Remember my post about being as old as dirt (a few back), well this day I can tell you I felt as old as dirt and then some.
Now, I wonder all the time I spent sitting here over the last couple of days loading pictures into the new computer (hope you enjoyed the movie in the previous post with music even), probably shoots whatever I gained with above steps. Dang it. Plus, the really frustrating thing is, I lost thousands of pictures about this time yesterday. I don't know how; but somehow I hit delete and didn't even send them to the re-cycle bin...they are gone!! Hubby even spent time looking through all the directories. Groan...all that time. I was getting super organized. Getting everything loaded here, put into files etc. Tech guy at Staples told me he could look through the actual data on the hard drive, but that it would be real costly...several hundred dollars. He also said he could redo everything if he didn't find it, but to load stuff for me would be $100.00. In addition, I would need to take my CD's, my old computer, my memory card. Heck, in order to tell him what I need, and want, I'd have to look at everything anyway. So....I started the process over again. This time though, I'm only doing things by subject...slowly one at a time.
Tomorrow, I'll on my pedometer again as it's a work day.