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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Afghans Galore, What's Happening in Sprinfield, Audio Books, Nantucket and The Philippines Audiobooks.


Pink Petals is coming along, a bit slower than I like but headway is being made.  I usually don't add as wide of a border to squares when I'm making them all the same size, I thought more of the light pink was needed to help tone down how bright this was.  As a result, it's taking me longer, using more yarn (which ok, since I'm trying to use up my stash), and requires more crocheting.  

This was one of the piles of squares I had to lay out and design afghans and then search my stash for what yarn might work with edging to size and joining them.  Once I do that I put the designed afghan in a project bag and then they go on my shelves in the basement.  Most are named at that time, but sometimes I change my mind as I start working on them.  From memory I think I have somewhere around 30; not counting the ones I've already made.  Been at this for years and have made 81 so far, I think.  Just tried to count my files

You've no doubt seen a large number of meme's after the debate.  There have been some good ones, so thought I'd share these with you.

Another fun batch of Elin Hilderbrand books.  The island has the usual fun romance to it, but ventures away a bit from Nantucket to the remote secluded island of Tuckernuck.  Sorta roughing it 3 family members get their lives back in order after a canceled wedding, a broken heart, and a tragedy.  Good reads rating for this book is 3.89...I gave it 5 stars, but then I think I've given all her books, or certainly the majority of them 5's.  I just find them so enjoyable.
 Love Season has more mystery to it, then some of her books.  Mystery around a death and who's at fault.  Going against Dad's rules to seek out a forbidden aunt.  Good Reads has this one rated 3.69

The Matchmaker is a bit different, romance of course is involved, as are family secrets; but does she have the gift of 3rd sight/seeing into future.  42 Happy Couples think so.  This one is rated 3.90

WWII, The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese bombing of Luzon, the last stand at Bataan, the largest surrender in US history, The horrific Bataan Death March.  3 young friends wanted adventure when they left home before Pearl Harbor have many trials as they fight to survive.  This book is not a documentary, but is inspired by true stories.  It was rated 4.56.  I think in general people know less about this part of the war then what took place in Europe.  We never really held The Japanese accountable like we did The Germans.  They was no Nuremberg equivalent.  


  1. Love your creativity. Isn't it wonderful to find an author whose work you always enjoy?

    1. Yes it really is nice to lock onto a particular author. I'm soon to run out of her books though. Thank you for loving my creativity.

  2. It's good to have a project like Pink Petals to work on!

    1. I've had lots of these projects, and eventually I hope to get them all done; but it's not an over night process, lol.

  3. What’s happening in Springfield dismays me to my very core. I could never have imagined the day when people running for the highest office in the land could have spewed such lies, with such terrible consequences. And then along came Trump and Vance, and the millions who will vote for them. The world has gone mad.

    1. I'm sick about the Springfield situation. I just don't understand the cruelty of that ticket continuing to do this. Now more bomb threats, each one causing people to be afraid, costing the tax payers more money. It's a despicable situation.

  4. Pink petals is coming along beautifully. 81 blankets that's amazing and shows how much you must enjoy making them.

    1. I do enjoy making them, and donating them.

  5. ...after the debate we need to find humor if we can and found some! Take care Sandy

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Right you are about finding humor, otherwise we'll go crazy. Thanks

  6. The meme game has been on fire! I'm enjoying it because it distracts me from my fear of Trump getting back into office. Love your creativity with the quilts!

    1. The meme are helping us cope for sure. The fact that people still support him after all he's done just blows my mind and has me very fearful for our country. Thank you for you kind words about my creativity.

  7. Wow, that's a lot of afghans. It's nice to have something to reach for when you want to do a bit of crochet, and it's good to be using up the stash too.

    1. I hadn't realized how many I had made until I looked at my photo's. I just keep at it, but still there's lots to do.

  8. Pink Petals looks very nice.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Victor. It's taking me longer than normal as I've got too much going on; but I'm getting there.

  9. What a lovely collection of pretty pink Afghan squares.
    Getting close to time I can crochet. Too hot in Dixie to have lots of crocheting in my lap in the summer
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. I hear ya on the heat. I do ok with the squares until it's time to put them together, then I try to hold it on a stool off to the side so I don't have the whole heavy thing on my lap at the same time. Even with that method, I have to take a break, cause it gets hot.

  10. Wow - you've made a lot of afghans! I really like pink petals.
    I really like Elin Hildebrand books and will have to check these out.

  11. Creating an afghan is a lot of work!!

  12. Lovely work! Long ago I made an afghan and it took a long time. Never tried again, but sure have a lot of respect for those who make such works of art.
    Springfield is a tragedy. A national embarrassment. Where have all these ignorant people come from?


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