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Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2010

Knitted Scarves should be for?

2 knitted scarvesFinished 2 more scarves. You might remember when I purchased this yarn I blogged about how funky I thought it was. My intention was to make 2 fun skinny scarves for my niece for Christmas. I was patting myself on the back about how ahead I was getting. Not something I do with regard to shopping ahead for Christmas. Since this photo the one on the right is also completeled. Actually only had a row or two left; but had camera in hand for another purpose so took the photo a wee bit ahead of time.

My niece is tall, and young and I thought these would be fun to go with sweaters; more for inside wearing thus the skinny decorative. But, now that they're finished, I'm thinking of sending them off to Passions of the Heart; a charity for battered women. Partially because I think they're a bit short for my niece? Kids/teens wear scarves longer then we adults? Partially because I have time a plenty to make something for Christmas, and partially because I'm not sure these look youthful now that they're finished.

They measure about 4 inches wide by 56 inches long. They're light weight and quite stretchy so no doubt will grow as scarves have a tendency to. They were knitted on large #19 needles after all.

Opinions ladies?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How many is too many?

knitted bright and lofty scarf on the needles
How many projects is too many projects? I've gone back and forth in my knitting and crocheting organization. Working on multiple projects, a different project each day...working on only one at a time, trying to finish one before starting another....working on big projects at home and taking smaller projects with me for breaks at work or car rides etc.

Add to that the difficulty of balancing charity knitting and crocheting, with things for friends and families....and or once in a blue moon something for self. It's a process, one I see lots of knitting and crocheting Bloggers discussing. Towards the end of last year I decided I would finish all my WIP (works in progress) before starting new ones. That plan went by the way side. Why? I'd go shopping because a friend wanted to, or because someone was having a good sale and every-time I did that yarn would find it's way into my hand, into my house. It would call out to me....I'm here....I'm here, please come see and play with me.

Sooooooooooo, I would start something new. Then I thought perhaps I should have exactly 7 projects going, so each day of the week I would work on Project Monday, Tuesday etc. I thought about that, but didn't do it.

Soooo, now I need to count how many projects I have going:
  1. I have Fun and Funky Scarf (knitting) Gift
  2. I have 2 balls recently rolled of fabulous Mango Moon (will be knitting) Me
  3. I have corner to corner ghan for homeless (knitting) Charity
  4. I have granny squares for homeless (crocheting) Charity
  5. I have Candy Corn Ghan for Victory Camp (crocheting) Charity
  6. I have Opal's Ghan (crocheting) Friend Request
  7. I have Bright and Lofty Orange Scarf homeless or passion of the heart (knitting) Charity this is the item pictured here.
I think that's right. So, as it turns out I do have 7 projects after all. Does 2 being balls rolled count as a project? Does the purple green unidentifed specialty fiber not mentioned above but in my mind for a special someone count? I worked on #1 yesterday; I could perhaps finish it today? (though this is a scheduled post so by the time you read this it's no longer today...lol). So, you see my quandary.

Back to my questions how many is too many?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Harold and The Purple Crayon

One more of my unfinished projects sliding over to the finished objects column. Yippee, the end of the year is almost here and I've made some good headway. I still have 2 ghans in the works, that simply aren't going to get finished this year; a scarf I'm working on for myself (which I plan to finish in time for New Years Eve), and a pair of mittens I need to finish (probably will be the first item in 2010 to be finished). Made one mitten and laid it aside, totally forgot I never finished it's mate.

The credit for the cute name for this preemie blanket for The OddBall Knitters group goes to my daughter who thought of the book when I showed her the purple yarn I planned on using. The stitch I used is Purled Ladder Stitch which is an 8 row repeat. It's soft, as I used Caron Simply Soft yarn. I don't like working with this yarn, though knitting with it is better than crocheting with it. Many love this yarn because it is soft and is classified as worsted weight. Although I don't believe it stays together well, separates easily when working with it which requires one to knit or crochet slower. It also often requires adjustments with gauge because it truly is thinner than most worsted weight yarn. For a baby blanket though, it will be soft. It's now on it's way to Michigan to the next Oddball knitter.

Happy New Year one and all, if you're traveling be safe.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Red, White and Blue

So many way to show we care. Red, White and Blue. Be patriotic. These 12 inch squares are traditional style grannies. The royal blue left over from a blue scarf I made for The Bridge Project, The white from a yarn donation from Rae's Mother, the red and variegated from my stash, navy also left over from several other scarves for The Bridge Project. These 7 12 inch squares are for a new group I found recently doing a search using the words crochet and charity. American Angels Heroghans.

