This is the prettiest Chocolate Martini I've ever had. It was also the most tasty! A real work of art, don't ya think? This was my desert a month or so back when hubby and I and good friends Elizabeth and Kevin enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Coastal Capri Restaurant
These hideous pamphlets were distributed in Dayton, Ohio by The KKK. Yes the KKK is alive and well and very active, as are many obnoxious White Supremacist Groups. I've posted pictures of a march with White Supremacist that took place not far from my house recently. The Orange Convicted FELON has green lighted this horrible behavior. They yell anti Black, anti-Semantic Rants. They take over streets, they bully and strike fear everywhere we go. Currently this horrible Administration has deported people without trials, some that are people with green cards and some are US Citizens. This should anger and frighten everyone.
This is my 6th afghan project since January of this year. I've had tons of squares, rectangles etc donated to me for years. I had a grass roots charity called Bridge and Beyond for 14 years that benefited the Homeless Shelters in my area. Several years ago I had to disband the charity; but have continued to work my way through my stash and donated pieces parts. You see small squares, and large squares here. This will be more tedious to work on than some of my more recent afghans. Sizing this will be a challenge, and I don't have a lot of an appropriate color of yarn to pull this together. Orange, Black, and Green, and not a full skein of any of them. It's not a great picture, but turned it so it would be oriented the same as the picture below.First thing I had to do was unravel several rows of the very large variegated square (3rd row in 2nd from the left side of the picture. I was able to use some of that on a few of the other squares. Likewise I unraveled the too large square top right 5th row in, as it wouldn't fit and was misshapen. If I had more yarn to size, I might have left the large squares and made the others as large; but ...that's not what I have to work with, so adjustments are needed. I've made headway, and see the need to unravel a row of the large orangish squares first row, 2nd square. It's a process! Might call this Autumn, or Fall, or Halloween, or Trick er Treat. Will see how it comes along to determine.
The latest beautiful bouquet of flowers darling hubby got me.
Same bouquet, but the other side so you can see all the pretty colors, and the variety of the flowers.Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. I don't want to say much, as I don't want to give away much about the book; but fun, interesting, sad here and there. Strong women often have a hard time of things. Not all women were born wanting to be housewives and mothers.
A true story, lost at sea on a secret mission. Was it so secret no one knew where they were? A battle of wills, who's in charge. Full of suspense and courage and desperate measures.
Vietnam Vet, living off the grid. An abusive situation for both the wife and daughter. How does one find their way under such horrible circumstances.
I may be one of a few who has NOT seen the show. I purposely avoided it wanting to read the book first. Not sure why I waited so long to read/listen to this. Frightening and the parallels with what this current far right swing is trying to do to our country should make everyone wonder why anyone would have voted for The FELON and JD Vance. If I hear Vance say one more time women should stay in an abusive relationship, women without children aren't an important part of our society etc. I'm going to scream from the rooftops.