Do you sport fun Christmas socks? This is a pair my Darling Daughter got me a few years ago. LOVE them. Please click to see the Martini Glass.
This is a pair I've had for awhile, but holes yet soooooo
Cute, Cute idea for a veggie tray. Perhaps less variety than many veggie trays though. Might give some thought about how you could change it to use a bigger variety of veggies!! Thoughts ideas? I've never made this, but saved the picture from Facebook either from last year or the year before.
And did I mention Kitties at Christmas?
Totally off topic, does anyone know how to change the font, the default font on blogs? I know I can highlight and select after the fact and change to what I like .....but, how can you do it without having to change it each time you post?
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Blogging Troubles
For those who use Disgus, this set up is probably costing you visitors to your blog and comments. People generally aren't going to join Disgus in order to leave you a comment, and most people also aren't going to sign in through facebook etc. to do so. If you have an option to change your settings you would be doing yourself a favor. Recently involved in several blog challenges this problem has popped up, and there's been much discussion about it, the comment I've seen most is people are avoiding blogs like this, so you're costing yourself blog traffic. It's very difficult to leave a comment.
Those using google+ are also an issue.
*Many of you may not be aware and wonder why folks aren't returning your visits and comments. Google+ has a setting now that does not allow others to comment, in some cases your blog isn't even visible unless people register with google+. You are losing people without knowing why, as many of you don't have means of contact...people aren't able to let you know. I've been able to alert several, who did not know of the problem and change in settings; some have been able to fix the problem. If you're one who's fixed the problem, please leave the instructions on the fix so that we can pass along the information to help others. Please leave it here the comments and or email me directly at sandycrochet at* It's my understanding it has to do with a default setting that has recently been changed by google+.
This is what folks see when they're not able to leave a comment. If you click on this it requires you to join google+.
Additionally, it would be best to facilitate return visits and comments if you did not use your google+ profile page, people have to go searching for your blog and click a 2nd or third time to get to you. Please use the drop down box and add name and url of your actual blog vs your google+ page, and or use hypertext in your comment to direct to your blog, not your profile page.
Those using google+ are also an issue.
*Many of you may not be aware and wonder why folks aren't returning your visits and comments. Google+ has a setting now that does not allow others to comment, in some cases your blog isn't even visible unless people register with google+. You are losing people without knowing why, as many of you don't have means of contact...people aren't able to let you know. I've been able to alert several, who did not know of the problem and change in settings; some have been able to fix the problem. If you're one who's fixed the problem, please leave the instructions on the fix so that we can pass along the information to help others. Please leave it here the comments and or email me directly at sandycrochet at* It's my understanding it has to do with a default setting that has recently been changed by google+.
This is what folks see when they're not able to leave a comment. If you click on this it requires you to join google+.
Additionally, it would be best to facilitate return visits and comments if you did not use your google+ profile page, people have to go searching for your blog and click a 2nd or third time to get to you. Please use the drop down box and add name and url of your actual blog vs your google+ page, and or use hypertext in your comment to direct to your blog, not your profile page.
Monday, May 30, 2011
People often ask, why would I want to write a blog. My life isn't all that interesting, who'd read or be interested in what I have to say. Have you heard that? Bet you have.
If you look up the definition of a blog, you'll find lots of information, but, basically it's a combination of the word web and log. It's an interactive means of communication. The communications is on going, it is is not static like a webpage. Some people blog like they're writing a personal diary, other's are more topic focused, others full of passions and causes.
Webpages are written, updated once in awhile but are read only. There is no interaction between the writer of the blog and the reader of the blog. A blog has that interaction. You write something as a blogger, you want people to read it, you want people to comment on it, others may in fact even comment on the comments. That's the interaction. That's what makes a blog a blog, and not a one sided static and often stale webpage.
So, my question to all bloggers then is this. If the point is interaction, why then do people make the interaction difficult, time consuming, and delayed? If you want you blog to be read, and you want people to comment, why do you put up road blocks for them to do so? I know you've all seen a blog that requires you to join, before you comment. Often those are here's my thoughts in your face, controversial type topics. They want to be read, but don't really want to encourage you to counter, to correct in some cases. They really don't seem to want the dialogue--so what's the point? You've probably also seen where comments aren't even an option........when I hit blogs like this, I never join and try not to return back. I'm not one that wants to blindly read and not communicate back. I also don't want to give them the readership they so crave. Blogging is a give and go. We all want readership, so reciprocate I say...go read other blogs, do for them what you want them to do for you.
