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Friday, July 12, 2013

Random 5 on Friday

It's Fridaytime for another fun round of Random 5 (Friday 5, guess people call it several different names)

  • Spent a good part of week organizing stuff here, my desk was sorely in need.  Looks much nicer now...hope I remember where I put stuff, lol
  • Looking forward to a week in the mountains with Hubby and Darling Daughter.  Been Christmas when we were last all together.
  • The hardest part of packing for a trip for me is what yarn to take.  I never gauge the right number of projects to take, and typically take too much; but I don't want to have craft time with out something to work on.
  • Been so rainy, wet, and humid here am hopeful the dry mountain air will give hubby and I a break from the allergy problems.  He's sneezing and coughing and I'm going crazy with itchy eyes.
  • Am so enjoying the flowers in the yard
Click the badge and join us Nancy's Rural Journal.

Mark your calendars and be sure to pop back her for Memory Monday's, the more the merrier.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Singer Sewing Machine Back in the Day

It's Memory Monday time.  I remember when my Mom would sit at a machine like this and make my school clothes.  This is a singer treadle sewing machine that now sits in my office a short distance from my computer.  It belonged to my Aunt Mary, Dad's sister who passed at the age of 92.  The machine is actually still threaded sorta...the bobbin.  The machine belonged to my Grandmother before my Aunt.  We're not certain if Grandma purchased it new or it was passed down from another family member.  Searching using the serial number it appears this machine dates back to 1910, and is therefore 103 years old.  I believe with some oiling I could in fact still use it.

I learned to sew, not on this machine; but the one like it my Mother had.  You got exercise with your legs sewing in those days as you kept the machine running by pumping the pedal with your feet.

Having this in my possession makes me smile, it makes me remember My Mother, My Grandmother and My Aunt and a different life then we now all have.

My Mom
My Aunt Mary

My Grandmother.  She and Grandpa sitting in front of their house.  I only have a few pictures of my Grandma.  She must not have liked to have her picture taken.

  • Write your blog post
  • Snatch the badge and display with link back here in your post
  • Add your blog url and name to the linky
  • Visit others and have fun 

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Like Arnold, "I'll be Back"

I'm a bit confused whether I'm a week behind or on time at this point, but...meh who cares.  lol  That's my new attitude.  I'm not going to stress...thank you all my YOP peps for convincing me of that.

So here I am at the beginning of my year 3, whatever week it is.  The idea of this Ravelry Group is to make a list of projects you want to make and check in every Sunday morning with updates about the progress of things.

Last year I felt like I didn't do particularly well with my list (lots of big projects), so am making my list a bit different this time round.

My selfish list:
  • I'd like to myself a shrug and or shawl...and or maybe a special scarf.  Not just a typical scarf.  How's that for living the window and door open?
  • I'd like to finish the green sweater I started after Christmas for Darling Daughter
  • I'd like to make myself a cable stitch skirt (been so long ago I wanted to do that, I'm going to have to find the pattern again).
My Charity Work:
  • I'm going to continue to assemble afghans from donated squares/stripes/pieces, but I'm not going to pick a number to strive for.  I'm hoping to make more then before, particularly if I can work my way through all the odd sized donated pieces.....those take more time.
I spend so much time working on the blog, documenting the donations, sending thank you emails, posting on forums and social network sights my actual knitting and crocheting time for the charity, Bridge and Beyond is less, and I think I need to revamp my thinking...realizing even when not knitting or crocheting for the cause I am still working on the cause.  Thus, the no number.

Previously Committed Projects:
  • I have 2 people I need to make gifts for a pay it forward commitment.   is about half done, the other is only in thinking stages.
  1. Knitted Cat Washcloth Done, ripped out and need to start over the 2nd cloth which is a paw print Washcloth..person #1's gift
  2. Person two...I think a hand print washcloth and a basic knit cloth.  One is in the works.
Things to Consider:
  • My nephew and wife are having a 2nd chid, maybe a baby afghan?  I made one for their first boy, but...they got several so maybe I won't make one this time?
Please scroll back and see the finished (though still in need of laundering and blocking), feather and fan afghan, Sea and Sand.

