These are the views out my windows this morning. Here in Central Ohio, it's really coming down. The blanket of white is pretty;'s on top of the freezing rain we had last night; the freezing rain was after we had several inches of snow. So, it's really pretty nasty out there. Businesses and schools around town are closed. We're at a level II Snow Emergency. That translates to, you're not suppose to go out unless you absoltely have to. Sadly, my phone hasn't rung to tell me work's been canceled. Errrrrrrrrr.
Didn't leave work til 8pm last night, after not making quota; so I know today will be no better. My boss was home early. They, the administrative staff all left about 4pm, when it was starting to get bad; but not us. The phone crew left early, at least those that actually came in. You see (for some who don't know), I work doing food taste tests for market research. So, last night only a few testers came in and there were only a few of us there performing the test. Luckily, I live only 4.5 miles from where I work; but I was the ONLY one on the road last night as I drove home. It was slippery.
Pretty to look out the window at, but I quess I don't just get to admire it from afar.
Stay warm, stay safe all.