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Showing posts with label WWII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWII. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

This and That, Pieces Parts, Bits and Bobs, Deportation


This is the prettiest Chocolate Martini I've ever had.  It was also the most tasty!  A real work of art, don't ya think?  This was my desert a month or so back when hubby and I and good friends Elizabeth and Kevin enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Coastal Capri Restaurant 
These hideous pamphlets were distributed in Dayton, Ohio by The KKK.  Yes the KKK is alive and well and very active, as are many obnoxious White Supremacist Groups.  I've posted pictures of a march with White Supremacist that took place not far from my house recently.  The Orange Convicted FELON has green lighted this horrible behavior.  They yell anti Black, anti-Semantic Rants.  They take over streets, they bully and strike fear everywhere we go.  Currently this horrible Administration has deported people without trials, some that are people with green cards and some are US Citizens.  This should anger and frighten everyone. 

This is my 6th afghan project since January of this year.  I've had tons of squares, rectangles etc donated to me for years.  I had a grass roots charity called Bridge and Beyond for 14 years that benefited the Homeless Shelters in my area.  Several years ago I had to disband the charity; but have continued to work my way through my stash and donated pieces parts.    You see small squares, and large squares here.  This will be more tedious to work on than some of my more recent afghans.  Sizing this will be a challenge, and I don't have a lot of an appropriate color of yarn to pull this together.  Orange, Black, and Green, and not a full skein of any of them.  It's not a great picture, but turned it so it would be oriented the same as the picture below.

First thing I had to do was unravel several rows of the very large variegated square (3rd row in 2nd from the left side of the picture.  I was able to use some of that on a few of the other squares.  Likewise I unraveled the too large square top right 5th row in, as it wouldn't fit and was misshapen.  If I had more yarn to size, I might have left the large squares and made the others as large; but ...that's not what I have to work with, so adjustments are needed.  I've made headway, and see the need to unravel a row of the large orangish squares first row, 2nd square.  It's a process!  Might call this Autumn, or Fall, or Halloween, or Trick er Treat.  Will see how it comes along to determine.

The latest beautiful bouquet of flowers darling hubby got me.
Same bouquet, but the other side so you can see all the pretty colors, and the variety of the flowers.

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.  I don't want to say much, as I don't want to give away much about the book; but fun, interesting, sad here and there.  Strong women often have a hard time of things.  Not all women were born wanting to be housewives and mothers.
A true story, lost at sea on a secret mission.  Was it so secret no one knew where they were?  A battle of wills, who's in charge.  Full of suspense and courage and desperate measures.
Vietnam Vet, living off the grid.  An abusive situation for both the wife and daughter.  How does one find their way under such horrible circumstances.
I may be one of a few who has NOT seen the show.  I purposely avoided it wanting to read the book first.  Not sure why I waited so long to read/listen to this.  Frightening and the parallels with what this current far right swing is trying to do to our country should make everyone wonder why anyone would have voted for The FELON and JD Vance.  If I hear Vance say one more time women should stay in an abusive relationship, women without children aren't an important part of our society etc.  I'm going to scream from the rooftops.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Afghans Galore, What's Happening in Sprinfield, Audio Books, Nantucket and The Philippines Audiobooks.


Pink Petals is coming along, a bit slower than I like but headway is being made.  I usually don't add as wide of a border to squares when I'm making them all the same size, I thought more of the light pink was needed to help tone down how bright this was.  As a result, it's taking me longer, using more yarn (which ok, since I'm trying to use up my stash), and requires more crocheting.  

This was one of the piles of squares I had to lay out and design afghans and then search my stash for what yarn might work with edging to size and joining them.  Once I do that I put the designed afghan in a project bag and then they go on my shelves in the basement.  Most are named at that time, but sometimes I change my mind as I start working on them.  From memory I think I have somewhere around 30; not counting the ones I've already made.  Been at this for years and have made 81 so far, I think.  Just tried to count my files

You've no doubt seen a large number of meme's after the debate.  There have been some good ones, so thought I'd share these with you.

