Enchiladas! I make both chicken and pork. Many people have talked and posted about how much baking they've been doing during these Covid times, not me. #1 I don't need or want the calories, and #2 I don't like to bake, never have. But, I have been cooking more. Two fold, we've not gone anywhere since very early March, about 4 months due to the Virus. So, you must cook more to compensate for not going out. I also have more time it seems because hubby has been working from home, and I therefore don't have to limit what I cook to something that can be quick whenever he gets's home from the office. I typically never even started cooking until he got home because he worked so many hours, one never quite knew what time it was going to be. Now, he's right here working so that gives me more flexibility. We have therefore, been eating a bit differently with more variety.
I recently order a toaster oven. Haven't had one in years. I generally don't like to store things on my counter tops, but thought a toaster oven would be helpful to not use the oven to heat up the kitchen as much.......since I'm cooking more. I can't say it replaces the oven though, as a casserole dish like the one above simply doesn't fit in the toaster oven; but it has been helpful in cutting down how often I use the oven, and it does indeed heat the kitchen up less. It also has an air fryer component. I don't tend to fry anything, but I know many friends talk about how much they use and like their air fryers, so thought I'd give it a go. So far, I've only used it twice with battered shrimp. We both enjoyed that with a big salad. A quick and fairly light meal.
To celebrate our 48th Wedding Anniversary, I broke out the special Martini glasses. They're quite pretty, and large. I don't use them on a regular basis, keep them in the china cabinet. I had a lightly dirty Martini (Vodka), hubby has a Dry Gin Martini with a lemon twist. We had cocktails on the deck, while the filet's were on the barby.
Remember, I said I like fun cocktail napkins. This one makes me think of political and racial posts I've seen on line.....we've all been there I know, the yelling in my mind......sometimes actually outloud, as if the computer screen can hear us.
With the many protests around the country, and the world after the police murdered George Floyd, it seems racial problems might finally really be discussed. It's always troubled me when friends/ or line acquaintances would say, I'm not racist...I don't see color. Aren't we all just Americans instead of Black or White Americans. I think perhaps people who say that, aren't being honest with themselves.....why, because of course we see color. We see the color of someone's hair, the car they drive, the dress, suit etc they've chosen to wear. To say we don't see color seems dis-honest. I never could quit put into words why I thought that. Then I spotted this, as part of on line forum to discuss racism and how we all have biases........even if we don't recognize them. I thought this was worth a share.
Sorry if the wording is offensive to you, but I thought this meme was a perfect example of why, we aren't winning against this virus. Here's a women with a mask and shield trying to be responsible and do her social distances, then you have the jerk........the non science believer leaning in, not wearing a mask and well...........being invasive in her protective space.........which is also meant to protect him. I'm sick of seeing and hearing people who still believe this isn't real, or if they believe it feel it's against their personal liberties. Wear your mask, stay away from parties, wash your hands, don't go to packed events, social distance. All those pretending things are normal are making matters worse and causing the numbers of cases to climb, the death rate climb, and the virus to stick around longer. Be a responsible person and wear your mask!
Showing posts with label Martini's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martini's. Show all posts
Sunday, July 05, 2020
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Martini's and Face Masks, Strange Times
It's only happened once so far.....but it was nice to sit outside and have cocktails. Life has been crazy for all of us lately, so this "normalcy" was very much enjoyed. We love our cocktail hour, and we love to be outside, and so this was a bonus. Short lived for sure, been cold, windy, and wet pretty much since. **Edited to add I'm join The Flaunt it Friday Linky Party** A first for me, but sounds fun. I'm Flaunting my bar tending skills. Which are so good, truly...even if the bars were opened, we would cocktail at home before going to dinner.
Double thickness, with a pocket where a filter can be inserted, and nose clip. I've tried multiple times to order masks on line without much success. Sarah S a lady who's donated through the years for Bridge and Beyond made these. She sent 2 for me and 2 for my husband........Thank you Sarah S. These masks are so well made. I had purchased some from a lady in the neighborhood, but they were too big for me, and too small for my husband, no pocket and no nose clip...soooooooooo appreciate having one that will work for us. Dr. Brix indicates social distancing is going to be with us for a while...throughout the summer. So want to be prepared.
