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Saturday, May 01, 2010

Before and After

pastaI've shared a few of pasta dishes with you before, but thought it was time for another. As the pasta (bow tie) is cooking, slice red and yellow peppers (slice not chopped for nice larger pieces), sliced fresh mushrooms, red onion. Sprinkle with olive oil, add pine nuts, and 4 or 5 sliced sun dried tomatoes. The veggie mix will be cooked in the microwave for about 4 minutes covered. Wait til your pasta's almost finished so the veggies aren't mushy. Quickly brown Andouille Sausage (don't need but about a cup). You'll add the sausage to veggie mix so don't over cook when browning it.
pastaWhen pasta is drained (I like al dente) return to pot, throw in 3 -4 handfuls of fresh baby spinach, top with veggie mix mixture, mix til it seems coated, the spinach will be lightly wilted but not mushy. Serve over pasta, sprinkle freshly ground Romano cheese.

Quick, Easy, Pretty, and pretty darn good if I do say so myself. And I do. lol

All you need to top of the meal is a nice glass of wine and good loaf of bread. Not garlic bread, the sausage is very full of flavor so the garlic bread would fight it.

I call this Andouille Pasta Vegetable Medly

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Messy Yarn Organization, and Packing?

yarn mess
I always go through this when I'm trying to decide what yarn to take. You want things that don't take up much room when you fly so no bulky yarns. Sometimes I think it's wiser to have nothing but 1 or 2 skeins of real basic yarn and do scarfs or squares; but then you've got more bulk on the return. Sometimes I think baby items are good, lighter weight yarn; but that also means I need to pay attention to patterns. On the plane sometimes counting stitches and rows can be an issue.

Sooooooo, this mess on the floor is my attempt to organize and decide what to take, what to work on; what's the right size and amount of yarn. What size needles, should I only take crocheting or both knitting and crocheting etc.

I have a basket right by the chair, which tends to be where I put things I'm working on, left over yarn from items I've recently finished etc. And after a period of time, it's a mess and I no longer remember what's in there. So, I dump it and re-organize. Take some I'm not really using to the basement shelves, bring other stuff up etc. It's always such a process. Seems I always do this before I pack.

Sooo, right now I've put a bag of purple, white, and lavendar light weight yarn in a zip lock bag with a crochet baby sweater pattern and the right size crochet hook. This is obviously a girl combination of colors. So, to of set that, I also found a camo type dark yarn mix where I can use the same pattern for a little boy. That's probably going in my carry on bag. Then something to knit in my suitcase. That way I have variety. Or I'll flip it around. But, at least I've picked out the yarn for part of it.

Silly Squirrels, Must be NUTS

red tulipSeveral weeks ago we spotted this one, lone red tulip in the yard. Not in the flower bed you can see just to edge of the picture. This flower bed is NOT where I've planted tulips at all as a matter of fact. What is a fact is that all the red tulips are on the side of the house, this picture is in the back yard. Now birds can sometimes drop seeds and things can sprout in odd places; but tulips don't have seeds. In fact their bulbs are pretty good size, AND their planted on the surface but about 6 inches below the soil. So.........me thinks some silly squirrel is nuts. Rather he or she was planting nuts, dug up my bulb thinking it was a nut and never remember to come back to it for dinner along the way. Or perhaps he or she did come back for a snack and realized....hum, that's not a nut!
red tulipHere's a close up my lone tulip. Intended to dig it up to transplant it back where it belongs after it bloomed; but it's been raining alot and so, I've not gotten that done.

We enjoyed it's beauty just the same.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Miracle of Birth, and Laying an Egg

Mallard Duck nestingThe other day I traveled to Urbana to help Daddy take his 90 year old Sister to the doctors. This Duck has made herself a comfy nest right beside the door to the doctor's office. I mean right beside it. See the drain, the door is to the left about 8 inches. There were tons of people in and out in and out. We were there about an hour and half and the poor Duck surely had lots of interruptions. Someone else there waiting got her the bowl of water and some stale bread. What a busy place to make a nest to lay eggs.
Momma MallardApparently, she had already layed the eggs. See the white there in the very front? One of the nurses came out to check on her and said there was a pond back behind the office; but there were often cats there. She figured the Duck felt safer close to the building with all the people.
Duck on EggsShe didn't squawk as we all watched her. I'm not as close as this looks (wanted to give her some space); used my Zoom and then cropped the photo here which makes it appear I'm closer.

Birth is such a miracle. Wonder if the doctors office staff has little ducklings there yet to watch over?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

WOW MOM, The Wisteria

Purple WisteriaWisteria

Took these photo's about a week ago at my folks house. Mom LOVED these Wisteria plants. Year after year it was a source of concern and pride for both my folks. Mom would worry so about them being ruined. Our weather here in central Ohio is soooooooooo unpredicatable. The Wisteria would show blooms in early spring then we'd get a frost and they'd be gone and she'd be extremely upset. She spotted these plants I think on a trip to Williamsburg many years ago and then they decided to plant some.

There have been years when through their worry, Dad would hook up umbrella's around them to protect them from the frost. I even remember one year she talked so much about how many blossoms they had and how anxious she was for them to bloom; he hooked up a light bulb to provide heat for these treasured plants of hers.

And this year, I feel Mom's presence there. The Wisteria have never been prettier, or more full of blooms. They smell heavenly and are loaded with lots of honey bees pollinating. Pollinate away bees, Mom would certainly approve. On the anniversary of her death, I enjoyed some quiet time with Daddy, a glass of wine and Mom's beautiful Wisteria.

**I'm out of order alphabetically here with my W memory of Mom, but it seemed appropriate.
Other Memories:
A=Advice, Afghan, Apples
B=Bread, and Bernie
C=Camping, Creativity and Courage
D=Dancing and Delaware Dam
E=Energy and Etiquette
G=Gown (wedding gown), grape pop
H=Hammocks and Holidays
I=Ice Skating and Isaly's
J=JACKS, Mother and Daughter, childhood games
K=Kindess, something we're taught
L=Love Story
M=Memories, One Year Ago Today (Making Do and Mohican)
N=Noodles Over Niagara

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clicking glasses together, TOAST!

wine lunchOne for me and one for you! See, I really am handing it across the table to her. Take a look and you'll see, one for me and one for Jan, my SIL.
Jan and wineWe had lunch outdoors, little cool; but we were determined to catch a ray of sun if it showed itself we didn't want to miss the opportunity. This was a couple of weeks ago after we'd gone for a massage. You can tell it's still plenty cool; she's wearing a jacket, and I've got on a vest.

Lunch is always an adventure for us. We don't get to do this often; and it seems funny things always happen when we do; so it truly is an adventure.

I usually have my camera in my purse, and it's a good thing..........cause look what we saw. Grabbed my camera quickly....and HERE YOU GO. (psssssssss click on here you go).