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Showing posts with label work in progress Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work in progress Wednesday. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Diagonal Buckeye

Geess...totally forgot I had this scarf in the works. Found it when I was moving things around in my office. I see I must have needed the size 10 needles for another project and even removed them. Thankfully, I left a note as to the size I was using on the card with the pattern; but...I didn't leave a note about where I was in the pattern. I may have to take this to my LYS to see if they can tell me where I am. I'm not good at looking at the stitch and seeing what I did last...that's a real problem. I can do that easily with crocheting, but not with knitting.

Dang it, why didn't I leave myself a note! I was making this around Christmas as part of a gift and it just didn't make it. Using Lion Brand Woolease, size 10 needles and am probably 1/4th done?

Any suggestions as to how to tell where I am in the project to keep my increase and decrease going correctly?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Work in Progress Wed, AND L (z-a challenge)
red lace scarfRed happens to be a favorite color of a certain SIL who's soon to turn 60. Summer scarves need to be light, lacy, open and I think this will serve nicely for all those. I rarely get cold, but still like to wear a summer scarf now and again. When you out in the evening, sometimes the cold of the air conditioning on your neck really makes the arthritis there hurt. So, a nice decorative scarf not only helps that, but eliminates the need for a necklace, and can jazz up an outfit. The yarn is Feza Jewel. I'm using number 8 knitting needles and a double drop stitch to create the open lacy look. I love the look of the yarn, it has a shimmer which makes it a bit dressier I think.
close up red drop stitch scarfHolding this up in front of the window so you can see the lacy openness of it better. Though one truly can't hold a scarf still enough to get a good picture. It always moves. It's just under 3 inches wide.

This is my 4th start for this scarf. I had other yarn in Buckeye colors. I started 3 different times using it, changing needles to try and get it to work...after 3 tries with 2 different stitches and 3 different size needles...I put that yarn away and choose this instead. This is much softer also. The other I think would be scratchy against a neck in summer.

I think if I used this yarn again, I might like it worked lengthwise for a different lace look, but...then again casting on 200 or 250 stitches...maybe not.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Whoa Nellie, it's Wednesday

wi progress wednesday badgeWell, I've made lots of progress on my Poodle Blanket. Believe I've completed 4 sections since my last post and picture and am at the writing of this (scheduled ahead a wee bit), almost at the half way point. Hopefully, by the time you read this I will be on the decreasing half vs the add a stitch half. Somehow, mentally that always makes you feel you're closer then you really are. After all it takes the same amount of time to do the 2nd half as it does the first half...or does it? You do perhaps spend more time on the first half decided when and where to change colors which is less of an issue the 2nd half....though realistically this one isn't x number of rows and it's not precise. No need to do that really with the yarn. I named this one Poodle Blanket since my last post because the colors make me think of the 50's and poodle skirts. And black and white saddle shoes. It's made with 2 different skeins of JoAnn's Sensations Rainbow Boucle. This yarn is listed as a bulky yarn and that always surprises me as it's very light weight to work with. It suggests size 10 needles on the label, but I grabbed size 8. To me 8 is the average, the one you use the bulk of the time with knitted worsted which is what the yarn seems to me like. It might go faster though with size 10.
poodle blanketI've made no headway with the red scarf for The Red Scarf Project since last time. Since it's a long way off, I've laid it aside for awhile. Likewise, the pretty blue with the long 300 stitch cast on..I've not done anymore on it either.
butterfly clothInstead I decided to cast on this pretty yellow butterfly washcloth. I needed a little project to tote around and this seemed like a good idea. The problem I'm having is the cotton fiber does not slid nicely on my Denise Needles. I probably should have grab some old metal needles for this project. It's fine for the regular knitted rows, and or even the regular pearl rows; but the rows where you're purling a purl it seems very tight and hard to move and is hard on my hands.

Both the yellow washcloth and the pink poodle blanket will be donated to those in need at Faith Mission, through Bridge and Beyond.

