The FELON and JD Vance.  If I hear Vance say one more time women should stay in an abusive relationship, women without children aren't an important part of our society etc.  I'm going to scream from the rooftops.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Summer Flowers, Exercise, Elbow Injury


My Red Mallows have been beautiful and plentiful this year.  My folks always called these Mallows, though I know some folks call them Hibiscus.  

A close up so you can get a feel for the size.

The Pink Mallows get even larger than the Red Ones.  The Red tend to bloom first.

These orange ruffled Lilly's lasted a bit longer this year; but are now all done.
As are these purple Lilly's.
The Cone Flowers were just getting started in this picture, but then got a bug problem, so did not flourish this year.  The landscaper sprayed them and suggested we spray next May just before they come out.  Apparently whatever the bug is falls to the ground until next season.  The nest is the flower and eat partway through the stem, and flowers just sorta hang there...that's when the bug falls to the earth.  This problem is said to be a problem for Cone Flowers and Sun Flowers.  What a disappointment, they typically attract lots of bees and butterflies.

I was having a really good start to the month of July with walking, mowing, yard work, planks, and side planks....then injured my right elbow using a heavy spud bar to dig up roots of Yucca plants.  Yucca's are are really hard to remove, and typically take multiple years of digging to get all the root.  It's been a month since the injury, and it's better; but not yet 100%....so I feel off the exercise routine.

Planks dropped from 12 to 8, side planks dropped from 4 to 3, walks dropped from 9 to 7...plus I did yard work 4 times and mowed 3 times before the injury.  I was about half way through the month when it happened.

I've not done any knitting, so no update on the blanket.

I've been out of the country for the last couple of weeks, touring The UK, so have gotten decent steps in thus far in August.  I've begun to blog about the tour HERE.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Knitting, Wine, Yard Work ...Thank Goodness for Audio Books.


Making headway with Snail Hollow Shawl.  Infact, I'm on the last section.  Not sure if you can see in the picture but am picking up stitches on the straight side to do the edging.  Then I'll need to tuck in tails where all the color changes happened.  I've mentioned before how difficult I find these colors to work with on the eyes.  Trying to pick up stitches is a chore.  I'm only part way through that process.  But, since my last picture I've completed two more sections, so I'm getting there.  This pattern has been problematic.  Both my daughter and I feel it's poorly written, as do a few folks over on Ravelry that made it.  The designer is Erika Flory.  I probably would shy away from purchasing another of her designs.  Not because I don't like the look; but because the pattern isn't well written.  Too many opportunities to guess at what should or shouldn't be.

Hubby and I really enjoyed this bottle of Chianti, Nippozzano Reserve 2018.  We purchased this at Costco's.  Chianti isn't generally a favorite for us, often we feel it's a bit heavy...but this was quite good and I think from memory was under $30.00.  We'll definately get this one again.  Very smooth.

I've mentioned before how many books written by Pam Jenoff I've read and liked (listened to actually).  The Kommandants Girl (book 1) followed by 

The Diplomats Wife (book 2), are 2 more I highly recommend.  I blogged about the author and why her historical books are so riveting.  That post is HERE.

Yes both are about WWII.  Add them to your list to read folks.

I mentioned in my previous post I had been doing lots of yard work which is why I hadn't been knitting, so thought I'd share a few more pictures of the flowers in my yard.  Cone flowers in the back ground, and an old fashion Flocks in the center.  Sadly most of these flowers are now done and I'm losing the color in my yard.  
Black eye Susans provide lots of contrast to the Cone Flowers.  I took these pictures over the last couple of weeks at the peak of the color.

Stella d'Oro generally bloom before the rest of the lillies, but, if you don't cut them back, they will bloom a bit later, just not as many blooms.  I love the yellow.

Hope you're all enjoying the end of summer.  It's gone too fast for my liking, and soon fall will be upon us.  I never look forward to fall as I know winter follows it.  I am not a fan of winter, cold, snow or ice.

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Flowers Instead of Yarn, Oh My!


Mallows from my backyard.  These beauties orginated in parents yards many years ago.  My folks are long since gone, but I have a bit of them in my yard.  Well not them, but remembrances of them.  They loved these flowers.  I have red and pink ones.  The red tend to bloom first and aren't generally as large in diameter as these pinks.  Many years ago I gave starts of these to my younger brother as well.  

Rose of Sharon's (sorry it was so sunny, the picture got a bit washed out.  These are lavendar, I also haver white and pink ones blooming in various places around the yard.  I'm showing you pictures of flowers instead of yarn and projects, as I've not knitted in slightly over a week since return home from Park City, Utah; where hubby and Darling Daughter and I vacationed for a couple of weeks.  Also, because the reason I've not knitted is because I had TONS of yard catch up to do.  In the first 2 days of returning I mowed 3 times (man did things grow in our absence).  Likewise the flower beds were a mess with weeds (mostly Thistles, thanks to a neighbor who refuses to dig or spray his they blow and grow under the fencerows in our yard.  