Another fun batch of Elin Hilderbrand books.  The island has the usual fun romance to it, but ventures away a bit from Nantucket to the remote secluded island of Tuckernuck.  Sorta roughing it 3 family members get their lives back in order after a canceled wedding, a broken heart, and a tragedy.  Good reads rating for this book is 3.89...I gave it 5 stars, but then I think I've given all her books, or certainly the majority of them 5's.  I just find them so enjoyable.
 Love Season has more mystery to it, then some of her books.  Mystery around a death and who's at fault.  Going against Dad's rules to seek out a forbidden aunt.  Good Reads has this one rated 3.69

The Matchmaker is a bit different, romance of course is involved, as are family secrets; but does she have the gift of 3rd sight/seeing into future.  42 Happy Couples think so.  This one is rated 3.90

WWII, The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese bombing of Luzon, the last stand at Bataan, the largest surrender in US history, The horrific Bataan Death March.  3 young friends wanted adventure when they left home before Pearl Harbor have many trials as they fight to survive.  This book is not a documentary, but is inspired by true stories.  It was rated 4.56.  I think in general people know less about this part of the war then what took place in Europe.  We never really held The Japanese accountable like we did The Germans.  They was no Nuremberg equivalent.  

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Yarn, Yard Work, and Not Enough Yoga...or is it Not Enough Time!


You may remember this scarf from a couple of posts back.  I needed a project with bigger yarn that I could see for something to do on a flight.  I barely got it started, back in July when we flew to Salt Lake, Utah.  I took it recently for a long flight to and from France and have made really good headway.  My lighting wasn't very good when I took the pictures, so tried editing it to show you the colors.  I mentioned before this scarf should work well for a man or a woman I think, given the color blend.
I normally try to work in my tails as I go because I hate doing them; but I didn't have my scizzors or darning needles so wasn't able to.  

Have you read either of these books?  I had to return them to the library before I got to read them, as I had several from my wait list that came all at the same time.
The first is a true story, one girls accounting of life in a concentration camp.  Not sure how different it will be than many of the others I listened to/read.  The 2nd is about the war in the African theater which is a part of WWII I know less about so eventually I plan to circle back around to it.

While another book about WWII, this book is a bit different.  It deals mostly with those Jewish people who escaped into the wilderness to hide from the Nazi's.  A girl who's kidnapped at an early age and learns the ways of the wilderness is able to help protect some of these Jewish escapees.  I really enjoyed this book.

Down, down, down.  Argh.  I went backward in August, only did yoga once (was 3 x the previous month), I fell down with planks as well, dropped from 12 x the previous month to 9 in August, fell from 14 walks to 5, from 134.4 miles to 90.15 miles.  Sigh...I'm not surprised as I did lots and lots of yard work.  I did yard work 13 days, you just don't get many steps when working in the yard.  I do consider yardwork tiring and very good exercise though.  September I know will be another down month, as we were scheduled to be on tour in France for a little over 2 weeks...however we were cancelled from the tour due to getting Covid.  So spending time isolating in a hotel room and then lots of time on a plane getting back to the states....well you can see there's not going to be good numbers.  Both still quite tired from the Covid and bummed about not getting to go on our tour.  We've managed all this time to stay healthy and not get it.......lousy timing for sure.

Hoping to have a project or two finished for the next blog post, stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Knitting, Wine, Yard Work ...Thank Goodness for Audio Books.


Making headway with Snail Hollow Shawl.  Infact, I'm on the last section.  Not sure if you can see in the picture but am picking up stitches on the straight side to do the edging.  Then I'll need to tuck in tails where all the color changes happened.  I've mentioned before how difficult I find these colors to work with on the eyes.  Trying to pick up stitches is a chore.  I'm only part way through that process.  But, since my last picture I've completed two more sections, so I'm getting there.  This pattern has been problematic.  Both my daughter and I feel it's poorly written, as do a few folks over on Ravelry that made it.  The designer is Erika Flory.  I probably would shy away from purchasing another of her designs.  Not because I don't like the look; but because the pattern isn't well written.  Too many opportunities to guess at what should or shouldn't be.

Hubby and I really enjoyed this bottle of Chianti, Nippozzano Reserve 2018.  We purchased this at Costco's.  Chianti isn't generally a favorite for us, often we feel it's a bit heavy...but this was quite good and I think from memory was under $30.00.  We'll definately get this one again.  Very smooth.

I've mentioned before how many books written by Pam Jenoff I've read and liked (listened to actually).  The Kommandants Girl (book 1) followed by 

The Diplomats Wife (book 2), are 2 more I highly recommend.  I blogged about the author and why her historical books are so riveting.  That post is HERE.

Yes both are about WWII.  Add them to your list to read folks.

I mentioned in my previous post I had been doing lots of yard work which is why I hadn't been knitting, so thought I'd share a few more pictures of the flowers in my yard.  Cone flowers in the back ground, and an old fashion Flocks in the center.  Sadly most of these flowers are now done and I'm losing the color in my yard.  
Black eye Susans provide lots of contrast to the Cone Flowers.  I took these pictures over the last couple of weeks at the peak of the color.

