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Friday, May 18, 2018

Knitting, Mother's Day Brunch and The Duchess

Here's the start of the next afghan.  Though this picture was taken a few days ago so it's grown since then and has one additional color, green.  I always name my afghans, but haven't thought of a name for this one yet.  This like 99% of all the afghans I made will be donated to Bridge and Beyond, my charity dedicated to helping the Homeless.  I think I'm sticking primarily with jewels colors so a name that would convey that is what I'm thinking about.  In the past I had one named Crown Jewels, and a 2nd named Jewels.  So, am thinking Striped Jewels, Jewel Palette, Lines of Jewels?  Lines being stripes?  Love some input, which of those 3 named do you like best.....and or do you have other thoughts?

Another Mother's Day picture.  This is the lovely brunch Dear Hubby fixed for me including Champagne.  Was nice enough (for a while) to sit outside and enjoy our brunch.

Still in my British TV kick while knitting and elevating my foot, or icing my foot.  The Duchess.  Quite an interesting tale of Georgiana Cavendish, The Countess of Devonshire and how backward women's lives were.  It's really good I didn't live in those times, despite loving the history....I fear I would not have done well.  The extremes between what was ok for a man and not at all for a women..wow!  Menaige a Trois.  Georgiana's husband's mistress lived with them a hugh part of their married life, took her meals with them.  I do recommend adding this one to your watch list.  Believe this was on Amazon Prime.


  1. Love your jewelled afghan. And the cause. At the moment I am thinking of an amythest. Have you ever named them after individual jewels?

    1. Thanks for the visit and your thoughts on the ghan. I'm making a note of amythest. Lovely idea to name for individual jewels.

  2. That is a good movie. Hard to believe that women's lives were like that long ago.

    1. Right you are Michelle. Hard to believe, we've come a long way even though there are times I feel we still haven't quite gotten there.

  3. Would sure be hard to live in such times indeed. I like my running water and electricity and indoor loo that isn't eeww lol Was even worse for women indeed, but I can still whine haha

    1. I join you on liking running water and electricity etc.

  4. Just finished watching the Royal wedding. It was wonderful.

    Seeing Diana's two sons just confirms the power a mother can insert into the early lives of her children ... even if the mother doesn't live to see the final product. Her boys are fine young men who learned that the highest value of living is being a caring human being - that is Diana's Legacy.

    1. Didn't watch, but just read a nice article and saw some beautiful pictures.

  5. A great start and such a worthwhile cause. I think I like the name Striped Jewels best. Your hubby certainly spoilt you on Mother's Day, and champagne too. It's nice to be able to eat al fresco. It's a while now since I watched The Duchess but it's a film I really enjoyed. I hadn't known anything about the Duchess of Devonshire beforehand but I found her story really interesting.

    1. I didn't know about her either, and after watching decided to do some googling for more information about her. Thanks for the visit and thoughts on the name for the ghan.

  6. I know. I think I was alive back then, I'd have been beheaded or branded with a scarlet letter. Not a nice one, at that.

    1. Move over Robyn, I fear my mouth would have gotten me into trouble as well.


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