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Friday, July 10, 2009

Let the Killing Begin!

Argh......enough of you Beetles. I'm not even gonna try to get rid of you without going right to the heavy duty chemicals this year.

For two years I've battled and battled them. I've been kind to the environment and pinged them off into bucket after bucket of soapy water. They kept coming, and ate and ate. They ate my Rose of Sharon, they ate my Mallows, they ate my Lillie's, they ate my Petunia's....even the ones in pots on the deck.

I bumped up the killing and tried to keep them off the plants by soap spray, another kind to the environment listed as worth doing. NOT so, I say. You get rid of them for an hour or two...or until it rains or you need to water again or something like that.

This year, sorry not to be green; I'm going right for the big kill. Been seeing them in my petunia's again in the pots on the deck. Love the smell of them, love the way they attract Humming Birds, particularly the bright red and purple ones.

After all it's not like I'm killing a nice animal. Anyone wanna write last words, cause they're going for sure. I've had it with them.

And, besides I worked too hard with this to let them win
See Previus Post, Wordless Wednesday (Mulch)


  1. I say,
    They are eating my sweet smelling rose bush .Like you I caught them , proof, in the picture on my blog in the middle of a rose!
    They want to take all out beauty away from us. Let them go eat some weed!
    Go girl go.

  2. Last words. Run Bugs! Run!

  3. They are running like mad, screaming HELP


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