Red Brick is now Cemented! That's right, the building of it is complete...cemented together. The afghan measured 56 square before it was blocked and gained about 2-3 inches once it was blocked. Made from many different donated squares of lots of different sizes (some square, some rectangle, some knit, some crocheted); it was pieced together using the whip stitch method and single crochet around the edges. Not the same number of rows of sc, adjustments made to fit it together.
I'm pleased with how this turned out and both hubby and my Dad said they liked it. This afghan has been donated to Bridge and Beyond for Project Welcome Home.
That's it for todays, Finished Object Friday. Link in side bar, which takes you to lots of other interesting FO.
Hum?? apparently,I never got the picture posted, and can't now as I'm not on my home computer. Sorry bout that folks, I scheduled this post to publish and thought I had also posted the picture before we left town. Will have to catch up on posts, pictures and visits on my return.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I'm in Red Mode
LOL. Just realized I'm really in Red Mode. Some of you have probably seen the red afghan (Red Brick) I've been working on, and heard me talk about The Red Cotton Cloth I've been working (which has since been frogged for a different pattern (stay turned); and now......drum roll. A red scarf!
This scarf is made from The Marble Yarn I used on a gray scarf recently knitted for Bridge and Beyond. It's nice yarn and works up quickly since it's chunky. Think this will be a good piece to take on an up-coming car ride. Mindless things are good for that.
Plan on taking the red cotton and new pattern with me on the trip with the hopes of getting it done. It's February's cloth after all. The pattern calls for lots of counting, a good quiet time project.
WIPW badges and links are in the sidebar if you'd like to join us, please do.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Ivory Afghan
Just thought I'd share this with you all. It's different then most of the afghans I've made through the years, in that it's more decorative. Normally, I make something for warmth both for family and all the ghans I've made for various charities through the years.
Laundry is calling my name, I'm trying to ignore it; but it's getting louder!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Building Red Brick
Since last week's YOP blog post, Got Brown Afghan has been completed, as has the shades of gray scarf. Both were pictured on Finished Object Friday's Post Here. Additionally, I've started working on the Feb cloth for Cotton Cloth Calendar Challenge; but....need to frog it, or at least part of it.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Feels good to get Projects Finished!
I was waiting for Finished Object Friday to share it with you. The donated squares were all crocheted, and I added 2 rows of black edging to all the squares and joined with black using the join as you go method.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Sweet Potato Gnocchi, Yummy
I helped by setting the table, and prepared the Martini's. Opened the wine for dinner so it could breathe while we enjoyed our Martini's.
link for recipe here,
Darling Daughter says she would suggest 1/2 smoked and 1/2 non-smoked Gouda Cheese to lessen how rich the sauce is.
Bought myself and DD a pedometer for Christmas. Was going to wear it daily and record steps taken and how many miles I went. Fell behind from the get go it seems. wasn't doing much here for the first couple of weeks after Christmas, and so didn't put it on. Then forgot to put it on at work. Finally, this week got started. Monday 16th walked 13,806 steps for 5.017 miles. Felt it to when I got home from work. But, yesterday.....19,852 steps and 7.214 miles by the time I sat down after work. And this still feeling it. Have added a tab here on the blog to keep track of my walking/steps etc.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Snowy Sunday
So, rather then redo the list each time for YOP, I'll make the changes above, you can also click the tab to see the whole list.
Plan for the week with regard to the list, start the February cloth for the Cotton Cloth Calendar Challenge, only 2 more to go, February and March.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Family Christmas Quilts
The year (whatever year it was), after making this quilt I made one for my 2 brothers and their families. My older brother always liked Norman Rockwell and I use a famous Rockwell Christmas print for the center of his quilt, though I didn't take a picture of it. Need to ask him to do so. My younger brother and his wife, love blue and Olde Time Village Christmas decorations so this is the one I made for them. I was able to photograph it as part of their traditional Christmas Decorations several years ago.
