Next ghan to be assembled from donated squares through Bridge and Beyond for Homesless Families Foundation is Blue Jay. The variegated squares, dark blue, and medium blue required 1 row of single crochet as an edging, while the light blue required one row of double crochet. I managed to get all the edging done in the car ride as we traveled back from St. Louis yesterday. This needs to be tied together so crocheting it together can begin and I think will need a substantial border to bring the size up a bit. Currently it measures 43 x 43. Should be able to add several inches to it once it's assembled, bordered, and blocked.
Sorry gang, I'm a day late with my Sunday, YOP post.
My Year of Projects List for July 2012-July 2013
My Afghan Goals:
To complete 12 afghans:
10 from donated squares (9 down and 1 to go)
1.. Summers End
2. Sandbox
3. My Granny
4. Christmas Time
5. Buckeye Blitz
6. Box of Crayons
7. Arapaho
8. Desert Rose
9. Iris and Lillies
Complete Candy Corn Afghan (longest work in progress project EVER)
Finish the Feather and Fan Afghan (knitted), that finally has a name, Sea and Sand
**Sea and Sand in the works
Other portion of the lists are not coming along as well as the afghan list. The project for Darling Daughter got switched after I made a scarf that the colors weren't right, and switched that project to a sweater, which is in the works, but only have a portion of the the back piece done. Need to rip out a few rows, and so have put it on the back burner.
Cable knit skirt for hope of getting it done, though I did get part of my goal completed. I learned how to knit cables, by knitting a scarf with cables, which is still in need of a good soak and blocking.
Cotton cloths for myself, has gotten switched to 2 Pay it Forward Gifts, and a gift for a friend who's husband has been very ill, in and out of the hospital. Sadly, mostly in the hospital and she's in need of a pick me up.
Here's one cloth in the works, have completed a couple of others, which have previously been posted. Hoping to get a few more done. Worked on this some in our recent travels from Cols, to St. Louis.
YOP badge and link in meme tab across the top of the blog.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Friday Friday, Everyone's Favorite Day
Hello Friday (5 on Friday and Finished object Friday)
- I drink coffee to wake up, but want tea in the afternoon, or tea when I'm cold, or tea when I don't feel well.
- I like wine, dry wine. Typically I drink White(favorite Pinot Grigio) to sip and Red with dinner (Pinot Noir). I tent to like lighter reds over heavy like a Merlot.
- I rarely drink pop, maybe twice a year.
- I like Champagne, we always have a bottle with our traditional Christmas morning brunch.
- I love milk and it took me forever to get used to 2% after drinking the real deal forever
Join us for Finished Object Friday and or Random 5, links and badges in meme at the top of the blog.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Dark and Gloomy Wednesday
Got the two areas in front weeded. Paced myself and did some last Friday and finished on Sunday, then hubby got picked up the first round of mulch. I say first because it takes more then several. 20 bags is what fits in the back of the Explorer and that's what you see here is 20 bags. These aren't real large areas in front of the house, but I bet 20 bags isn't going to be enough, as I eye ball it. I should remember to write down how much we use where from year to year. So, perhaps posting here on the blog will aid me next year.
In previous years I would have probably weeded and mulch both areas in a day. Can't do that now. The arthritis in the knee and back being a problem. Must pace myself. Do things in shorter time frames, and then ice the knee. Getting old is not the "golden years". It was a pretty day though to be outside, sun was out; but it was still quite cool and windy.
Monday I did the larger of the 2 areas to the left of the door and about half the other side, when I decided the body had had enough for one round. Mulch is spread much thinner then it should be, so my initial eyeball that 20 bags wasn't enough seems to be correct. But, it's a start. Will take several weekends for this work in progress, and probably about 5 more trips to buy more mulch to get the 2 sides, all around the deck in back and the 3 fence rows in back. I'm thinking I might like to do away with one of the beds and let it go back to grass, getting to hard to keep up.
Having finished the basic square, side to side garter stitch cotton washcloth started everyone's favorite...Grandma's corner to corner with what I had left of the pretty blue, white, and yellow variegated. Just started here with the yellow from my stash and am now at the decreasing part, so just over half way. Plan to make maybe 2 more....shhhhhhh though, am working on Pay it Forward Gifts so mums the word.
WIPW badges and links in meme tab across the top of the blog, please join us.
Dark and Gloomy, looks like night instead of morning, more rain is expected....which means I probably won't be finishing the mulching today. I'm ok with that; but hope to do it tomorrow so there's a few days between before taking delivery of the next load.
In previous years I would have probably weeded and mulch both areas in a day. Can't do that now. The arthritis in the knee and back being a problem. Must pace myself. Do things in shorter time frames, and then ice the knee. Getting old is not the "golden years". It was a pretty day though to be outside, sun was out; but it was still quite cool and windy.