Don't know how well you can see this. Remember you can click to enlarge it to see it better. It's a start, a slow one for another afghan. 20 stitches garter, followed by 20 stockinette and back to garter. Once I get a good amount done to have a block (every other), then will switch and do stockinette, then garter and back to stockinette. The 2 small sections at each end are 5 stitches of garter so when the stockinette block is the end block it won't curl. It's not coming a long very quickly, as the brown is hard to work on at night and even during the day we've had so much rain and gloomy days lately, it's not as easy to see. When I put this brown yarn in a project bag I wrote the name Brown Marble...but I'm not sure I like that name. As most of you know, I always name my afghans...suggestions anyone? **Edited to add I got 2 suggestions in the comments thus far, one from Elephant Child who said something about coffee, and one from Ellie Foster suggesting something about chocolate. I'm not a chocolate lover, so decided I'd go with the coffee idea. I recently completed an afghan I named Coffee Latte, a mix of browns and variegated. So settled on Espresso for the name of this afghan. It's not completely solid brown, but very close and is dark...strong, like Espresso. Thanks ladies for the suggestion. AND my knitting would also be something I'm flaunting.
One needs to keep laughing during these strange times. Now I'm not a beer drinker, but could put a Martini in one room, or perhaps
A Manhattan, and or an Old Fashion
Variety is nice, don't you think!
**Some Monday Fun** Click on the picture for the linky party
Double thickness, with a pocket where a filter can be inserted, and nose clip. I've tried multiple times to order masks on line without much success. Sarah S a lady who's donated through the years for Bridge and Beyond made these. She sent 2 for me and 2 for my husband........Thank you Sarah S. These masks are so well made. I had purchased some from a lady in the neighborhood, but they were too big for me, and too small for my husband, no pocket and no nose clip...soooooooooo appreciate having one that will work for us. Dr. Brix indicates social distancing is going to be with us for a while...throughout the summer. So want to be prepared.
Don't know how well you can see this. Remember you can click to enlarge it to see it better. It's a start, a slow one for another afghan. 20 stitches garter, followed by 20 stockinette and back to garter. Once I get a good amount done to have a block (every other), then will switch and do stockinette, then garter and back to stockinette. The 2 small sections at each end are 5 stitches of garter so when the stockinette block is the end block it won't curl. It's not coming a long very quickly, as the brown is hard to work on at night and even during the day we've had so much rain and gloomy days lately, it's not as easy to see. When I put this brown yarn in a project bag I wrote the name Brown Marble...but I'm not sure I like that name. As most of you know, I always name my afghans...suggestions anyone? **Edited to add I got 2 suggestions in the comments thus far, one from Elephant Child who said something about coffee, and one from Ellie Foster suggesting something about chocolate. I'm not a chocolate lover, so decided I'd go with the coffee idea. I recently completed an afghan I named Coffee Latte, a mix of browns and variegated. So settled on Espresso for the name of this afghan. It's not completely solid brown, but very close and is dark...strong, like Espresso. Thanks ladies for the suggestion. AND my knitting would also be something I'm flaunting.
One needs to keep laughing during these strange times. Now I'm not a beer drinker, but could put a Martini in one room, or perhaps
A Manhattan, and or an Old Fashion
Variety is nice, don't you think!
Corona Virus,
Flaunt it Friday,
Friday, May 09, 2014
Why I love Friday
Late to the challenge as I didn't know about this one til after the month started. I was visiting through my Travel Blog, Traveling Suitcase where I just finished the annual A-Z Blog Challenge for April. I had so much material from a recent trip to Spain, I decided to continue blogging a-z May with my Travel Blog.
Probably nuts trying to do another one; but this blog has been very quiet of late and so I thought it might help to kick start it again.
Here are the prompts...and though it's Friday...it's evening so am really getting into late.
- I love that's Friday, that's it's the end of the work week, and hubby and I can spend more time together and things are more relaxed.
- I love that this Friday, I made my step goal (through fitbit), AND I got my first 50 mile badge on fitbit.
- We always have Martini's on Friday (glasses are in the freezer and will be nice and chilled.
- I love that this Friday I had a much needed massage. Thank you Frank!I
- love that I bought a dress for $8.00 at a re-sale shop today on a whim, had a few minutes to spare before the massage and decided to look around, the shop was just a few doors down from Massage Envy.
Day 9, Friday: 5 things you love on a Friday.
Day 10, Saturday: A fashion, beauty or life tip.
Day 11, Sunday: Go for a photo walk. (It’s a walk where you take lots of great photos and share them.)
Day 12, Monday: Tell us how your blog got its name (and tagline).
Day 13, Tuesday: Write a poem or piece of creative prose.
Day 14, Wednesday: Make us laugh. Share a funny story or picture.
Day 15, Thursday: Create or share a poster, card or artwork that shares a message that inspires you.
Day 16, Friday: Blogging is about sharing the love. Tell us about 5 blogs that you love reading regularly.
Day 17, Saturday: A day in the life. Photo journal your day today.
Day 18, Sunday: 10 things that make you happy.
Day 19, Monday: Dream job?
Day 20, Tuesday: Who inspires you?
Day 21, Wednesday: What’s on your plate?
Day 22, Thursday: Share a video clip that you are loving at the moment. It could be as simple as a song on YouTube or an inspirational speaker on TED Talks.
