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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Projects, Finishes and Work in Progress...and!


Bright Jewel was designed some time back and has been in a project bag waiting it's turn to be be worked on.

Here it is in the works.  These squares are more unform then many I work with, so sizing/edging these is going quickly; as you can see.  The white space is where the last square was being worked on.  Stay tuned.  I wasn't sure how large this would be with less edging then I sometimes use, but also wasn't sure how much lavender I had to do the edging, so kept it limited.  The plan was to finish them all in terms of sizing and limited edging, then see how much yarn I had to determine whether or not to edge more.

This was the original design of Crayon, but I needed 5 squares from this design to help complete an additional afghan.

Here it is sized and edged (same picture as previous post), and tied ready to stitch together.

Here it is completed.  It's been laundered and is drying.

And now, Bright Jewels is drying/being blocked.  I started this post a day or so ago, and in the meantime was able to complete this ghan.  Very happy with how it turned out.  Instead of adding more edging to each square, as I was anticipated doing,  I added multiple rows in the border and then a scalloped edge.  Click the picture to enlarge it to see the scalloped edge.  As always all the afghans will be donated to a family shelter.

Pastel Tulips has grown from 7 inches in the last picture to 10 inches here.  I work on this in-between the other afghan progjects.

Books 10, 11, and 12 in the series.  "A Casualty of War", the war is close to over; but the aid stations are still over run with badly injuried men.  One of Bess's patients thinks his cousin tried to kill him...Bess is put in harms way as she tries to unravel the mystery.  He says he's not crazy, but Bess maybe the only one who believes him.

"A Forgotten Place", The Armistice has been signed, but not the Peace Treaty; so injuries and death are still happening.  Bess tried to aid an Welsh amputee patient by going to a small Welsh mining town where mysterious murders are taking place; and she's smack dab in the middle of it.

"A Cruel Deception, people gather in Paris to try and hammer out the Peace Treaty, but Bess is sent on a secret and highly personal mission that puts her in harms way with a dangerous murderer/drug addict.

  • Exercising is coming along, not great but better than last month so that's a plus.
  • Can't believe we had snow here in South Carolina, geesh we left Ohio for the winter to escape the cold and snow.  Things were closed down for several days, and it took a whole week for the golf courses to open again.
  • We've enjoyed meeting up with a good number of people from other years, have had social gatherings, and gone out to dinner.  So, having a good time despite the colder than normal weather that everyone seems to be experiencing.

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