**Since most who visit this blog are crafters (knitters, crocheters, quilters etc.), could I ask that you scroll back to the previous post. Would love some insight, thoughts etc. on repairing an antique afghan.**
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Treasures from our Ancestors
Granny was married on Thanksgiving Day November 29th, 1888, at the age of 27. Getting married at the age of 27 was rather old for those times, generally speaking. But, Granny....wasn't ordinary. She was, I believe a woman before her time. She raced horses, and not against other women. She raced and often won against men. A strong willed and very capable woman indeed.
She was a beauty too, would imagine except for her wild spirit, she was probably sought after by a good many men before marrying my Great Grandfather. I don't know if this was the picture taken for her wedding photo or not, but I would imagine it was close to that time frame.

Monday, January 09, 2012
Unknitting on Monday
Now, the question is...........what to do with the yarn. It's lovely wool, DK weight, has a fabulous feel to it. Not sure, but wonder..........what different stitch would make the yarn look prettier? Knitting lengthwise would the color blocks be more acceptable? They'd be smaller groups of the colors, right? Maybe nothing but knitting this on large needles lenthwise would be the answer? Or just plain garter stitch with regular sized needles? Thoughts?
In the meantime, needed a no counting project to tote this is in the works.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Taking Stock of the List
On July 10th, 2011 I joined a blog hop on Ravelry called a Year of Projects (YOP)
My list has been broken into 3 categories:
Goals, Work in Progress, and Finished Objects. The list has been alter slightly. 2011 has come to and end, and today is day 3 of year 2012. The half way point in the YOP.
1. Learn to knit cables
2. Learn to knit socks
**I've made a cable knit washcloth so have accomplished 50% of this list item. I also have a cable knitted skirt I'm thinking of making...but, don't plan to add that item to the list
1. Candy Corn Ghan has been on this list Forever, and hasn't been touched. Seems since we past fall, it won't be for some time to come.
2. Liberty Lace. A scarf I'm making for myself. A challenge as it was a new lace stitch, my first. The yarn is yummy from a feel standpoint. Liking the color less and less as time goes on. On the back burner...haven't worked on it since ( ), a contender for frogging.
3. Buckeye Diagonal Scarf...also on the list a long time, no progess made. Back burner as OSU football season is a way off now, what's the point from a time management standpoint. Last worked on (May of 2011 )
4. Cotton Cloth Calendar Challenge. Fabulous headway here. 10 of 12 months completed 83% Done! Months pending are February and March. Cotton on hand, need to pick out pattern for February in the next couple of weeks.
5. Awesome Blue Scarf...frogged after 3 attempts and removed from list. Rather Replaced with Darling Daughters Green Scarf. Lots of headway, hoping to finish this week and mail to her. Had hoped to finish by Christmas, but that didn't happen. Pictured above and is one of my current focuses.
6. Bridge and Beyond Afghan, Got Brown? This particular item is coming along nicely, however since making ghans for Bridge and Beyond is's never going to be considered Done on my list. Pictured above in the works, and is one of my current focuses.
Finished Objects:
1. Wedding Ghan, this was the first fully knitted ghan with all new stitches I've made. It was a challenge, and I was very pleased with the end result.
2. Odd Ball Baby Blankets. When this was added to the list it was going to be 1 blanket, or my part of the one blanket. Turned into my part of 4 blankets. Cinco De Mayo, Baby Pink Petuna, Mardi Gras, and Fruit Salad. My parts are all DONE
3. Red Scarf No More, due to yarn problems this scarf was not donated to The Red Scarf Project, instead it was donated to Bridge and Beyond.
4. Bridge and Beyond Afghans. As stated above this is is always on going. I assemble ghans from donated squares which are in turn donated to Homeless Families through Bridge and Beyond. From the time YOP began here's the completed list:
A. Pink Poddle
B. Jewels
C. Pink Petuna
D. Rainbow Bright
E. Royalty
Badge and link for YOP in sidebar
A Year of Projects,
Darling Daughter,
Got Brown
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