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Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Snow Go Away, It's Spring, Full Body Vibration Plate


Dinner is served.  This was a quick, and easy dinner.  Panko crusted friend shrimp.  Very good, and super crunchy.  Didn't bother to dig out the toaster oven/air fryer.  Putting them on a cookie sheet in the oven actually works better.  Broccoli 4 minutes in the microwave (very little water is needed).  I never cook broccoli in a pan on the stove top anymore.  Comes out much better and not mushy in the microwave.  Salad is fruit and cottage cheese.  Here I used canned Mandarin oranges.  I really like almost any fruit and or a good ripe tomato with cottage cheese.  Topped off with a nice glass of Pinto Grigio.

Mother Nature got confused.  This was just a few days ago.  We had about 3 inches, I think.  It was a very wet and heavy snow.  This tree branch is hanging about 3.5 feet below where it normally is.  This is the Crap Apple all pretty with it's pink blossoms, but heavy laden with snow.  Argh.  Hope it doesn't get ruined.  This is late April for crying out loud, we shouldn't be getting snow this late.  This photo was taken through the window of my deck door and this tree made us feel almost locked in.

I finished this book..........learned so many things about this courageous woman.  I highly recommend this book to read or listen to.  I really enjoyed listening, as the lady reading it did a wonderful job changing her voice when she was speaking as Eleanor or as her Mother-in-law, Mama etc.  Put it on your list.

Started this book, but am sorry to say I stopped it.  I found it a bit long in the tooth, which disappoints me, as I think she was an incredible woman.  I've listened to 13% of this book and then switched to

listening to this book, read by Stacey Abrams and am really enjoying it.  I've just over 1/3 of the way into this one (32%).  While I say I am enjoying it, am also finding it maddening.  I know voter suppression exists, it's in the news all the time.  But, I had no idea how badly Republicans push to keep people of color from voting.  It's beyond shameful and repulsive.  Not just in her state of Georgia, but she speaks about that the most.

Perhaps, when I finish this, I'll go back to RBG and try a bit more.

No new pictures of my teal shawl, though it is growing in size.  (see previous post).

I have picked up on my yoga again, trying to do it more often.  On nicer days getting out to do my walks and get my steps in, and have done some yard work.  I've ordered a full body vibration plate/whole body vibration plate.  Several of my Fitbit friends have them and swear by them.  Have you heard about them?  Do you have one?  

This is the one I ordered.  99.00 at Target, and Walmart, and Amazon.  But, the return policy on Amazon was very bad, so went with Target which is close to home, should I need to return it.  It's being shipped in about 10 days.  Has 99 speeds, and 10 presets.  The LifePro is what my friends have, but I opted for the lesser expensive brand. (Saved $50.00).  They appear to be very similar in terms of size and options.  One big difference is LifePro has a community component to it, and the lesser expensive model, Best Products doesn't.   

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

Ok, that's a saying cause clearly I don't have a picture here; but wait a minute. You're driving to and from work every house you pass has snow melting; but still plenty of snow piled up along the walk and drive. Businesses have mounds still in parking lots from the plows piling it up storm after storm. You here kids voices, they're walking home from school BAREFOOT! BAREFOOT and wearing SHORTS!!! Not one or two, lots of them. I saw them all the way home. Smaller age kids playing in their front yards the same thing. Are people nuts? It's not summer, it's not even Spring. There's still Snow...you know the cold white stuff on the ground. Yeah I know teenagers do stupid things and might have gone nuts over the fact that the sun had finally come out and the snow was finally melting. I know they think they can do whatever they want and probably where wearing the gym shorts, and had shoes in their bookbags....but come on. It was pretty, the sun was out; but it was just barely 50 for a few hours. We had frost again that night, it's still winter.

And what the heck is wrong with parents? The small children, some younger than school age dressed the same playing in yards didn't just do this themselves. They are home with adults, they are playing barefoot next to a pile of snow!

I can't tell ya how disgusted I was. Parents and teachers are suppose to be teaching kids to be responsible. What adult thinks it's responsible behavior to be barefoot in the winter time with snow still about?

