Coffee Latte has come out of the project bag again for awhile. It was quite skinny when last I worked on it and showed you a photo. It's about 3 x as deep now. It still is going to take some time I think.Close up so you can the color better, not solid brown. Got a curling edge problem. Should have done several rows of garter before starting the pattern. So, picked up stitches and knitting 3 rows but it's still curling. Pulled out the picked up stitches and will probably crochet an edge when all done, that and blocking hopefully will take care of the problem. Other thought, will it matter if I pick up stitches on the back side to start instead of the front side which is what I did and you can clearly see the fold? Thoughts??Ern and I when we voted early. The line was pretty long, well beyond and behind the building and doubled up. Took about an hour and 15 minutes, but the weather wasn't too bad, another advantage of voting early.After voting we celebrated with a little bubbly in our back yard.Our neighborhood had only Biden signs, which was nice. I was happy I didn't have to see lots of the orange ones signs. Though there were some as I did my daily walks.Two recent books I've listened to as I walk. LOVED Little Fires Everywhere, but hated how it ended. Anyone read or listened to it?This book along with Bolton's, and A Warning by Anonymous which later we learned was Miles Taylor all point to how completely dysfunctional this man is and how unfit he has been since day 1. Counting the days til we can throw him out of our house. So frustrated he won't permit the traditional transition. It's dangerous on several levels, certainly the national security is at stake and no doubt more people will die from Covid without a smooth and coordinated effort between the outgoing administration and the incoming administration. He obviously doesn't even care that he's putting even his own followers at risk. Sadly, they don't seem to understand it either.
Happy Belated Happy Valentines to all. I don't tend to do lots of decorating for the various holidays, but do like to have the dining room table festive. I've had the placemats and napkins for a good number of years, but thought this year I needed something in the middle of the table and found these cute little hearts at CVS.
Do you decorate for the holidays? Did you celebrate the holiday? We went to dinner Sat night (not Friday the 14th), using a gift card our darling daughter got us for Christmas. Meal was excellent.
Coffee Latte Afghan is now done! Yippee, another project completed. This ghan has 206 stitches per row. I considered counting the rows to determine how stitches there were but didn't. Let's just say ALOT! Coffee Latte is here drying after being laundered. Smoothed it out, no real blocking was necessary. It's being donated to Bridge and Beyond (my charity that benefits the homeless).
Still working on jewel tone scarf (scroll to previous post), and potato chip scarf, (2 posts ago), but not enough difference to take another photo to share with you.
Not that I think there's anything funny about our current hot mess in White House; but this did at least make me smile. I do love my glasses!
I've tried to watch Monarch of the Glen, but haven't found it on Amazon Prime or Netflix, even though a google search says it's available.
I watched Season One of My Mother and Other Strangers, which I LOVED!
But, it ends with a real cliff hanger, and it's not clear if there will ever be a season 2. OMG!
Hated where it ended in season 1. I stayed up late to watch, as I couldn't force myself to go to bed.
I watched Season 1 of Virgin River, which also ended up in a bad spot cliff hanger. Geesh, when will season 2 be out? I hate getting involved in one of these series and then having to wait for the next season.
AND I watched Aristocrats
I would recommend all these though Aristocrats would be at the bottom of the list. This list is over the last month or so. Have you seen them? What did you think?
This scarf shawl........finally finished. You might remember seeing it when I started it, then again after I ripped it out and started over........and finally it's finished. It's unbelievable soft, probably more soft than anything I've made to date. The yarn comes from 3 different yarn shops. First purchased the lightest variegated (here in Columbus), then the darker version (Park City, Utah), then the yellow here in town, but a 2nd yarn shop, lol. It's wide enough to be a shawl and covers shoulders nicely, but here I'm wearing it sorta more like a scarf. I think in spring it will be worn more as a shawl/wrap/stoll and will be light, airy but helpful against air conditioning. I used drop stitches with 2 yarn overs/wraps. It's fingering weight yarn, size 5 needle.

