I love having Followers, Thank You

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

WIP, FO...and progress there of

Posted recently completed scarf and mittens on The Bridge Project page, 2 less WIP and one more FO (work in progress AND finished object for you non crafters), and here is some more progress on perhaps the longest living wip I've had. The Candy Corn Ghan...it's not a real square and I don't want it to be, sorta modern version of a square if you will. I won't it to be off...and funky, but traditional in it's colors at the same time. So, it's a real piece work. A few rows of this, then I stare and decide what to do next based on the amount of whatever color I have.

Fabulous massage yesterday, need to run errands next, sun is melting some of the snow....see me dancing in the streets?

**wonderful updates on The Bridge Blog, please hop over via the badge on my side bar.
***working a bit on Twitter...jury's still out on that to see if I'll carry it forward....

Monday, February 02, 2009

Following up on the award

I'm now to pass along the award to 5 people. Wow, I read so many blogs, and all are interesting, educational, and fun...only 5. Ok here goes:

First my SIL, a new blogger who's loving it all so much and having fun learning new things. Jan, at Ignite to Write

Next, Crochet Princess (Beth), for not only donating a mound of mittens, but for designing a pattern for mittens for The Bridge Project.

Next is Ghost, who's blog is always interesting; who donates to many causes with her big heart; and who is always willing to help with computer questions.

Sissie, who rallied people here on blogger and over at Crochetville last year to make 100 lapghans to ensure seniors at a nursing home had a better Christmas, and this year is rallying the troops to make ghans for sick children for Victory Gang Camps; one of the late great
Paul Newman, Hole in the Wall Camps.

And Wormie, who's personal blog is always interesting; her willingness to share patterns and her 2nd site, Marine Corp Kids, such a worthy cause that she maintains.

My best to you all, keep up the good work and thanks for being such wonderful blog buddies. You all now have the same tough job when you go to pass along the award.

Save the picture/award button to your computer and post on your blog, with a link to here...my blog.

Pick your five people, leave them a note you've done so and they in turn will follow the same procedure.

Thank you again Octopi for giving this award to me....award button in previous post ladies.

Pictures tomorrow of 2 WIP which are now FO, mittens and a scarf for The Bridge Project. Worked some today on Candy Corn Ghan, had a fabulous massage this afternoon with SIL, and plan to work on a few more rectangles to get them dropped off for Warm Up America, and........

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Ahhhhhh, how nice is this?

This award comes to me from Octopi, and here's her blog note regarding it.
Octopi Crafts was given an award! Thanks Cotton and Cloud!
Here's the rules:
1) Put the award on your blog
2) Put a link on your blog of the blogger who gave you the award

3) Nominate 5 other bloggers...

Sandy's Space
A great blog about crocheting and life! Sandy also recently started another blog devoted to helping the homeless of Ohio, The Bridge Project
Muchas Gracias for this sweet award. You sure know how to make someone feel good. Now, I must give some thought as to whom to pass this award along too....stay tuned.
(finished a pair of mittens last night and am almost finished with a scarf for the homeless project. Gonna work some on the Candy Corn Ghan, thats been in the works for a realllllllly long time, while I'm watching the super bowl).

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Come, Look out my Window!

These are the views out my windows this morning. Here in Central Ohio, it's really coming down. The blanket of white is pretty; but........it's on top of the freezing rain we had last night; the freezing rain was after we had several inches of snow. So, it's really pretty nasty out there. Businesses and schools around town are closed. We're at a level II Snow Emergency. That translates to, you're not suppose to go out unless you absoltely have to. Sadly, my phone hasn't rung to tell me work's been canceled. Errrrrrrrrr.

Didn't leave work til 8pm last night, after not making quota; so I know today will be no better. My boss was home early. They, the administrative staff all left about 4pm, when it was starting to get bad; but not us. The phone crew left early, at least those that actually came in. You see (for some who don't know), I work doing food taste tests for market research. So, last night only a few testers came in and there were only a few of us there performing the test. Luckily, I live only 4.5 miles from where I work; but I was the ONLY one on the road last night as I drove home. It was slippery.

Pretty to look out the window at, but I quess I don't just get to admire it from afar.

Stay warm, stay safe all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The end of Darling Daughters Yarn

You might recall DD bringing home a bag of yarn at Christmas, yarn she wanted scarfs to be made from. Several she wanted for herself, others for her housemates; and I think a fellow teacher or two.

I've posted them off and on here since, the finished projects that is. Not the housemates. lol

Just tucked in the last ends on this scarf, one more from The Light n Lofty Yarn she likes so much

And another hat for recess. It's cold when you're a teacher on recess duty. This is the 3rd hat I've crocheted for her. Though the pattern called for puff stitches, I only had the one skein of Lion Brand Jiffy #325 El Paso, and so did the whole thing in DC. It's certainly thick enough given the bulky yarn; just doesn't have the texture her 2 previous hats did.

The hat is made from a now favorite hat pattern Puffy Sloucy Hat. I printed it from a free site here on the net, will look and come back with link for you all. Nice pattern. Good change from the tight fitting, I've had a hat on my head patterns.

Things are really moving along nicely on The Bridge Project. Please take a minute and check it out.

My SIL, is having fun with her blog. If you've not had a chance, please stop by and chat. If you're a teacher, a mother, a grandma in need of quality writing suggestions/games for children, her blog truly is a must read. Got a particular problem, post it for her help.

Mr. Mitten has a story you might enjoy reading.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

D r A M a

Too much drama going on work these days. People are irritable, getting on each others nerves. People need to relax and be kinder to each other. Often it's not what one says; but how one says things that can make a difference. Take a deep breathe people, think before you speak.

We work in 2 different buildings, however we all work for the same company; and still need to work together. We're not. It's building against building right now, fighting over parking spaces, fighting over who works harder, fighting over who works the worst or best hours. I want to get everyone in one room in the same building and say GROW UP and STOP being so petty. Some of it I understand. It's my nature to see both sides of things...I am a middle child. I am the peace maker, I've always been in that role. I dislike tormoil, can't we hold hands and sing Kumbaah (sp?). Seriously. Work would be easier for all if we could get rid of the drama. Sigh.......

So...it's not about yarn, but drama = D, and thats the best I can do today. lol

I can however report on the A part of the alphabet. I finally got a good start on the Opal Ghan, previously you saw the yarn it it's project bag. Here now is the progress of that.

and one of the many WIP (brown light and lofty, another scarf for ----you know that darling daughter in Baltimore.

Those are 2 items I've worked on the last 2 days. Today, I'll work on mittens, and tomorrow more rectangles for Warm Up America, as I need to wrap that up...deadline is approaching.