Pictures show the green sweater in the works, finished cloths, and possible next couple of ghans to be assembled.

 Inviting you all to come back tomorrow and participate in

 A fun way to share cute, funny or interesting stories and linky love...let's brighten up Monday's.


Friday, July 05, 2013

Fabulous, it's Friday

Finally it's Done!  Terrible picture with it being cloudy, bad lighten; but was anxious to show this afghan is finally finished.  It's a knitted feather and fan pattern with each section being a 20 stitch repeat.  This one is named Sea and Sand, Sand and Sea.  In the beginning I called it Sea and Sand, but later kept interchanging the names.  This afghan has been in the works over 1 year.  I found a post from June 4th of last year where I had about 3 stripes done.  Now, it's not like I worked on this everyday or didn't work on anything else during this time; but...it's been a long time...much longer then I like to have one going.

And So for the first time in ages I do have a Finished Object to share with you on Friday AND a post for Random 5, Friday Five, 5 on Friday.  All badges are clickable, join us!

  • Hope you had a wonderful and safe 4th of July.  Sadly our fireworks weren't quite as good as normal.  It rained, not stormy so they went ahead.  But, I wonder if they couldn't shoot them off as high because of that?  And or, because of the dampness they didn't last as long in the sky?  No matter, Happy Birthday America.  You're an awesome country and I so appreciate all the sacrifices of those that made it possible for us.
  • Obviously I'm really excited to have the above afghan completed.  It's still in need of being laundered and blocked, but and a better taken, but it's DONE!
  • More planning for the trip to Spain next Spring has taken place AND, we now have all our tickets for flights confirmed.  We've decided not to stay the full 10 days in Malaga (Marbella Beach Area), we'll be there a week then fly to Barcelona via Madrid for a few days, AND we now have confirmed hotel reservations there in Barcelona as well.  Gonna give our brains and our charge card a rest before we move onto the next step...which will be planning tours, though I do have a lists of things we want to see.
  • House smells so good right now, hubby is making his "World Famous" Baked Beans.  We're going to a Baby Reveal party later today with family (normally we would have spent yesterday, the 4th together here at our house so this is combined deal).  We'll soon know whether my youngest nephew, Ryan and his wife are having a little boy or girl.  I'm pulling for a girl which would give them one of each...wouldn't that be nice.
  • Continuing to work on my SIL's family tree, but also pulled out my Mom's side file that I've not worked on in a good long while and am happy to say...I'm finding some of the missing pieces from before!
Pop in tomorrow for the 3rd Year of Projects, it's a group through Ravelry, always happy to have more folks join us.

AND don't forget to join in on Monday for my Memory Monday...I've already gotten 4 or 5 posts written and placed in que.  Looking forward to seeing you all, the more the merrier.  The more you link and visit the more fun folks.  Join any or all of the meme's.  Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Walking Through the Old Neighborhood

It's time for Memory Monday.  I've pulled something from the way back machine for you today.  This is my older brother Chuck on his bike.  The picture was taken on Easter Sunday probably right before or after Church, can't remember that part.  You can see from the cars in the photo the picture was taken in the 50's.  This was on Lilac Lane in my old hometown of Marion.  Some of you may remember my mentioning a group on Facebook filled with people who have fond memories of living there as children...some still live there, though not on Lilac Lane.  The bike was new and was red, my brother LOVED his bike.  The driveway was gravel and shared with our neighbors The Belvilles (Frank, Bernie, Pam, and Shannon).

The bush there on the corner was a favorite spot for my folks to hide an Easter Egg or two.  I think this had to be before Church, after church we would have changed clothes to do the hunting in the yard for the eggs.  The trike there would belong to my younger brother, Mike.