Comments, anyone who says they don't care if they get comments, they blog for themselves....nah, I don't buy that. They want comments, they want followers, they want to know they've been read...chances are them saying they don't care if they get comments is their way of saying....I'm not taking time to reciprocate your comments. I often will read, comment several times; and if that blogger doesn't do the same, I move on. Blogging by definition is interactive. Interactive is not one sided.
Continuing on, we write to be read, we know we've been read, if we receive comments. Invite them, don't discourage them with those silly, hard to read, time consuming numbers and letters. They're annoying, they sometimes don't work. And, do they really keep you from getting spam? No, your filter does that. Do the professional spammers still spam you when you use them? Yes, they do. Comments need to be approved, more annoyance. This again takes time, this limits interaction, this delays communication. If you use the captchas because you think it prevents spam, why then do you also need to approve the comments before it's published? Do you need to approve the comments so you only print those that agree with you? If so, aren't you also limiting the interaction? To my way of thinking, yes you are. You're building road blocks and discouraging people to comment. Information grows as people read a blog and make comments. So if you're the 4th or 5th person leaving a comment you often have the ability to pick up additional information/opinions and interact with those commentors as well as the original blogger; but if your comment has to be approved first, that doesn't happen until much later, if at all.
Visit the blogs of those that visit you, don't read them in a reader. Do for them what they did for you, take the time to visit. Reading in a reader doesn't give the blog traffic, the traffic you got when they visited you. Don't take the easy way out and click reply via email to a question they've asked. Visit them, comment back, give them the time they gave you; the traffic they gave your blog. Be a reciprocal blogger, be an interactive blogger.
Being an interactive blogger is fun, that's how we meet new interesting people.
This is my B post for the Z-A challenge
If you look up the definition of a blog, you'll find lots of information, but, basically it's a combination of the word web and log. It's an interactive means of communication. The communications is on going, it is is not static like a webpage. Some people blog like they're writing a personal diary, other's are more topic focused, others full of passions and causes.
Webpages are written, updated once in awhile but are read only. There is no interaction between the writer of the blog and the reader of the blog. A blog has that interaction. You write something as a blogger, you want people to read it, you want people to comment on it, others may in fact even comment on the comments. That's the interaction. That's what makes a blog a blog, and not a one sided static and often stale webpage.
So, my question to all bloggers then is this. If the point is interaction, why then do people make the interaction difficult, time consuming, and delayed? If you want you blog to be read, and you want people to comment, why do you put up road blocks for them to do so? I know you've all seen a blog that requires you to join, before you comment. Often those are here's my thoughts in your face, controversial type topics. They want to be read, but don't really want to encourage you to counter, to correct in some cases. They really don't seem to want the dialogue--so what's the point? You've probably also seen where comments aren't even an option........when I hit blogs like this, I never join and try not to return back. I'm not one that wants to blindly read and not communicate back. I also don't want to give them the readership they so crave. Blogging is a give and go. We all want readership, so reciprocate I say...go read other blogs, do for them what you want them to do for you.
Comments, anyone who says they don't care if they get comments, they blog for themselves....nah, I don't buy that. They want comments, they want followers, they want to know they've been read...chances are them saying they don't care if they get comments is their way of saying....I'm not taking time to reciprocate your comments. I often will read, comment several times; and if that blogger doesn't do the same, I move on. Blogging by definition is interactive. Interactive is not one sided.
Continuing on, we write to be read, we know we've been read, if we receive comments. Invite them, don't discourage them with those silly, hard to read, time consuming numbers and letters. They're annoying, they sometimes don't work. And, do they really keep you from getting spam? No, your filter does that. Do the professional spammers still spam you when you use them? Yes, they do. Comments need to be approved, more annoyance. This again takes time, this limits interaction, this delays communication. If you use the captchas because you think it prevents spam, why then do you also need to approve the comments before it's published? Do you need to approve the comments so you only print those that agree with you? If so, aren't you also limiting the interaction? To my way of thinking, yes you are. You're building road blocks and discouraging people to comment. Information grows as people read a blog and make comments. So if you're the 4th or 5th person leaving a comment you often have the ability to pick up additional information/opinions and interact with those commentors as well as the original blogger; but if your comment has to be approved first, that doesn't happen until much later, if at all.
