Just saw this blog badge while I was making my blog rounds, followed it's link to a group on RAV, so I could see what it was all about. It's purpose, as I understand it is to challenge yourself with a list of things you want to make throughout the year. It officially started on July 1st, so I'm already behind and runs through the end of June of next year 2012. The list can be things you want to make, specific patterns etc. It's a way to encourage each other, and meet new blogging friends. I love blogging, visiting reading and commenting and this is a way to encourage that.
I tend not to have a list of things I want to make, apparently lots of folks do. I find yarn I like and that prompts me. If you've been to my blog before you probably know most of my knitting and or crocheting is for charity. I have a personal blog,
Bridge and Beyond dedicated to that purpose, helping the homeless. However, I do still think I can put together a working list. I suspect though my list may change as time goes on; while the others may not?
Cotton Challenge, this
cotton stash needs to be turned into Cotton Wash Cloths. My DD asked for lots (in my mind I thought about a cloth a month, seasonal, but in my stash I don't think I have every month well represented, so probably need more), AND wash cloths for my charity Bridge and Beyond. I need some more male colors also, which I didn't find in my last shopping venture.
Wedding Ghan, I've been working on this for a while certainly getting it finished (my first multi-stitch knitted ghan) is a big challenge for me. Getting it done on time is an additional knitting challenge for me. I don't knit nearly as fast as I crochet.
Longest ever work in progress. I need and want to finish this Candy Corn Ghan. I'm not sure how long ago I started it...but well before the post (it was sometime in 2008)
Here. It was initially started for Victory Camp Junction, and when finished might still go there; then again I didn't have own charity when I started it; so it might go to Bridge and Beyond. Depends how many have been donated by the time I get it finished.
Buckeye Scarf was started last Christmas, never finished and I lost my spot in the pattern. Someone told me how to figure out where I was, (hope I can find her helpful advice). So this needs to be finished. Christmas will be here again, maybe it will be a gift this year round?
I want to learn how to knit socks, so am adding a pair of socks for myself to the challenge list.
I want to learn how to knit a cable, so adding that too my list also. Whether it will end up in a hat, or a scarf I've not decided. The challenge is to learn how to do it.
I started an
awesome wool scarf (barely), with a rather tedious pattern (it's been frogged 3 times), while vacationing several months ago. I want to get comfortable with the pattern and get the scarf finished in time for fall. This is a selfish goal...I want this scarf, the blue is WOW. And because it's been frogged so many times, you can see I now have markers every...I think 10 stitches. I kept loosing my count with the tedious pattern.
Need to finish this corner to corner knitted ghan, believe it will go to Missouri, Joplin for the Tornado victims. Titled
Poodle GhanI'm in a group called Oddball Baby Blankets and am currently committed to two more. I've done many others, but haven't added anymore on, so...when it's my turn on these blankets, my challenge is to get my section and or Border done in the allotted amount of time, which is 2 wks. I currently have one needing a border, titled Mardi Gras. Haven't yet photographed it to link up here. Will add it.
With my charity, Bridge and Beyond I assemble afghans from donated squares and currently have a list of those I've designed (many others already donated), needing edges and joining. Challenging myself to get them done by Christmas. I don't know how many I have designed and bagged at the ready. Need to count and list them here.
Designing challenge. This month, July's focus for Bridge and Beyond is in fact squares, through the Give a Square Program. Whatever squares are donated (knitted and crocheted 7-10 inches), need to be put with others squares here and afghans designed. Challenging myself to design and bag 3 ghans from those.
Good luck to all participating in this challenge of self, have fun visiting and encouraging each other. I'm looking forward to meeting and blogging with you all.