Stella d'Oro generally bloom before the rest of the lillies, but, if you don't cut them back, they will bloom a bit later, just not as many blooms.  I love the yellow.

Hope you're all enjoying the end of summer.  It's gone too fast for my liking, and soon fall will be upon us.  I never look forward to fall as I know winter follows it.  I am not a fan of winter, cold, snow or ice.

Friday, July 01, 2022

Knitting, Audio Books, Movies, Exercising, and The Supreme Court


Making headway with the worsted weight asymmetrical scarf.  Trying to decide on size.  I'd like to start and end with the same color (purple), which is where I currently am; but it doesn't seem quite large enough...but I think doing 3 more sections of jade, gray, purple will be large.  Soooooo, do I make this purple section wide and call it?  Do I make the next round smaller sections than I have been doing?  Would love some input folks.  Worked on this while listening to the hearing the other day.  I've watched almost all of them, but this latest one with Cassidy Hutchinson.  WOW!!  I really couldn't work on something that required much attention.

Haven't  worked on the variegated sock yarn asymmetrical scarf using the same pattern as above, so no no headway there.  Have continued to work on the Snail Hallow Shawl, but it doesn't really look any different, so didn't bother with another picture.
Two stars that I really enjoy.  Had not heard of this movie from , but then as I have mentioned before, hubby and I don't go to the movies.  And rarely know what's out; but often I hear people talking about a movie they've seen.  This is directed by Rob Reiner, so you know it's funny.  In my previous post, I said I tend to watch different shows when hubby's not around; though I don't think he would have called this a "chick flick".  I stumbled onto it while he was out of town on business.  Care to watch the trailer....Click Here.

Facing The Mountain by Daniel James Brown is a true story of Rudy Tokiwa, Fred Shiosaki, Kats Miho, and Gordon Hirabayashi and their families.  The families were in concentration camps after Pearl Harbor, while 3 of their sons fought bravely in The War.  The 4th gentlemen fought in the courts.  This is an award wining book.  A New York Times best seller, a NPR's "books we love in 2021, and Christopher AWard, among other awards.  Put it on your list folks.

Up's and downs.  I did better this month (June) with planks.  Doubled since May was 6 and June was 12.  Yeah!
Yoga...boo me, May was 11 x June only 6.
Walking...actually going for a walk was 7 x in June vs 12 in May, and mileage down from 119.62 to 103.07.  
**Still mowing and doing lots of yard work, so there's that.  Need still to get this recorded on my Exercise tab.
Expressing my disgust with the Supreme Court.  3 of those judges absolutely lied under oath with their hands on The Bible.  I feel like woman have been set back 50 years and fear more is to come.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Knitting, Voting, Audio Books and Exercise


Picked up the blue and white corner to corner blanket again.   You can see  HERE how much it's grown.  The blue section has been completed and the 2nd white section, and now onto another blue section.  The decrease has also been started, so am now over half way with this.  

Oh Ohio!   What hot mess.  I know it's been discussed in some detail around the country.  Ridiculous amount of Republicans running for one spot, all but one trying hard to get the endorsement of "the orange one" , which tells you how pathetic the race was.  All we can hope for now is the author of Hillbilly Elegy doesn't win in the election.  Sad to me that he won the primary for that party, given how dysfunction he is.  Several of the debates almost came to fist fights between the Republicans.  Anyway, did my part yesterday and voted against them all.

Haven't done anymore work on the pretty asymmetrical scarf pictured in the last post.  Nor anymore work on the brown afghan.

My yoga mat on top of my Life Board.  I did much better in April with Yoga.  March was only 2 x, April was 8 x and in March the sessions were 30-35 minutes, in April 30-45 minutes with a total of 367 minutes or 6.11 hours.

PLANKS...I did them 9 x in April, which is the same as in March.  No going backward which is good, plus the last couple of days in March I increased the time from 4 x 40 seconds with 11 seconds of rest to 4 x 45 seconds with 13 seconds of rest.  So, that brings up to 3 minutes of planks.  I did side planks a few times which is the same as March.

WALKING...I jumped from 9 walks in March to 12 in April (which includes a couple of times mowing the yard). Fitbit says 128.34 miles which is up from March at 104.61.  I had 2 days of 8 miles.  April's mileage is the best of 2022 so far.

