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Friday, May 13, 2011

Camo Cotton Cloth

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camo cotton clothNothing fancy about this 100% cotton camo washcloth, but I like it anyway. It's made using the basic corner to corner method starting with casting on 4. I used size 8 needles. I was hoping to get 2 cloths out of the one skein, but that's not going to happen. The variegated Sugar'n Cream is only 3 oz vs the 4 oz of the solid colors. I used 1.7 oz making this almost 11 inch square cloth and therefore only have 1.3 oz. left.

I cast on 4 as mentioned above, knitted 2 stitches before my yo (yarn over). The label suggested size 7 needles. So maybe if I make one a little smaller and use smaller needles I can get a 2nd cloth? I knit until I had 55 stitches before starting my decrease cause I wanted it sized for a man.

For fun I figured out how many rows and stitches. So, adding 54 + 54 =108 plus the middle row of 55 stitches =109 rows, but then you substract 8 (cause you cast on 4 and bind off with 4 stitches still on the needles), and you're back down to 101 rows. Funny, never really thought about this before, but a group of us were talking about how good it is to have a quick, fast project. Adding the stitches now that's a different story. Adding 4-5-6 etc until you get to 54, then multiplying that by 2 (2 halves), and adding 55 the middle row you get 3,987 stitches. That seems like a lot of stitches for a quick easy project doesn't it. I was surprised. Anyway...sometimes a person's mind wonders. This is probably more then anyone wants or needs to know about the knitting of a corner to corner cotton washcloth...but there you have it.

This will packaged with soap and other personal care items and donated to Bridge and Beyond next month, as 100% cotton will be our focus for the month of June.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Let me Quench your Thirst

2 martini'sNicely chilled Martini's anyone? The martini on the left is a Dirty Martini with Vodka and olives, and the martini on the right is Gin, a dry Gin Martini with a twist for hubby. He likes Bombay. My favorite Vodka is Rain, but that's not easy to come by. We can't get it here, so often instead I use Belvedere.
Lemon Drop MartiniThough sometimes I prefer a Lemon Drop Martini with a nice sugared rim. I make a good Martini if I do say so myself. We've gotten so were disappointed when we order one out, and find ourselves saying they're not as good as mine. lol You really need them to be ice cold, which in a busy bar is hard to do. I chill the glasses in the freezer and really shake the shaker which can give you very small little ice crystals...nice! Now that, quenches your thirst.

What type of Martini's do you like? Do you make them at home or order them out?

**This is my Q post Z-A challenge.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Whoa Nellie, it's Wednesday

wi progress wednesday badgeWell, I've made lots of progress on my Poodle Blanket. Believe I've completed 4 sections since my last post and picture and am at the writing of this (scheduled ahead a wee bit), almost at the half way point. Hopefully, by the time you read this I will be on the decreasing half vs the add a stitch half. Somehow, mentally that always makes you feel you're closer then you really are. After all it takes the same amount of time to do the 2nd half as it does the first half...or does it? You do perhaps spend more time on the first half decided when and where to change colors which is less of an issue the 2nd half....though realistically this one isn't x number of rows and it's not precise. No need to do that really with the yarn. I named this one Poodle Blanket since my last post because the colors make me think of the 50's and poodle skirts. And black and white saddle shoes. It's made with 2 different skeins of JoAnn's Sensations Rainbow Boucle. This yarn is listed as a bulky yarn and that always surprises me as it's very light weight to work with. It suggests size 10 needles on the label, but I grabbed size 8. To me 8 is the average, the one you use the bulk of the time with knitted worsted which is what the yarn seems to me like. It might go faster though with size 10.
poodle blanketI've made no headway with the red scarf for The Red Scarf Project since last time. Since it's a long way off, I've laid it aside for awhile. Likewise, the pretty blue with the long 300 stitch cast on..I've not done anymore on it either.
butterfly clothInstead I decided to cast on this pretty yellow butterfly washcloth. I needed a little project to tote around and this seemed like a good idea. The problem I'm having is the cotton fiber does not slid nicely on my Denise Needles. I probably should have grab some old metal needles for this project. It's fine for the regular knitted rows, and or even the regular pearl rows; but the rows where you're purling a purl it seems very tight and hard to move and is hard on my hands.

Both the yellow washcloth and the pink poodle blanket will be donated to those in need at Faith Mission, through Bridge and Beyond.

I've asked several people in their blogs, but haven't yet received a reply...so will ask here. Does anyone know how to make those little graphs you see on people's blogs that show percentage done on any given project? I've wondered that many times and would like to add a couple here, I think. I've seen them on RAV. as well, but am more interested in posting those here on the blog. Please leave your instructions in the comments. That way, others who might be interested will also see them, and I won't delete them in emails or have to go sort through to find them. Thanks