Ok, that's a saying cause clearly I don't have a picture here; but wait a minute. You're driving to and from work every house you pass has snow melting; but still plenty of snow piled up along the walk and drive. Businesses have mounds still in parking lots from the plows piling it up storm after storm. You here kids voices, they're walking home from school BAREFOOT! BAREFOOT and wearing SHORTS!!! Not one or two, lots of them. I saw them all the way home. Smaller age kids playing in their front yards the same thing. Are people nuts? It's not summer, it's not even Spring. There's still Snow...you know the cold white stuff on the ground. Yeah I know teenagers do stupid things and might have gone nuts over the fact that the sun had finally come out and the snow was finally melting. I know they think they can do whatever they want and probably where wearing the gym shorts, and had shoes in their bookbags....but come on. It was pretty, the sun was out; but it was just barely 50 for a few hours. We had frost again that night, it's still winter.
And what the heck is wrong with parents? The small children, some younger than school age dressed the same playing in yards didn't just do this themselves. They are home with adults, they are playing barefoot next to a pile of snow!
I can't tell ya how disgusted I was. Parents and teachers are suppose to be teaching kids to be responsible. What adult thinks it's responsible behavior to be barefoot in the winter time with snow still about?
Any idea how many will get sick, not be able to go to school because of it? I shake my head. Parents have a job, and sometimes you're suppose to lead by example and sometimes you're suppose to say no. When the welfare, safety and health of your children is a stake you most certainly are suppose to put your foot down.
Gonna have to grab some yarn and relax a bit. Almost finished with a scarf for the homeless and I can guarantee you as nice as the sun was that one day for them, they weren't running around shoeless wearing shorts.
Showing posts with label Homeless Veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homeless Veterans. Show all posts
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Badges, BlogUpp, and Bridge

Ok, the voting is in...see my new badge! I like it; but am keeping the lightpost in my file in case I want to change it somewhere down the line. Thanks to all who took the time to vote and voice your opinions, much appreciated. Please feel free to grab my badge and add to your blog. That way clicking will bring you here easily. Right click on above picture and save to your computer, add widget to your blogspot blog, click browse and find the picture on your computer; then add url for my blog which is http://4ccccs.blogspot.com/ I really need to change that, if I can remember all the places it's listed that way in order to get it changed. But, for now...I'm leaving it, even though it's a weird url.

This badge is one I made for Jan, my SIL. I know she'd love visitors. I also know lots of you are animal lovers so think you'll enjoy her blog. Tell her I sent you traveling her way.
Have you noticed my BlogUpp widget? It's cool. Click on it and you can find other interesting blogs. Add one to your own blog easily. No registration required. Simply click on the widget, once on their page, add your url and presto......you have a widget. Cut and paste the code on your blog and have fun visiting. It truly is quick, easy, and very enjoyable to go blog walking in places you might not otherwise have known about. Have fun!
And now for my 3rd B...funny how everything today was a B word! I've updated things over on The BridgeThanks so much for all the help. Please take a look and see what people working together can accomplish. And...please feel free to help spread the word, even if you yourself don't knit or crochet. Thanks!
Monday, February 23, 2009
My head hurts!
Can any of you, I know you're out there...more tech savy people than me. Can anyone out there explain to me the difference, importance of google ranking vs Alexa? I've posted the widgets...look on the right in the sidebar.......and now that I've done so, what do they mean? Clueless back in cold Columbus.
I managed to knit 3 pair of booties and a hat (pictures posted in here), while we were out of town. Got back last night and did an update over on The Bridge Blog today. PLEASE, check it out. Pass on your thanks, and or see if you can help.
I spent the bulk of the day unpacking, doing laundry, and putting stuff away. I did post a travel rant, not sure that can really be counted as a traveling suitcase update. Although........some good advice there.
**My 2 cents worth for today**
"Our time on earth is what we make it, so get ready and cook something up!"
WIP (for you non knitters and crocheters), works in progress:
Christmas Ghan (crocheted)
Opal Ghan (crocheted)
Candy Corn Ghan (crocheted)
Scarlet & Grey Scarf (knitted)
*****Packing box for womans shelter in Michigan, Caring House which includes, hats, booties, sweaters for wee ones, toiletries (shampoo), conditioner, lotion, soap for women in need. This box will go out tomorrow*******
I managed to knit 3 pair of booties and a hat (pictures posted in here), while we were out of town. Got back last night and did an update over on The Bridge Blog today. PLEASE, check it out. Pass on your thanks, and or see if you can help.
I spent the bulk of the day unpacking, doing laundry, and putting stuff away. I did post a travel rant, not sure that can really be counted as a traveling suitcase update. Although........some good advice there.
**My 2 cents worth for today**
"Our time on earth is what we make it, so get ready and cook something up!"
WIP (for you non knitters and crocheters), works in progress:
Christmas Ghan (crocheted)
Opal Ghan (crocheted)
Candy Corn Ghan (crocheted)
Scarlet & Grey Scarf (knitted)
*****Packing box for womans shelter in Michigan, Caring House which includes, hats, booties, sweaters for wee ones, toiletries (shampoo), conditioner, lotion, soap for women in need. This box will go out tomorrow*******
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Ahhhhhh, how nice is this?