Monday I did the larger of the 2 areas to the left of the door and about half the other side, when I decided the body had had enough for one round. Mulch is spread much thinner then it should be, so my initial eyeball that 20 bags wasn't enough seems to be correct. But, it's a start. Will take several weekends for this work in progress, and probably about 5 more trips to buy more mulch to get the 2 sides, all around the deck in back and the 3 fence rows in back. I'm thinking I might like to do away with one of the beds and let it go back to grass, getting to hard to keep up.
Having finished the basic square, side to side garter stitch cotton washcloth started everyone's favorite...Grandma's corner to corner with what I had left of the pretty blue, white, and yellow variegated. Just started here with the yellow from my stash and am now at the decreasing part, so just over half way. Plan to make maybe 2 more....shhhhhhh though, am working on Pay it Forward Gifts so mums the word.
WIPW badges and links in meme tab across the top of the blog, please join us.
Dark and Gloomy, looks like night instead of morning, more rain is expected....which means I probably won't be finishing the mulching today. I'm ok with that; but hope to do it tomorrow so there's a few days between before taking delivery of the next load.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Almost Instant Gratification.
The beauty of small projects is you get a chance to let you mind breath, and you get almost instant gratification. AND, if you're one to make a list you get to cross something off...that's always a good feeling.
I don't do many small items, but may have to start doing a few more. Plus, you feel like there's more variety in the work you're doing.
And so, we have one knitted cotton washcloth, looking all springy. After finishing this the other night, I started another; but this will be the traditional Grandma style, corner to corner cloth. I know there's not enough left of this variegated to make another full cloth, so will see if the yellow or blue solids I have in my stash blend well enough to add when I run out of the variegated blue and yellow.
Enjoy your Friday, and share your Finished Objects, see links and badges in meme above, AND for Friday 5, as well.
- I drink high test coffee only, mentioned that a few Fridays ago. I only drink 2-3 cups a day, and only in the morning. Always wondered how people could sleep if they had coffee through out the course of the day.
- I think it's finally safe to say spring has arrived, people have begun mowing their yards, ours is in need. I used to enjoy mowing; but my arthritis in my knee has me not wanting to do it now. Guess hubby will do the bulk of it this year.
- I don't get why so many people have tattoos.
- I'm closing in on being finished with all the blogs posts for the last of the 3 blogs I registered in the April A-Z Blog Challenge. Got 3 more posts to write for the travel blog, X,Y, and Z.
- Heard about a website where you can make a newsletter, that might be my big project for today....wish me luck, I've never made one before
cotton wash cloth,
Finished Object Friday,
Friday Five,
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Garter Stitch Cotton Cloth
Sometimes you just need the basics. A cotton washcloth that works well for either a dishcloth or a washcloth in the shower. Love the springy colors, and what's more basic then good old garter stitch? I love garter stitch and sometimes it's nice to have something you don't have to think about, you don't have to count, you don't need a pattern etc.
Having just complete another large project, (crocheted afghan, Iris and Lillie), I needed a quick little something that was portable. It's travel with me to work, and is something I can easily work on in between things, and while watching TV.
It might go to Bridge and Beyond, it might be a secret gift, and I might be a wee bit selfish and keep it for me. I've made more of these then I can count......but I don't any for me, myself, and I.
Happy Work in Progress Wednesday all. Badges and links in Meme Tab above.
Having just complete another large project, (crocheted afghan, Iris and Lillie), I needed a quick little something that was portable. It's travel with me to work, and is something I can easily work on in between things, and while watching TV.
It might go to Bridge and Beyond, it might be a secret gift, and I might be a wee bit selfish and keep it for me. I've made more of these then I can count......but I don't any for me, myself, and I.
Happy Work in Progress Wednesday all. Badges and links in Meme Tab above.
Monday, April 15, 2013
I'm Late to the Party
Hi all, it's early Monday morning thought I'd try to get this posted before heading to work. Missed getting the post up for YOP yesterday. Hope spring has finally come for most of you. I have daffodils blooming which has me very excited. And you can see Flat Stanley is also quite excited and wanted to get right out there and smell the flowers. Some of you may know I have a Flat Stanley blog, and it's in the April A-Z Challenge. There's tons of stuff there, so am inviting you all to have a look see. Everyone learns with Flat Stanley. Any of you parents, grandparents, teachers....would love you to get your young ones involved. (ok end of my commercial)
I finished Iris and Lillies, and posted the final picture for Finished Object Friday. Click or scroll back to see the finished afghan which is another that will be heading to Homeless Families Foundation through my charity, Bridge and Beyond.
YOP List:
My Afghan Goals:
To complete 12 afghans:
10 from donated squares (9 down and 1 to go)
1.. Summers End
2. Sandbox
3. My Granny
4. Christmas Time
5. Buckeye Blitz
6. Box of Crayons
7. Arapaho
8. Desert Rose
9. Iris and Lillies
Complete Candy Corn Afghan (longest work in progress project EVER)just don't know if I'm gonna pull it out of hibernation or not...sigh
Finish the Feather and Fan Afghan (knitted), that finally has a name, Sea and Sand
**Sea and Sand in the works haven't worked on this in a couple of weeks
The goal accomplished last year, learn to cable. I want to make a skirt for myself using this new skill. Need to re-find the pattern for starters.