I've asked several people in their blogs, but haven't yet received a reply...so will ask here. Does anyone know how to make those little graphs you see on people's blogs that show percentage done on any given project? I've wondered that many times and would like to add a couple here, I think. I've seen them on RAV. as well, but am more interested in posting those here on the blog. Please leave your instructions in the comments. That way, others who might be interested will also see them, and I won't delete them in emails or have to go sort through to find them. Thanks

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Oddball, Xanthic ?

oddball cupid before borderThis baby blanket is knitted, each strip/section by a different knitter. The blanket travels as each person adds the section much like a progressive dinner moving about. This OddBall Baby Blanket has traveled through Washington, California, Hawaii, Wyoming, Minnesota and to Ohio. This group, Oddball Blankets is fun to belong to because of the variety. Some groups make baby blankets, others full size blankets, others pet blankets. Each travels in a prescribed geographic area. Though the group I belong to is several groups merged so our geographic area is quite large. Doing a section is a nice way to try a new stitch. The end result is heart warming in that all blankets go to charity. The other nice point of the group is using up your stash, using up your odds and ends. It doesn't take much yarn to knit a section. Blankets are all named and knitters are to choose colors appropriate for the theme. We sign up in fact for the blankets we want based on the yarn we have on hand and what goes with what.

This blanket is Titled "Cupid". When I signed up I thought, great I have lots of reds and pinks. Beyond that, it occurred to me people might use white or purple as well. I had plan A and plan B. I knit and crochet and so was added for the border patrol. Border Patrol people crocheted the edge. I had a great variegated laid aside with pinks and reds I thought would probably really tie into the theme and pull the blanket together. Later, I also noticed I had a 2nd variegated with pinks and purples...which is also romantic and "Cupid" like to me. Thus, I was ready with plan A and B. Looking at the blanket above with blue and yellow, neither of preconceived ideas were going to work. Searching through my rather large stash, I had nothing that pulled these colors together. Shopping trip! Normally I love shopping for yarn, but that sorta defeats one of the 3 things I like about the group.

border in the worksXanthic? Yes you're saying the word is in the title....what is it? According to Rgb scales #237 and #237/9, it's also listed on the Hex list as EDED09. I've read it described as the color of ripening lemons, and the color in eggs. When looking at a sample of the color, it seemed to me to have a tinge of green? Now, that could be due to my computer screen; but...that's my current take on it. See the yellow in the variegated above? And don't forget the 2 blue sections.
cupid in the worksHere then is my work in progress using Red Heart's Fiesta to try and pull some blue and some Xanthic into the border, hoping to pull this blanket together. The color is called Harvest #6332. Firstly let me say, I hate this yarn and do not recommend it. It's not wrapped well and separates easily when being crocheted (as bad as Caron's Simply Soft). It might be better knitted? Using a cross stitch here to add a little bit of a lace look to it...Cupid after all would be frilly, lacy, romantic. Or at least my idea of.

Check back on Friday for FO, hoping to get this done and in the mail. Thus far I have to say, it's not one of my favorite projects. I don't like yarn I'm using, and I'm not feeling the theme of Cupid.

**Z-A, Z post, badge in sidebar
***WIPW post, badge in sidebar

Y Post Here

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Little bit of knitting corner to corner

After finishing the 2nd longest WIP ever ghan, and Rose Garden Ghan, I needed something sorta mindless. Also, needed a project that could go with me to work and other misc places. Also, needed something knitted to give my hands and fingers a little break from crocheting which seems to be harder on the arthritis, carpal tunnel etc. Though, am still working on ghans that require crocheting for Bridge and Beyond, I do now have a knitted project I can work on in between which is helpful. This corner to corner is simple straight garter stitch. With this yarn's texture, there's really no reason to use a fancy stitch; it would be lost and not seen anyway. Had a hard time trying to lay this out so you could see it, as the circular needles curl so badly. The yarn is JoAnne Sensations Rainbow Boucle with 873 yards a skein. It's nice to work with. I believe I prefer knitting with this over crochet though. I've seen this yarn used for almost everything from a really lacy knitted shawl, to baby sweaters, hats, scarves, doubled up for slippers as well. Lots of different colors to choose from and fun to see how it changes from light to dark. Thus far, you're not seeing that in my start. I'm using 2 color ways, a pink and white, and a pink-gray-black. It reminds me of Poodle skirts.

Not totally sure what this will end up being. Well, actually not true. It's going to be a blanket/ghan. I'm not sure how big I'll make it or whether or not it will be for a little girl or an adult female. I'm just knitting and we'll cross that decision bridge when the yarn runs out or I get tired of working on it. lol Most likely it will be another Faith Mission Blanket though.

**PLEASE make a point to pop back in Monday, a fun Monday Meme and linky love for all**