All squares need to be 12 inches, all squares need to be red, white, or blue or combination there-off. All are joined and given to grieving families who've lost a love one in service of their country. To date this group has crafted over 700 heroghans for families who's loved ones were indeed hero's.

Show your patriotism. If you like to make baby items there are 2 groups who distribute handmade gifts to newborn's who are born while Daddy's deployed. (Marine Corp Kids and
Lil Troppers). Want to support injured military personnel, donate 8 x 10 inch squares through HAP (Handmade Afghans to thank our military Project), who assemble and distribute thousands of afghans throughout military hospitals to our injured service men and women. Want to support the active military personnel make hats for the Ships Project (read about it on my friend Sandie's blog). Give your support to grieving family who's hero has paid the highest price, their life-- donate 12 inch squares for American Angels Heroghans. All groups have links in my sidebar.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Patriotic Donation

Patriotic booties and hat for newborn. This last set fills my box, and completes this donation to Marine Corp. Kids (link on sidebar). I sent 5 newborn sets, plus one extra pair of booties, and 3 preemie sets with 2 additional hats. They are all knitted, and vary in colors. Blue variegated, light pink, yellow, brown variegated, rose etc. Think most have been pictured here earlier as they were finished. Marine Corp Kids sends donations to various military hospital when wee ones are born while Daddy's deployed. Such a small thank you for all they do.

I must now focus on finishing up some long over do ghans that are in my project bags. I don't like having them hang over my head for as long as they have.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Badges, BlogUpp, and Bridge

Ok, the voting is in...see my new badge! I like it; but am keeping the lightpost in my file in case I want to change it somewhere down the line. Thanks to all who took the time to vote and voice your opinions, much appreciated. Please feel free to grab my badge and add to your blog. That way clicking will bring you here easily. Right click on above picture and save to your computer, add widget to your blogspot blog, click browse and find the picture on your computer; then add url for my blog which is http://4ccccs.blogspot.com/ I really need to change that, if I can remember all the places it's listed that way in order to get it changed. But, for now...I'm leaving it, even though it's a weird url.

This badge is one I made for Jan, my SIL. I know she'd love visitors. I also know lots of you are animal lovers so think you'll enjoy her blog. Tell her I sent you traveling her way.

Have you noticed my BlogUpp widget? It's cool. Click on it and you can find other interesting blogs. Add one to your own blog easily. No registration required. Simply click on the widget, once on their page, add your url and presto......you have a widget. Cut and paste the code on your blog and have fun visiting. It truly is quick, easy, and very enjoyable to go blog walking in places you might not otherwise have known about. Have fun!

And now for my 3rd B...funny how everything today was a B word! I've updated things over on The BridgeThanks so much for all the help. Please take a look and see what people working together can accomplish. And...please feel free to help spread the word, even if you yourself don't knit or crochet. Thanks!

Monday, May 04, 2009

7 Amazing Caring Women! SEVEN

This beautiful comfort ghan made for me by some of my wonderful, kind and very caring ladies here on the internet. We've not met face to face; though some of us have known each other for several years. My words of gratitude can not possibly measure up to how touched, truly touched I was when I opened this box. THANK YOU!
Beth, Lynda (Bunny), Scarlet, Ghost (Diana), Faith, Sandie, and Wendy. All the squares are lovely. Even my hubby was impressed. The card was beautiful. I have it here on my computer desk reminding me daily how good people are. Yes, I am very sad at losing my Mother. I miss her everyday. When I read your card I filled up with tears; not because my Mother died; but because you all have such loving hearts to reach out to me in this way.

Daddy came to dinner last night and I shared the card with him, and explained how I knew each of you. He's 83, doesn't really get how we can know each other via the internet --in that he doesn't use the computer; but he's heard me speak often of things we all have worked on together. And so he knows it's only distance that keeps us from being friends face to face.

I thought perhaps my other readers here might also enjoy knowing how we've come to know each other. Sandie and I first became acquainted on Crochetville. She had been involved in a project with squares that was coming to an end for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The thread was long, I read it all and wanted to help; not knowing the project was now over. Shortly after Sandie and I chatted; she decided to keep the project alive and re-organized it from the original person who had headed it. Ghost (known to us in the group Squares4Survivors) as one with smoke flying off her crochet hook, and Bunny (Lynda) were also in that group. Through blogging we stumbled into each other again and frequent each others blogs. Faith, Beth, Wendy,and Scarlet are all friends through the wonderful world of blogging too.