Elie Wiesel's "Night", is a memoir of his life in 1944 and 1945 in Auschwitz and Buchenwald.  Parts of heart breaking, parts are inspiring as so many of these stories from Nazi's horrific treatment of the Jews and others they didn't side with Hitler.  While many of these books from WWII aren't pleasant or fun or light reading; they are important.  We must NEVER forget what happened so that we may keep it from happening again.  History must be our teacher and our moral compass.

Can anyone identify these yellow flowers?  I spotted them on a recent walk through the neighborhood.  I know they're a perineal from a brief conversation with the homeowner who happened to be out in his yard.  He told me what they were, but I didn't remember by the time I got home, darn it!  He said I could come and get a start if I wanted.  I might take him up on his kind offer.  Now to remember which corner I was on.  I rarely walk the same route, and when walking get engrossed in listening to my book...so it may take me some work to locate this corner again.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Knitting, and Walking Help Keep one Sane


Making headway with the corner to corner blanket/afghan.  In fact made more headway after taking the photo.  Did a section of the blue you see and now have moved onto an orangey color.  When I measured it as you see it, the sides were about 32 inches.  May do about 45 inches per side and then begin the decrease.

Have made more headway also with the scarf, but didn't take another picture, it doesn't look that different.

Crossing The Borders of Time by Leslie Maitland.  The author, an investigative journalist was interested in his mothers stories of escaping Nazi Germany.  This  book,  like many about WWII, tells of hardship, love and lost...as you would expect.  Interesting to me though was learning about camps set up in Cuba for escaping Jews.  Put this book on your list folks and see first hand how one overcomes betrayal, even within the family.

Back out of town where the weather is nicer, and so have been able to get some walking on the beach; though not the distances I really need to get rollin again with steps and miles.  Planks have sadly taken a back seat for the time being.  There's always next week.

I've uploaded this photo as my banner on Facebook, and this picture as my profile picture.

I don't want WWIII, but feel like Ukraine needs a helping hand in it's fight to save it's own country from the monster Putin.  Such troubling times.

***Knitted on the plane, knitting here, knitting helps keep me sane, especially after reading the news.


Friday, January 21, 2022

Squares and Diamonds, Blanket of Many Colors, WWII, Blogging Etiquette

 LOTS of headway made on The blanket of many colors since the last picture/post.  The individual squares have been completed from the 3 that were partial done in the last photo, and two rows of squares/diamonds have been joined, and 2 rows have been joined together.  Next up, played with color a bit more and have planned the next row of 3 diamonds which is 12 squares.  Once the diamonds are joined with the color of the diamond, the group of 4 squares is joined using dark gray to create a bit of a window pane effect.

No additional picture of the Blue Baby Blanket, as I've not worked anymore on it.  Next time should have an update.

Another good WWII book to recommend to you all.  War, Italy, Christian vs Jewish.  The layers of war, occupation, and resistance....and yes LOVE.  Our Darkest Night, by Jennifer Robson needs to be on your to do list.  I'm continuing to prefer audio books from the library using the Libby app.  It's easy, free, and keeps my hands free to do other things.  When indoors I knit and or do household chores; when outside, I listen while I walk.  

Exercising is continuing pretty well.  

From Jan 3 todate, have planked 8 days of 18 (through yesterday since today is not complete), have done a bike ride 4 days of 11 (didn't have a bike for 7 days), Have gone for a walk 8 days of 18, and have taken 179,997 steps in those 18 days for an average of 9,999 steps per day according to Fitbit.  The above map shows bike and walking paths/trails available to me currently.

Seven Rules of Proper Blogging Etiquette
  • Always, always, always link back. Often bloggers will use photos from other blogs or sites. ...
  • Only use ONE photo. ...
  • Comment back. ...
  • Don't copy. ...
  • Cite your inspiration. ...
  • Don't accuse someone else of copying you unless you are 100% sure they did. ...
  • Be nice.

Been a long time since I've read about the above, or written about it.  Was thinking this am about the number of bloggers I visit, read, and comment on vs those that read, and comment in return.  That's what caused me to google blogging etiquette.  In all the years I've blogged, I've never heard anyone mention only one photo..........what's with that?  Beyond that, the list is as I remember it. I do wonder why people don't comment back, or worse yet those that comment with something that has nothing to do with the blog post...so you know they didn't read it at all.  Bloggers come and go, and I'm constantly updating my blog list.  Often I add new folks, but sometimes there's a need to delete someone because they're no longer active, never return a comment, or have stopped blogging.  So, over the next few days, I'll be reviewing and doing that to make my list more current.