Cone Flowers in a bed on one side of the house, with some Flocks mixed in (white, pink, and lavendar).  I weeded so much during the week I had 4 of those large yard bags, and 3 very full large trashcans to tote to the curb for pick up this morning.  Our community collects yard waste on the same day as our recycling and trash pick up happens.  It's all then taken to a city dumping area and composted.

I don't know what type of Lilly this is, as I didn't plant it.  Was here at the house 40 ish years ago when we moved in.  I call themn double ruffle orange lillies.  I did so much yard work and mowed so many times (not just 3 x in the first 2 days), that I injured muscles in my pectoral area and should blade...or have inflammed an overworked tendon.  Not sure which.  So, while I am not actually done with all the yard work, I'm taking a few days off to heal.  I'll share other flower pictures.  This is the time of the year when I have a very colorful yard (front, back, and sides).

This book is another WWII book about occupation, but initiates in Holland and is an autobiographical memoir.  Corrie ten Boom, and her family were very religous and because of that protected their Jewish neighbor in their home, The Beje which was above Corrie's father's Watch Shop.  As a religous woman her strength to survive the brutality both physical and psychological in Ravensbruck Death Camp comes from deep within.  I've read stories from Germany, France, and Poland; but this is the first one that intiated in Holland.  I highly recommend this book.  The book came out in 1971, and in 1975 a Billy Graham film was produced based on this true story.    Here's the link to the trailor (Click here)

On the exercise front, pretty as I thought it would be.  Did better with walking and good with planks, and not so well with yoga.  We were gone 2 wks, spent time on planes with travel and I figured I wouldn't do well with yoga; as I couldn't pack my yoga mat.  Since we were in Park City, Utah I was able to walk more which was great.
Walking, I doubled from 7 walks in June to 14 in July 134.4 miles up from 103 miles.  My best day was 9 miles and my worst day was 2 miles, averaging 4.33 miles per day across the 31 days of July.
Planks I matched June's number of 12 x during the month in July
Yoga I only managed to do it 3 x.  I did so much yard work, I sorta thought the bending, twisting, pulling, digging, etc probably took care of the yoga?

The last movie I watched while hubby was away, A Marriage of Convience with Jane Seymour and James Brolin from 1998.  I did not read the book prior to seeing the movie, so no clue how closely the movie follows the story line.  I've always liked Jane Seymour and thought James Brolin was rather good looking; though perhaps not the best of actors.  She raises her dead sisters son knowing nothing about the boys father who suddenly appears.  Entertaining even if unbelievable.  Hubby definately would not have enjoyed this movie....he would indeed classify this as a "chick flick".

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mish Mosh my Week or So

Sharing these beautiful flowers my daughter gave me for Mother's Day a few years ago.  Why now?  Pretty sure I did way back as well, but why now?  Cause it's ugly, cold, dark, and dreary out and I wanted to see something pretty.  I may add a count down to Spring on my blog.

No, I haven't done any Christmas Decorating yet, but I did manage to change place mats, and napkins prior to Thanksgiving with a nice colorful fall look.  Even leaf glass holders that go with the leaf napkin rings.  Now...I need to dig around and see where my Christmas ones are.  I might have discarded them last year....after having the same ones and not sure they held up after being laundered......hum, not sure.

Not me, but I started 2 new apps for doing a 30 day plank challenge.  Had no clue there were so many different types of planks.  I don't find these easy to do at all!

AND these really hurt my shoulders, plus I can't get straight like this, so not going to be doing these anymore.  Made my low back hurt as well.

There's a heater inside.  2nd to last home football game for The Ohio State Buckeyes, and it was COLD.  Having the tarps up on 2 sides really helped block the wind while we tailgated.  And the game after this one rained so I didn't go.  Sat through one really bad rain a few weeks prior and just wasn't up for it again.

Thought some of my knitting and crochet friends would enjoy this.  A few on there I've never heard of...PIG...oh how I should show you pictures of that system I have, except I have up-scaled it and they're not in grocery bags, but canvass totes.  

I'm still working on Potato Chip Scarf, just haven't taken any new pictures.  It's coming along.  AND I've managed to fight the start-itis problem, but did spend lots of time today and found the next pattern I want to make....so, I predict something will get started probably before Potato Chip is finished.  Just saying.

How's your week coming along?

I'm Participating in a new to me Linky Party

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Vertigo Reduces Steps but Increases Knitting Time

Headway has been rather slow with my drop stitch shawl.  You may remember in the previous post the great un-knitting that took place.  The headway has been the 2nd section of the darker yarn.  I went almost a week after getting back in town before I picked it up and did any knitting......not the way to make much progress.

I've been extremely busy each day working in the yard.  After being gone, the flower beds were screaming for attention.  The amount of thistles that grew in my absence..yikes.  Anyway, working in the yard each day and getting in my daily walks.  As many of you know I'm an avid walker and had a banner week last week, breaking many of my benchmark records on Fitbit.  So, with walking and yard work, no knitting was accomplished. (flowers are gorgeous about 8 inches in diameter, Mallows).