This award comes to me from Octopi, and here's her blog note regarding it.
Octopi Crafts was given an award! Thanks Cotton and Cloud!
Here's the rules:
1) Put the award on your blog
2) Put a link on your blog of the blogger who gave you the award
3) Nominate 5 other bloggers...
Sandy's Space
A great blog about crocheting and life! Sandy also recently started another blog devoted to helping the homeless of Ohio, The Bridge Project
Muchas Gracias for this sweet award. You sure know how to make someone feel good. Now, I must give some thought as to whom to pass this award along too....stay tuned.
(finished a pair of mittens last night and am almost finished with a scarf for the homeless project. Gonna work some on the Candy Corn Ghan, thats been in the works for a realllllllly long time, while I'm watching the super bowl).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
"FROST on the Pumpkin"
Frost on the pumpkin...I know I'm dating myself when I say that; but...we're really had it this am. Windows, grass...all frosty with the temperatures dropping. Soon it will be gone and warm up, but we've now had our first frost and sooooooooo, sadly I must admit the season is upon us. How many months before summer again?
Slippers are heading to Pine Ridge
Scarfs heading to Homeless Veterans through a group on Rav called Knitters for Obama
Booties ...will be sent ??? Gotta check my rotation and see who's turn it is next. Several groups need booties.
Hats will go to the school project, Prevent Brain Freeze as soon as I get the address.
Works in progress:
The blue scarf, candy corn ghan, pink and purple ghan. I'm really really really trying to finish all my projects before starting more. This is pretty good for me to only have a few things in the works. The project bag organization seems to be helping.
Had a busy, and tiring though enjoyable long wkend with my daughter in Baltimore this past wkend. Trying...to catch up.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Updates for bookkeeping
You know, sometimes procastinating can be a good thing. Had the box here address for HAP, as well as for Lil Troopers. Thought I could squeeze a bit more in each box and so.
8 more rectangles for HAP, 2 each, brown, green, teal, and dark red-burgundy (though in the picture it looks like rose ?). A variety of stitches. sc. dc, v-stitch and combination thereoff.
Got one more poncho made, and newborn vest. Susie modeled the vest ...she didn't want to give it up, said it matched her hair. lol
Finished the brightest colored lapghan for Sissie's nursing home project.
**Just back from post office, so all will go out first thing tomorrow am**
Working a green tweedy scarf for Homeless Veterans. Hope to have it with the tanish multi colored one in a few days. Tanish one shown in previous post, though here's a better close up, so you can see the colors better.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Getting things ready for post office
Rectangles for our injuried Veterans, got 9 made. Used a variety of stitches, sc, dc, dc back loop only, and v-Stitch. Though with the red, white and blue multi-color you really can't tell much of difference with the stitches. On the solid blue, the difference in the stitches in more pronounced.
I love making these newborn poncho's from various sized grannie squares. The squares are 6 and 7 inch ones, with sc edge...some have 2 rows around each square. Tried to vary the size a bit that way, since babies come in all sizes. You saw Susie modeling the first 3 in my previous post. Adding a picture here of the 4th one, with naturally Susie modeling it again. She really likes the attention.
Stella is shown modeling a multi-colored scarf. This scarf is for Homeless Veterans. I think Stella needs a new face....look how pale she is. lol
Babie booties, 2 pair of red, white and blue and one solid blue pair will go with the ponchos for Lil Troopers
working on a lapghan for Sissie, making good headway and maybe done in a day or so
60 scarfs 60 days,
Homeless Veterans,
Knitters for Obama,
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