Many of us blog about life, about knitting and crocheting for charity; and many have been very active helping me with my local homeless charity project, Bridge and Beyond.

I thank you all, truly from the bottom of my heart. This comfort ghan, does indeed bring comfort and will for many years to come.


I wanted to post a 2nd picture giving you a little different view of this beautiful afghan

Monday, December 29, 2008

Working on stuff....and

Pink booties, got 3 knitted, need a 4th and need to stitch them together. 2 Different sizes, one newborn, one larger newborn. Probably will go to....? Must check my list,

Pink short sleeve sweater, crocheted....will go to.........wherever I send booties.

2 tone blue scarf, knitted nice and thick and warm for The Bridge Project. Wish you could see the design, doesn't show up in pictures.

Purple cap, I made for my daughter; but it's not quite large enough for her...fits me pretty well.......though purple isn't the color I needed to go with a red coat. It might go to one of the charities. Still thinking.

The fun super soft orangey shawl was a Christmas gift for my great-niece. Knitted with Red Heart, bright and lofty. Fun yarn to work with.

The black, white, and grey scarf is one my daughter is working on for The Bridge Project. She might get it done in between working on lesson plans and cover letters for job applications. Love the yarn.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mr. Mailman.......PLEASE

Things are piling up.....where's my mail carrier? Donde'? Silly me, I need to get up away from the computer and go to the post office. What's in need of being mailed, you might be wondering.
6 red 8 inchers to be used in a joint effort to make lapghans. Goal 100 lapghans for senior citizens at a nursing home through Stitches of Love, check in with Sissie, if you'd like to lend her a hand.
Scarfs, 3 of them (all knitted), for ladies with cancer through Scarfs from the Heart

And to more pair of baby booties I got done before sealing the box for Marine Corp Kids (see previous post).
Once these were all addressed, I turned my attentions to the pink and blue baby blanket (picture in previous post), and while watching the closing ceremonies last night got it done. Picture later....gotta get to the post office remember. Then once I photograph I need to decide where to send it. Got another pair of booties started last night, but just barely.

Weather is much nicer here today than it's been for several days, not nearly so hot AND we got rain last night!!! YIPPEE. We really needed it.

**updated my mileage knitted and crocheted
****updated my counter towards my charity goal
*****Since my last post, I've only managed to get above 10,000 steps once while wearing my pedometer....wish I could figure out how to walk and knit or crochet at the same time?

Projects I'm focusing on:
Some baby items to mail with the pink and blue blanket
Some Squares for Pine Ridge
Finishing Candy Corn Ghan....started long ago
Finishing the pink and purple ghan picture in previous post
Rectangles for HAP

Friday, May 30, 2008

SQUARE it...............

SQUARES....are not sooooooooooo square. Working my way through more odds and ends. The yellow hat is made from 3 yellow granny squares, I actually had yellow yarn that match and now Stella....my model in need of a face lift, is lovin her new hat (hope when the time comes she willingly gives it back to me. lol).

The multi-colored hat, I call Crayon Hat, looks like a box of crayons, you know the old fashion box when we had and were happy with just 8 crayons! I've stitched it together with dark green, added band, and ball/tassel.

I think both of this hats should fit a child/teenager. I can almost wear them...I have a punny little head, not an adult size at all.

The vest........yep, more granny squares 2. Really didn't feel I'll could blend these squares, the 2 in the vest, the 3 yellows and the 3 crayon colored squares to make anything collectively. I had tan that matched the tan in the inside of the rust granny, so edge the squares, stitched them together, more trim for arm holes--neck hold, and a few rows for the shoulders. Vest! This should fit newborn to 3 months, or even a preemie for a longer period of time. The onsey I'm using beneath it to help me determine size.
These items along with slippers, the wormie hat pictured in previous post, couple of pair of baby botties, and a poncho (the one you see in it's beginning stages in previous post), are all going to Michigan, to Caring House; for Battered Women. Started loaded the box. Still have a little space so will try to get a few other items added in before mailing it off on Monday.
WIP??? Bright blocks afghan (hoping to finish in the next day or so), multi-colored ghan (slow start), Drk Green and Icy Blue shawl (1/10th).
QUESTION?? How do people post WIP here on blogger with the slide rule thingy from Ravelry showing how far along they are on the project?
**Started this post yesterday, and have made 2 additional pair of slippers (not yet photographed), and hope to make maybe another pair or hat today to add to above box.