Since tomorrow is Monday, thought this ditty was worth a laugh.  Are you singing it?

Bunheads!  I never heard of the show, so seldom watch tv, but my daughter and I watched this recently on a trip together.  It's fun, a bit different.  The only person I recognized was Kelly Bishop of Dirty Dancing and Gilmore Girls (Mom in both cases.  I guess from my googling it didn't make it past 1 season..........too bad was entertaining.

**Having broken my records for steps last week 103,258 with the highest day being 22,723 and lowest day being 12,258...I'm already in the whole for the week after.  I've been sitting pretty still for a few days with a bout of Vertigo.  Ugh, balance was off, dizzy, and nausea.  Does anyone else deal with Vertigo?  Have been reading a lot about it, as this is my 2nd episode in 6 wks.  AND, that's why I made some progress with the knitting on the shawl........sitting not stepping.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mother's Day, Quick One Pan Meals, and The Crimson Field-WWI Field Hospital

The Crimson Field, the next series in my exploration of watching British TV.  LOVED this show.  It was an interesting glimpse into life in France (and England-Ireland) during World War I.  There was sadly only one season, as it was cancelled after that.  
It explored the importance of ladies who volunteered for service, and showed how difficult their lives were.  These 3 all had a story to tell and all joined the service for different reason.  They came from very different backgrounds.  At a time when it was scandalous for women to be in close company with me, nurses and volunteers had to learn how to bath wounded men...the difficulty of bridging their learned privacy rules from civilian life and that in service was huge.
Both men and women were drummed out, or executed for what was deemed to be unpatriotic service or cowardice.  Even though there is only one season, I do highly recommend it.  I was able to watch this series on Amazon Prime for no extra fee or membership.
This past weekend was Mother's Day.  My Darling Daughter sent lovely flowers on Friday so I was able to enjoy them for the whole of the wkend.  There were 3 bundles of flowers in the box, enough for me to make two large beautiful bouquets.  Thank you Darling Daughter.  This is a close up of one of the prettiest roses...look at the gradation of color on the outside of this rose as it begins to open.
I'm a huge fan of one pan, or one dish meals.  Makes prep and clean up so much easier.  That's even more important to me currently since I'm not super mobile with my broken foot.  In the beginning, I would do some prep, sit down...do a bit more, sit down again.  Was hard trying to move about the kitchen using a walker or crutches.  I would get things at the ready as much as possible (often it took a good while), so when hubby came home from work; he could actually do the cooking.  Generally, he put something in oven and with my chair-side direction........dinner would come together.  I am more mobile now with my ortho boot, but still trying to minimize how much I'm standing there in the kitchen.  It's just not that easy.  

Asparagus, potatoes, and chicken.  This required a minimum of work to prep.  The chicken breast's were cut in in medalions (smaller pieces cook quicker), plus the chicken breast were very large and thick.  They were dipped in an egg wash, and layered in the pan with thin lemon slices and topped with fresh basil.

Potatoes quartered, asparagus cut in half.  I put all in fridge, and when hubby called that he was on his way I sprinkled olive oil, dash, and Parmesan cheese on potatoes and asparagus and turned on the oven.  Cooked in pre-heated oven at 400-425 for about 20 minutes.  It cooked while hubby and I had our Martini's
Tasty, not time consuming with either prep or clean up.  The egg wash and lemon gave the chicken a nice flavor and helped keep it moist.  Was an experiment....one both hubby and I thought worth repeating.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Happy Birthday Girl

 This gorgeous bouquet is one of two from my Darling Daughter!!  Sipping my 2nd cup of coffee of the morning, still relaxing in my jammies when the door bell rang.  It was Fed Ex, who rang the bell as they left the box of flowers by the door.  I don't know what some of the flowers are, but they're so pretty.  Pink roses, several shades of pink in the unidentified category and pretty purple.  This bouquet is on the dining room table, and the 2nd bouquet is in the living room.  So I can enjoy these in more than just one room.  Happy Birthday to me.  My DD is so thoughtful.    She'll be home next week for Thanksgiving, can't wait!!  Thank you Darling Daughter!!!
 Those who know me, or have read some of my posts, probably know how found I am of a good Martini!  This Birthday Card really made me laugh out loud.  I sometimes attempt to do some yoga moves.  Mostly my exercise is doing planks, and walking...lots of walking.  One of my Fitbit Friends, Cheryl saw this card and thought of me.  Yep, she knows pretty well.  Thank you Cheryl.
This cute little bouquet is from my work.  They gave it to me yesterday, since I wasn't working today.  Love the pretty fall colors, and the little mason jar.  I am enjoying this in my office.  It's on top of my bookcase.

I'm not a person that really does much about birthdays.  My family really never was.  We're not big card buyers, or gift givers; so it's unusual for me to even post about it.......but hey with pretty flowers and funny card....just thought I'd share.

Are you big on celebrating birthdays?  Do you buy cards for others?

Hubby is taking me out for a nice steak dinner ...and I had a lovely massage earlier today.

So, yeah I'm getting older.  As old as Dirt; but life is good.