All squares need to be 12 inches, all squares need to be red, white, or blue or combination there-off. All are joined and given to grieving families who've lost a love one in service of their country. To date this group has crafted over 700 heroghans for families who's loved ones were indeed hero's.
Show your patriotism. If you like to make baby items there are 2 groups who distribute handmade gifts to newborn's who are born while Daddy's deployed. (Marine Corp Kids and
Lil Troppers). Want to support injured military personnel, donate 8 x 10 inch squares through HAP (Handmade Afghans to thank our military Project), who assemble and distribute thousands of afghans throughout military hospitals to our injured service men and women. Want to support the active military personnel make hats for the Ships Project (read about it on my friend Sandie's blog). Give your support to grieving family who's hero has paid the highest price, their life-- donate 12 inch squares for American Angels Heroghans. All groups have links in my sidebar.