The other day a childhood friend, Wendy and I met here in our old neighborhood for a day of fun and remincing.   We walked around the neighborhood remember who lived where.  In fact we spoke to the gentleman that owns my old house.  He owns and lives in the house that was Belvilles, to the left and owns and rents the house that I grew up in, the white one on the right where the BIG bush is.  The driveway is still a shared one, but is now blacktopped.
Join us for Memory Monday
  • Leave a comment
  • Make your blog post and link back here, tell others to join us
  • Add your name and url (url to your post) to the linky.
  • Share linky love by visiting others.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Reviewing a Year of Projects

WOW...our last post for a Year of Projects ....

My Year of Projects List for July 2012-July 2013(see updates in green Italics)

My Afghan Goals:
To complete 12 afghans:
10 from donated squares (9 down and 1 to go)
1.. Summers End
2.  Sandbox 
3. My Granny
4. Christmas Time 
5.  Buckeye Blitz
6.  Box of Crayons 
7.  Arapaho
8.  Desert Rose 
9.  Iris and Lillies 
Complete Candy Corn Afghan (longest work in progress project EVER)
Finish the Feather and Fan Afghan (knitted), that finally has a name, Sea and Sand
  **Sea and Sand in the works

The afghan picture is Sea and Sand, it is very close to finished.  I'm doing the last couple of rows of the final section, the dark gray section.  Then need to work in end, launder and block.  

I did not get the last afghan of the 10 made from donated squares.  I lost steam. 

The goal accomplished last year, learn to cable. I want to make a skirt for myself using this new skill. Need to re-find the pattern for starters.
**Well it seems I'm already altering in come capacity.  I am working on a cable scarf which I never put on the list, needed to practice the cables I thought; plus was traveling and needed a small project that would travel well.  The cabled scarf DONE

I want to make time for working on items other than the above afghans. I kept so busy with those last year, many other wanted projects didn't happen.  Didn't really accomplish this so much.  Seemed there never was enough time to do much beyond the ghans.  A few small things here and there only.

Cast on....I know there are other methods beyond the traditional one I always use. I get all tangled up when I try to do the thumb one and so ....do it old school...the long slow way. Would like to learn another faster cast on.

Did not accomplish this either.  Egads, I'm not doing to well.  

I have a knitting machine, haven't used it in over a year. In fact removed it from my office in order to make room for my antique Treedle Singer Sewing Machine. Would like to set up a space in the basement and use it some again for accomplish quick things for charity, Bridge and Beyond.

Nope...no headway with this either beyond talking with hubby about the logistics of how this might work.

Personal Projects:
 Need to block a blue scarf I knitted AND cable scarf mentioned above
Want to try the above mentioned cable skirt
Misc whatever items for DD (perhaps the jewel tone traveling scarf now in the works) and family, made scarf intended for DD, but ..colors didn't come out the way I hoped. (that was the above cable scarf, and she tells me she really doesn't need another, yet.  So perhaps it will be donated.  Project turned into a Green Sweater which is in the works.
perhaps even some washcloths for myself....in the works

No further headway with the green sweater for DD, never got around to blocking said scarves, and the cotton cloths I initially made for myself, ended up being gifts for others.

So, I conclude I did NOT do well with my list; debating about whether or not to get on board for the up coming year.  I went quite a few weeks without posting and linking because I didn't feel I had much to report.  We'll see how the sign up goes, and how the wind is blowing before I make a final decision.  Though, I'll not lose contact either way, as I think I have you all in my blog log.

Inviting you all with or without yarn to pop back in tomorrow for Memory Monday.  I've been enjoying posting pictures from the way back machine, but your memories don't have to be from long ago....unless you're as old as dirt, like me....you may not have pictures and memories that old.  Grab the badge, post a picture and tell us the story or memory of the picture, link back here and visit others.  Let's make Monday a less dreaded day.