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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Are you Energized?

Energize, to give energy to, to activate or invigorate. That's the definition I found when I looked up the word. I knit and I crochet each and everyday; but I'm not the one that makes the most to donate, nor are my skills the best of those that donate to Bridge and Beyond.

Bridge and Beyond is a grassroots charity I started to aid the local homeless in Central Ohio. Through the help and generosity of many other knitters and crocheters, we've accomplished quite a bit over the last couple of years. My blog, Bridge and Beyond focuses on the need, documents the donations, and reaches out to attract others who can help.

I knit and crochet hats, scarves, mittens, slippers; and I assemble afghans from donated squares. But, I believe my biggest asset is that I Energize, Activate, and Invigorate others. Through my blog, my computer...I Energize others into action, and together through the help of many pairs of busy energized hands we make a difference.

*This is my E post for the Z-A challenge.
**Apologies if this post seems conceited, it's not my intent to sound self important; rather to draw attention to how we knitters and crocheters come together**


  1. Yes, you do energize others and that is a wonderful thing to do! We all need a push now and then, even if our intentions are good to begin with. Thanks!

  2. Thanks Sandie, appreciate your comment


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