
As the close of 2008 is upon us, I thought it appropiate to do some reflection. Looking back, this is my dads side of the family. Can you see the German oozing out all over! lol. Goodness me. To the far right seated with his pocket watch chain showing, the head of the family (no question there...being the head, look at how even seated his authority shows!) is Wilhelm Heinrich Mader. He was born in Germany, immigrated as a single man alone to this country, at the age of 20. The year of his immigration was 1850. Six years later in 1856 he became a US Citizen. Physical descriptions of him indicate he had blue eyes, a large nose, oval face, and was 6 foot 1/2 inches tall. Looking at the picture, it's apparent he was indeed a big man; especially for those times. And thus my story starts to unfold. This picture is a treasure, one I feel lucky to have. One of Wilhelm's son's was a professional photographer and thus...we do have family pictures from that time sooooooooo long ago
As the days unfold in our new year of 2009, I'll tell more of the story...this is the beginning.
Further reflections of the year:
It's been a difficult one regarding my mom's health; both physically and emotionally. I hope the new year brings new hope in that direction
My daughter will start her last symester of grad school and we're planning for her graduation in May and what comes after. Presumably a move from Baltimore back to her beloved St. Louis and a job. Where or when that story can be told is unknown to us currently.
I have tremendous hope for the future of our country under new leadership and look forward to President Obama and his very capable team. I know much hard work is needed to make strides in any direction, and know the changes can't take place over night.
I hope the year 2009 brings us closer to solving some of the problems that face this country, high un-employment, health care for the masses, improved education, and a shot a peace in our life time. War is most certainly NOT the solution.
I hope and pray our men and women abroad come home soon, stay safe and return to their loved ones.
I did not make my charity goal, though I came very close. It's possible if I stay off the computer, and don't do my cleaning, or my laundry I could wip up some squares, or rectangles, or finish a couple of my works in progress; but...I don't think I can let that be my goal today. I've read with appreciation some words from Bunny, and Ghost and a few of you other special blogging friends and am not beating up myself over it. I will do what I can when I can and always strive for more; but not feel badly if I'm unable to do more.
2009's charity goal will probably remain the same number 200 items, it's nice to have a goal to work towards. I'm thrilled to have met so many new people this year here in the blogging world and love seeing how many people are willing and able to help each other. That gives me tremendous hope for our future.
Happy New Year one and all!
Please be safe
Please check out my 2nd blog, a local charity drive,
The Bridge Project.