Day 23, Friday: Write a post about a particularly good or controversial comment someone left you.
Day 24, Saturday: If you could have 3 people to dinner tonight, who would you invite?
Day 25, Sunday: A list for the week ahead.
Day 26, Monday: Invite someone to guest post for you.
Day 27, Tuesday: Share a project you’ve been working on.
Day 28, Wednesday: Family. What do you love? Best traits? What crazy genetics do you have in common? Fave photo?
Day 29, Thursday: What have you said ‘yes’ to today?
Day 30, Friday: Best advice you’ve received lately.
Day 31, Saturday: Gratitude.
Day 12, Monday: Tell us how your blog got its name (and tagline).
Day 13, Tuesday: Write a poem or piece of creative prose.
Day 14, Wednesday: Make us laugh. Share a funny story or picture.
Day 15, Thursday: Create or share a poster, card or artwork that shares a message that inspires you.
Day 16, Friday: Blogging is about sharing the love. Tell us about 5 blogs that you love reading regularly.
Day 17, Saturday: A day in the life. Photo journal your day today.
Day 18, Sunday: 10 things that make you happy.
Day 19, Monday: Dream job?
Day 20, Tuesday: Who inspires you?
Day 21, Wednesday: What’s on your plate?
Day 22, Thursday: Share a video clip that you are loving at the moment. It could be as simple as a song on YouTube or an inspirational speaker on TED Talks.
Day 23, Friday: Write a post about a particularly good or controversial comment someone left you.
Day 24, Saturday: If you could have 3 people to dinner tonight, who would you invite?
Day 25, Sunday: A list for the week ahead.
Day 26, Monday: Invite someone to guest post for you.
Day 27, Tuesday: Share a project you’ve been working on.
Day 28, Wednesday: Family. What do you love? Best traits? What crazy genetics do you have in common? Fave photo?
Day 29, Thursday: What have you said ‘yes’ to today?
Day 30, Friday: Best advice you’ve received lately.
Day 31, Saturday: Gratitude.
So, will you join me? Go on, you wouldn’t …
PS. There will also a grab button available for you to display on your blog to tell everyone that you are trying to complete the challenge. (Better still, at the end of the challenge, I’ll give you a button that tells everyone that you’re awesome and you did it. High five!)
Blog everyday in May,
Why I love Friday
Friday, April 05, 2013
Friday 5
- Had an enjoyable time today meeting 2 Whetstone High School Seniors as they accompanied me to Homeless Families Shelter. They are doing a service project with global implications. They are to write about the problem, present how or why it happened and what might be done to make it better. One taught the other to knit and they're both slowing working at making a scarf to donate to my charity, Bridge and Beyond. I'm always impressed when young people want to do for others. Good luck with your projections Anna and Emily, it was pleasure to have you with me today and answer your questions.
- The sun is out and though it started well below freezing at 25% degrees this morning, I was able to take my outer coat off and open the car window a bit for some fresh air...sooooo nice, come on Spring catch up with the calendar, please.
- Thank you NOT to our neighbors that seem to think it's ok to let their dogs out before daylight to bark and bark. Not everyone gets up as early as you.
- I enjoy Vodka in my Martinis, and hubby prefers Gin.
- I don't drink decaf...if it's not real coffee, what's the point. I need it to wake up
Friday Five,
Homeless Families Foundation,
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
A Proper Martini and changing Designs
Martini's ...a work in progress(one of the work's anyway)
Step 1, rimming the chilled Martini Glass with lemon; and a light coating of the lemon sugar
Pouring the Martini, being careful not to pour on the rim and ruin the pretty and tasty rim.
Curling the lemon twist. Sometimes the twist breaks, depends on the thickness of the lemon skin. But, if you twist it around a toothpick or drink skewer...you get a nice decorative twist that floats and looks nice in your drink.
Presenting 2 well made Martini's. Hubby's on the left (Dry Gin Martini with a twist...that broke and didn't float...argh), my Vodka LemonDrop on the right with the coated rim. We had our cocktails at home before going out to celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary. Did you miss my previous post? Scroll back one to see how young we were 40 years ago.
On the yarn front, continuing to work on my Feather and Fan Afghan. Though since his photo, I've finished with that multi-skein you see there and have moved onto the next section which is a gray, though not the dark gray you see...a lighter shade. The design keeps changing, due to the amount of yarn I have. A true work in progress, as the design is also in progress...as it slips along on the needles.
Work in Progress Badges and Links in sidebar. Do come and join us.
Work in Progress Badges and Links in sidebar. Do come and join us.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Let me Quench your Thirst
What type of Martini's do you like? Do you make them at home or order them out?
**This is my Q post Z-A challenge.
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