Visit the blogs of those that visit you, don't read them in a reader. Do for them what they did for you, take the time to visit. Reading in a reader doesn't give the blog traffic, the traffic you got when they visited you. Don't take the easy way out and click reply via email to a question they've asked. Visit them, comment back, give them the time they gave you; the traffic they gave your blog. Be a reciprocal blogger, be an interactive blogger.
Being an interactive blogger is fun, that's how we meet new interesting people.
This is my B post for the Z-A challenge
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Starts for the trip
I generally like to start a few small projects in preparation for packing for a trip. I like to start it before leaving home to see if I'm going to like my idea rather than do that actually on the trip.
Here's my little start. A lacy scarf with 100% wool from one of my favorites Taos. This is I think a discontinued colorway. Why, I don't know because I really like it. Got it in the sale bin at my LYS (local yarn shop). Still not cheap, but more reasonably priced then it typical is. Taos is never cheap yarn to my way of thinking.
Holding it up here so you can see the lace pattern a bit. It's the old fashioned faggot stitch. Colorway is Tucson. When I originally purchase the yarn I thought I'd probably make myself a new scarf with it; but am now thinking maybe it will be a Christmas gift for youngest niece? Not sure yet. When I get further along I'll decide if it's youthful looking. This was one of the projects I started and put in my carry on bag for the trip to Mexico.
My plan for this past week to work on 10 rows for the corner to corner ghan for the homeless for The Bridge, and 10 rows for the scarf I'm working on my DD for Christmas fell a bit short. I did manage my 10 rows a day for the corner to corner ghan; but only managed 18 of 60 rows for the scarf assuming 10 x 6 through yesterday. I also planned to visit 5 people daily from my blog log and didn't manage that successfully daily--though yesterday hit a good number and just finished the remainder today. Seems lots of folks on my blog log aren't blogging as much as they used too, and for some reason Knitting by the Ocean--Joansie, is now a closed blog? Am receiving a message saying it seems you've not been invited to read this blog. What's up with that, anyone know? Joansie and I've been visiting and commenting on each other's blog a long time, so am puzzled and wonder if we've got a blogspot snafu of some sort.
Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend. I'm hoping to get 10 more rows on corner to corner, and see about catching up and or finishing DD scarf.
My plan for this past week to work on 10 rows for the corner to corner ghan for the homeless for The Bridge, and 10 rows for the scarf I'm working on my DD for Christmas fell a bit short. I did manage my 10 rows a day for the corner to corner ghan; but only managed 18 of 60 rows for the scarf assuming 10 x 6 through yesterday. I also planned to visit 5 people daily from my blog log and didn't manage that successfully daily--though yesterday hit a good number and just finished the remainder today. Seems lots of folks on my blog log aren't blogging as much as they used too, and for some reason Knitting by the Ocean--Joansie, is now a closed blog? Am receiving a message saying it seems you've not been invited to read this blog. What's up with that, anyone know? Joansie and I've been visiting and commenting on each other's blog a long time, so am puzzled and wonder if we've got a blogspot snafu of some sort.
Hope you all have a good rest of the weekend. I'm hoping to get 10 more rows on corner to corner, and see about catching up and or finishing DD scarf.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Ahhhhhh, how nice is this?

This award comes to me from Octopi, and here's her blog note regarding it.
Octopi Crafts was given an award! Thanks Cotton and Cloud!
Here's the rules:
1) Put the award on your blog
2) Put a link on your blog of the blogger who gave you the award
3) Nominate 5 other bloggers...
Sandy's Space
A great blog about crocheting and life! Sandy also recently started another blog devoted to helping the homeless of Ohio, The Bridge Project
Muchas Gracias for this sweet award. You sure know how to make someone feel good. Now, I must give some thought as to whom to pass this award along too....stay tuned.
(finished a pair of mittens last night and am almost finished with a scarf for the homeless project. Gonna work some on the Candy Corn Ghan, thats been in the works for a realllllllly long time, while I'm watching the super bowl).
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