A few posts ago, I told you I had start-itis and really wanted to do something with some new yarn I had purchased. After finishing the above yellow, I started this scarf. It too is fingering weight yarn, but with this I'm using only a size 4 needle. Simple 2 row repeat pattern which will produce a asymmetrical scarf. LOVE LOVE these jewel tones. The pattern was written for ww yarn and has you cast on 5, so I thought casting on doubling that (10) would make it wide enough to compensate for the difference is yarn weight. I started this on the same trip but, believe it will take a while to finish. Thinking if I were to do this again with this weight yarn I would cast on we'll see how it turns out. I think the 10 would be perfect for maybe sport weight yarn. But, I have enough yarn to make it long enough to wrap around at least twice so hoping it will be ok.

This Afghan, Coffee Latte was started about a year ago and put away in the summer when I didn't want a heavy ghan on my lap. Decided I needed to bring it along to see if I could get it finished. I'm close. The section at the bottom, closest to you is what's on the needles. Need to finish that solid brown section, and then just have one more section of the variegated and it will be done. Once finished it will donated through my charity, Bridge and Beyond.
Worked on this scarf in the car on the way to Hilton Head and finished it the first week, so was able to wear it while there. Love the bold color sections. This is the same pattern that I'm using on the above jewel toned scarf. This was very nice yarn to work with and went pretty fast since it's WW weight. 25% wool and 75% acrylic but didn't have the harsh feel that some acrylics do on your hands. It's Plymouth Yarn Hot Cakes 404 yards and one skein made a nice size scarf.
Here you get a little better feel for the shape and size. This is a king size bed.
**you see the yarn for jewel tone scarf and burgundy/black/gray scarf in the start-itis post.
What are you working on? Do you like to knit or crochet when you travel?
Not a good picture, as this old cross stitch (stamped not counted), is now hanging in the basement. Had this upstairs above an old children's roll top desk for years. I must have tired of it, or decided during one of the paint color changes in the house (in 36 years there's been a few), it no longer matched or looked nice. But, I always liked the saying, Choose Thy Love, Love Thy Choice. Good words to live by. I think perhaps I need to bring this up from the basement and see if I can clean up the frame, if not; maybe re-frame it. This was one of my earliest cross stitch fact, it might be the very first. I think it is.

This, I think was my 2nd project. With the reflection it might be hard to read. It says, God Gave us our Memories, so that we might have roses in December. This too is a stamp not counted cross stitch project. I made this for my Grandmother who who a wonderful rose garden when I was a kid. Back when roses smelled good, you know before "they" had been hybrided to death. In seeing these pictures togther on my blog, I see no reason why they couldn't reside together
Bringing out Coffee Latte. Haven't worked on this since mid April, according to the date of my last picture. Have a few more of the solid brown to do, and then the large variegated section is next. So making headway. The largest variegated section is towards the bottom of the picture to give you a feel for where I am. I think, if I guessed right on the amount of yarn I have, this will be larger than a lapghan when done, and maybe a bit smaller than a regular ghan.......time will tell.

Making a hyper-link. Some time back. I blogged about making a hyper-link. But, couldn't type exactly how to make one for you all, or it would in fact be a hyper-link and you wouldn't see the code. Then one day when I was visiting one of your blogs and using said hyper-link, it occurred to me to take a picture. Then you could see the code, but it would be a picture and wouldn't therefore be a link. Many of the bloggers on my blog list only use google as an option when leaving a comment, instead of the name and url option. When you only use google, a person clicks on your name and is then taken to the bloggers profile page...NOT their blog. If that person has only one blog, you then click the name of the blog from the profile page...thus 2 clicks to get to the blog of the person you want to visit. If however, the person you're visiting has several blogs (like I do, and many bloggers do), without using name and url you again go to their profile page, then you have to click trough how ever many blogs are listed to find the one you typically visit. In some cases many of the blogs still listed on the person's profile page are blogs they no longer use. For those with out dated blogs, or inactive blogs, you can edit your settings and hide those blogs from your profile page to simply things. But, if a person only has google listed and not name and url as an option when you leave a comment, you can save and should leave your actual blog url by making a hyperlink in the actual comment the above picture shows. You start with <a href=".....after the " you add the copy and paste of your actual blog post...end that with"> then add the name of your blog where you see Sandy's Space above, followed by </a>