Any idea how many will get sick, not be able to go to school because of it? I shake my head. Parents have a job, and sometimes you're suppose to lead by example and sometimes you're suppose to say no. When the welfare, safety and health of your children is a stake you most certainly are suppose to put your foot down.

Gonna have to grab some yarn and relax a bit. Almost finished with a scarf for the homeless and I can guarantee you as nice as the sun was that one day for them, they weren't running around shoeless wearing shorts.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No More SNOW. No more PLEASE

Please click to enlarge these photo's so you can see what I was photographing. Just to the left of the 2nd tree.....the tree on the right is a sign. A for sale sign for the house of the bad neighbor. The sign is almost 100% covered by the snow!!
We often go outside, even with snow on the ground to sit and enjoy the serenity. Thus the furniture and outdoor heat thing you see on the table top are still in place. Too much snow, even for us. Our neighbors, I'm sure think we're way way beyond odd for going out and enjoying the weather in winters past. This year.......NO, we've not gone out and sat. Way way too cold.
Chairs? Only an inch or so and you'd not even be able to tell the difference between the top or bottom of the chair. I should add, chairs in other's yard are probably taller with snow piles because these chairs aren't solid...they are steel mesh....so lots and lots of places for the snow to fall through BEFORE it become solid and starts adding up.
Looking to the right out the deck door . The longest ice cycle there is about 5 foot long. Probably would have been longer, but I've knocked some of these off a few times.
If this picture doesn't make you feel cold...yikes. This is out back. The V...in the tree at right is about 3 feet from the ground. Across the back...are large grasses....you can't see them, they are totally covered with the white cold stuff.

I am soooooooooooooo very tired of snow, so very tired of ice, so very tired of CoLd. This picture is after the 3rd or was it the 4th storm? I've lost track. Early morning out the back, looking at our deck through one of the back bedroom windows. Look at the ice hanging from the roof. I've knocked it off a couple of times, not that you can tell. We've had a record of 27 inches of snow so far this half of the shortest month of February...AND drum roll, that's 26 inches MORE than is normal. I am, tired of it, as are most people in the area; but bite your tongue please, there are over 12,000 homeless people living...........or trying to stay alive in these conditions in this area. Can you Help? Yes, you can...everyone can, not perhaps in the same way..........but each and everyone of you CAN HELP, so PLEASE, Please, PLEASE do.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Before the Second Snow Storm

snow covered treesDay before yesterday, this is what we traveled home to. It was pretty, sun out, but cold and snow was everywhere. Our street had been plowed but look at the volume on the edge. Our community always does a good job with the streets; but then they can since it's a small community and not a large amount to work on. Others sure aren't that lucky.
snow sceneOur wonderful neighbor used his snow blower to take care of our drive and walk which made getting in with the luggage easier. It wasn't long though before the sun disappeared and the 2nd storm hit. We got snow during the night and hubby shoveled before work (couple of inches), and again when he came home for lunch (couple more inches). It continued snowing all day. When good neighbor got home for work, he got out the blower and he and hubby together went at it again. It was slowing down a bit when we called it a night last night; but as I look out again this morning....street, walk, and drive are once again covered.

This weather is difficult for all of us, but I keep thinking about those homeless folks without a roof over their heads to ward off the cold snow.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snow fun when you're Young

Let me show you how to do it Mom
This shovel's heavy
I can run with it
She's taking my picture
Some of you might recognize my cute little guy. He's growing and so helpful around the house. lol I took these photo's looking out my window having fun watching him in his p.j.'s shoveling the drive. Kids are sooooooooo much fun.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snow Days are Different

snow sceneSchools are closed today, (or were the day I took this photo). This is a schedule post, so the day was a few days ago. We've gotten fresh snow every day now for a couple of weeks. It's pretty, but very cold. This was taken out my dining room door window. Right through the glass before I even had my first cup of coffee. Can you feel the cold? The snow isn't so much why the kids had the day off from school, but the strong winds which made the chill well below zero for kids standing waiting on a school bus.

