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Friday, December 23, 2011

A travel plan in order

Fruit Salad Blueberries DoneI've posted about Oddball blankets before, it's a group on RAV, every knitter knits there section and sends the blanket on. Some are baby blankets, some full sized, some even for pets. This is a knitted worsted weight blanket sized for babies that requires 6 knitters and a border patrol person. My section has been complete and now that the blanket, Fruit Salad has it's traveling papers will be mailed, once again.

This blanket has traveled from Canada, to Wyoming, to Texas, to the state of Washington, then to me here in Ohio. From Ohio, The Buckeye State it will travel to Idaho for it's final section. I'm unsure where it will go from there to be bordered. The blue section is to represent blueberries.

Another Finished Object for Friday is January Cloth (my first cable attempt). And my 10th of 12th cloths for Cotton Cloth Calendar Challenge which is part of my YOP. It's not great and I learned that I would NEVER again do a cable stitch using Cotton!

Jan cloth
Cotton has no give which made doing this very difficult. And as you can see where I tried really hard to knit loser...there are some inconsistent holes near the cables. There are sections that turned out nice but I was only able to do a few rows at a time cause it played havoc on hands.

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  1. Clever that travel bag. Always fun to find out where all these things go, isn't it. That cabling looks great. I once knew how to do this, but I have no knowledge of it left. Funny how one can a whole skill out. Se la vie ;)

  2. Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful time :)

  3. Hi Sandy! I love the idea of the oddball blankets!!.. And I have never YET done cables in my crochet work. Maybe I'll get around to trying them sometime, because I DO love the look of them!.. Best wishes to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy! ~tina

  4. Sure do wish your posts rss had email as an option. I would subscribe. :)

  5. Karen, you can be a follower and see the stuff on your dashboard when something is new, and you can add me to your blog log and see when something's new as well. I specifically removed the option of email. When people read posts in their email, they don't visit blogs, which to me defeats the point in having a blog as there's no interaction.

  6. I love that blanket's name.


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