This antique filet crochet doily is a family piece. I don't know who made it, or how old it is; as I've never seen it before. When the brothers and I were cleaning out and organizing my Dad's house to prepare it for sale, we found this in a badly broken old frame. If you click to enlarge the picture, you can see the stains.........both of age, and on the two edges that were touching the frame. Believe it absorbed the stain from the frame. I examined it carefully and could see no signs of instability and so decided I would chance washing it. I washed in cold water, in light detergent in a laundry bag for fine linens to protect it. It's now dried and looks more clean, but the stain is still present...just better. I plan to find an appropriate sized shadow box frame for it. The old frame isn't repairable and wasn't the right size to begin with, which is how the edges were all matted against the frame and some of the filet wasn't actually visible in the old frame. What a find! Just wish I had seen this before, when I could have asked my mother, or grandmother, or one of my great aunts who made it, where it came from, who's house it had belonged to. Such a shame to have family pieces without knowing the story.

Finished my shawl! Just need to weave in the ends. Really wanted another section of the pretty green, but wasn't sure I had enough yarn left to continue the next repeat. Each repeat was 10 rows, and at the end of the 10 rows you bind off 4 to give you the pointed edge. I ended up with 24 points, pattern indicated you might get 25 from the cake of yarn. Love the points edge...very pretty, and the scooped edge that will be the neck edge (you can see it if you click to enlarge's the top edge where you do the increases with kfb. The right edge is the edge you bind off. Debating whether or not I should try to crochet a little edge there...or whether it would look weird, even if I do have enough yarn to do your thoughts gang.

And so, I've started another one. This one won't be as, gray and white. So far it's hard to see any shading in the colors. If you remember, I had to rip out the pink and green one when I was close to half way through, and lost some yarn in the process. Since, I now know the pattern that shouldn't happen, and presumably I should be able to get the 25 points? Time will tell. This one is for a friend who requested the black, gray and white.
Coffee Latte is continuing to grow. Am working on the dark brown section now that you see at the bottom of the picture. Completed 2 more sections since the last picture and it now measures 38 (before blocking) inches in depth. The previous large dark brown section is the middle point of the afghan.
Some of you know I've been blogging less due to being super busy dealing with my Dad being in an assisted living center...and working on his house to prepare for sale. This is his house, fingers and toes crossed...we have a contract. Just waiting on the inspection now. Will be a huge relief to get this taken care of.
Spotted this the other day on Facebook and thought it was too funny not to share. I especially like downward facing cake, lol. I'm not really even a big lover of cake, prefer pie...but it made me laugh.
Making headway with my shawl............the 2nd time through. I was farther along than the previous picture shows when I realized I had a major error, I wasn't able to fix it, so totally un-knitted it and started over. Currently I have 18 scallops for the edge, pattern says they will be about 25 when finished. Wasn't happy about having to totally rip it out and start over; but I didn't put a marker for the right side in, which got my count own fault. The 2nd time I put the marker in. Lesson learned. LOL. What I can't visualize is how my long un-scalloped edge is going to shape up. Seems too long to only get 7 more scallops in..........time will tell I guess.
Haven't worked on this drop stitch lace shawl in awhile, but hope to in the next couple of days.
Coffee Latte is now over half way. The current section of variegated starts the 2nd half (at the top of the photo), with the dark brown section being the middle.
This is a series hubby and I are watching. It's an interesting view of Atlantic City back in the day with crime bosses and Capone and I love the clothes of the period.
Been out of town a bit, and very busy with Dad at the Assisted Living Center, and preparing his house for sale. Thus, the being behind with blogging.
Coffee latte continues to grow and grow. Believe it was about 22-23 inches at this point. I've now completed a good part of the tan section after the variegated you see in this photo. Pleased this one is coming along so quickly.
This really made me laugh. Been awhile since I've done my yoga. Was trying to do it several times a week using a video from Amazon Prime, but my time has been so filled with things revolving around Dad moving into an Assisted Living Center.
Just this past Tuesday, Dad turned 93. The facility let us gather for his birthday cake in the private dining room they have. Myself, older brother Chuck, and younger brother Mike. Our spouses all joined us as well, just not in the picture.
I hadn't planned to continue to watch this show, McLeod's Daughters, but several people told me it was still good even after the star, Claire (pictured far left here in grayish hat), left the show. So, I've started watching it again. It's different, still enjoyable; but I do miss Claire and the relationship she and Alex had.
**Did you notice the new addition to my right side bar? My frequent visitors...Made a special list to say thank you. If you've not been to their blogs, please do.**