I remember how excited my daughter would get as a kid when there was a snow day. Our routine then was to bundle up, and go for pancakes a local old dinner. She was out of school the day before this when St. Louis got socked with even colder temperatures then we had here in Ohio. That's pretty weird, normally they're warmer. She's now a school teacher; some things never change. She was still pretty excited to have a snow day. lol; though she spent the day grading papers, writing lesson's plans and getting a bit done from home.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

No No, Not SNOW

Snow, that's what this is folks. Ugh. Remember it will soon be this time again. Moving pictures from memory sticks, CD's, and my old computer; trying so hard to get everything on the computer and into proper folders then do a massive back up and pitch the old stack of stuff. Always trying to get more organized. In so doing, I came across this picture. Sorry it's a bit blurred and dark. I took this looking at the window at my fabulous neighbor. You've gotten a glimpse of my bad neighbor with his dandelions...now you can see my wonderful good neighbor as he's snow blowing for me.

Thought you'd get a kick out of this, if it's still hot wherever you are. And sadly, it's a reminder to us all of the season ahead. Can you imagine being homeless, living outside without a roof over you head in these conditions? I can't either, and yet I know it happens. If you're not aware of my homeless project, please hop over Here and read about it. See if there's a way you can help. Thanks.

Do you dread winter and snow?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

WIP, FO...and progress there of

Posted recently completed scarf and mittens on The Bridge Project page, 2 less WIP and one more FO (work in progress AND finished object for you non crafters), and here is some more progress on perhaps the longest living wip I've had. The Candy Corn Ghan...it's not a real square and I don't want it to be, sorta modern version of a square if you will. I won't it to be off...and funky, but traditional in it's colors at the same time. So, it's a real piece work. A few rows of this, then I stare and decide what to do next based on the amount of whatever color I have.

Fabulous massage yesterday, need to run errands next, sun is melting some of the snow....see me dancing in the streets?

**wonderful updates on The Bridge Blog, please hop over via the badge on my side bar.
***working a bit on Twitter...jury's still out on that to see if I'll carry it forward....

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Come, Look out my Window!

These are the views out my windows this morning. Here in Central Ohio, it's really coming down. The blanket of white is pretty; but........it's on top of the freezing rain we had last night; the freezing rain was after we had several inches of snow. So, it's really pretty nasty out there. Businesses and schools around town are closed. We're at a level II Snow Emergency. That translates to, you're not suppose to go out unless you absoltely have to. Sadly, my phone hasn't rung to tell me work's been canceled. Errrrrrrrrr.

Didn't leave work til 8pm last night, after not making quota; so I know today will be no better. My boss was home early. They, the administrative staff all left about 4pm, when it was starting to get bad; but not us. The phone crew left early, at least those that actually came in. You see (for some who don't know), I work doing food taste tests for market research. So, last night only a few testers came in and there were only a few of us there performing the test. Luckily, I live only 4.5 miles from where I work; but I was the ONLY one on the road last night as I drove home. It was slippery.

Pretty to look out the window at, but I quess I don't just get to admire it from afar.

Stay warm, stay safe all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday and wackiness!

This green wool scarf was a bit of an experiment. The green yarn was left over from something my mother-in-law made YEARS ago. I had no label to know it's weight, composition etc. but, feel certain it is mostly wool, a very light fingering weight yarn. So, I used to 2 strands and knit it on my Bond. The tricky part of that was pulling the yarn from the 2 sources at the same tension so as not to have a knotted mess. It was still thinner than I like scarfs to be, but I made it wide enough with this in mind and so doubled the scarf itself over. Rather than stitching up the side, I folded the two ends toward the middle which I think makes a softer edge for the scarf. This is for my daughter, who's not a lover of fringe and so I crocheted scallops for the edge. She loves it and wears it everyday. Though Stella is mifted she no longer has the green scarf around her neck. lol It's snowing like crazy here today, was bitter cold and windy yesterday...the day before that I was in Baltimore and it was 65 wonderful degrees. Wackey Weather!!!

We had a nice visit with our daughter in DC and Baltimore over this past wkend, and so I'm now trying to catch up on household stuff, and knitting and crocheting.

Last night I started a green and purple pillow cover thing for my daughter. Her room is purple and green.......... she does love green!

I finished a 2 tone pink scarf last night also and need to determine which charity it should go to. Am feeling behind on my charity count, so need to shift some gears and get some projects finished.