Changed to The cabled scarf DONE
I want to make time for working on items other than the above afghans. I kept so busy with those last year, many other wanted projects didn't happen.
Cast on....I know there are other methods beyond the traditional one I always use. I get all tangled up when I try to do the thumb one and so it old school...the long slow way. Would like to learn another faster cast on. No headway
I have a knitting machine, haven't used it in over a year. In fact removed it from my office in order to make room for my antique Treddle Singer Sewing Machine. Would like to set up a space in the basement and use it some again for accomplish quick things for charity, No Headway. Bridge and Beyond.
Personal Projects:
Need to block a blue scarf I knitted AND cable scarf mentioned above
Want to try the above mentioned cable skirt
Misc whatever items for DD (perhaps the jewel tone traveling scarf now in the works) and family, made scarf intended for DD, but ..colors didn't come out the way I hoped. (that was the above cable scarf, and she tells me she really doesn't need another, yet. So perhaps it will be donated. Project turned into a Green Sweater which is in the works.
perhaps even some washcloths for the works
So, in the works is the a washcloth for myself, the green sweater for DD, Sea and Sand Afghan
**No Headway...cast on, knitting machine, Candy Corn Ghan
Friday, April 12, 2013
It's all About Friday
Combining 5 on Friday with FOF(meme's for those all in tab at the top of the blog)
First...the finished object. Finally finished the afghan called Iris and Lillies. Iris because of all the purple and Lillies because of all the yellow. There are about 6 shades of purple and 3 shades of yellow. There have been many pictures of this as a work in progress and people keep saying they like the black and white swirls and the yellow and blue. LOL, purple never shows up well in pictures, though it looks purple on my computer I know that varies. I keep referring to the purple, makes ya wonder if that many screens are different color wise, people don't read, and or why is purple such a hard color to show up correctly? Anyway, it's another of the ghans being assembled for my charity, Bridge and Beyond from donated squares for Homeless Families Foundation.
- Though it's another dark gloomy day here in Central might think you were Ireland. Seriously, in the last 2-3 days it's gotten soooooooo incredibly green. The grass is waking up from the it's winter dormat blah stage, it's been feed with the recent rains, and warmed up. Very green and very pretty. I hope the weather men who say we're in for a few more snows are wrong, my daffodils have started blooming. The yellow dotting the bright green..........puts a smile of spring appreciation on my face.
- Do to technical difficulties, our cable not working we missed the season opening of Mad Men. We both love the show and have been anxiously awaiting the 2 hour special. Feet up, wine poured Sunday night we were ready. ARgh. Thanks to the cable men ...all 3 crews it took to fix it on Monday and Tuesday, we're operational again. However, not in time to get it recorded yet. So, fingers crossed tonight we'll get to see it...or get it recorded if it's on late so we'll be ready for the 2nd episode.
- I've been involved an April A-Z Blog Challenge, which has been fun, exciting, challenge, and some days disappointing. You blog in alphabetical order everyday, except Sundays. I signed up 3 of my blogs. The point is to be able to finish...the challenge. AND meet new bloggers, by visiting at a minimum 5 blogs daily for each blog you signed up.
- It's almost time to get my bike out of the shed, wash it, check the tires to enjoy some bike rides. I enjoy riding my old cruiser, heck it's an antique it's from 1971.
- We have a long standing tradition for Friday night. I never cook. It's always pizza night for hubby and I. We might change what type of pizza we get, but 99.9% of the time it's pizza and beer for him, and pizza and wine for me. It's the way we kick back at the end of the week.
Finished Object Friday,
Friday Five,
Iris and Lillies
Friday, April 05, 2013
Friday 5
- Had an enjoyable time today meeting 2 Whetstone High School Seniors as they accompanied me to Homeless Families Shelter. They are doing a service project with global implications. They are to write about the problem, present how or why it happened and what might be done to make it better. One taught the other to knit and they're both slowing working at making a scarf to donate to my charity, Bridge and Beyond. I'm always impressed when young people want to do for others. Good luck with your projections Anna and Emily, it was pleasure to have you with me today and answer your questions.
- The sun is out and though it started well below freezing at 25% degrees this morning, I was able to take my outer coat off and open the car window a bit for some fresh air...sooooo nice, come on Spring catch up with the calendar, please.
- Thank you NOT to our neighbors that seem to think it's ok to let their dogs out before daylight to bark and bark. Not everyone gets up as early as you.
- I enjoy Vodka in my Martinis, and hubby prefers Gin.
- I don't drink decaf...if it's not real coffee, what's the point. I need it to wake up
Friday Five,
Homeless Families Foundation,
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