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Monday, August 05, 2013

School Daze, Memory Monday

Remember when kids dressed for school?  Here's a picture from the way back machine for you.  I'm in the middle, pigtails holding my package of school supplies.  This was the first day of first grade!  Welcome to another Memory Monday.

I sometimes wonder if the very relaxed/sloopy/anything goes as the dress code for school's today is reflected in the relaxed/sloopy/anything goes attitude of so many of our countries young people today?  Isn't dressing for the occasion a way to show respect for it, a way to show that's it's different then playing in your backyard, or hanging out with your friends.  What's appropriate in clothing, behavior, language etc isn't, or shouldn't be the same for school, as play or church.  People should act differently when with adults then they probably do with the kids their age etc.

Feeling old today I guess.  This photo was taken in Marion, Ohio the fall of 1956 I think.  The awesome part of this is, I've recently made 2 trips back to the neighborhood.  It looks very different with trees now grown, it was a very new neighborhood then built, for so many returning veterans.  The girl sorta behind me on my left, Debbie I just met up with this past Sat and had a wonderful visit with her, her younger sister Pam, and another friend, Wendy from those days so long ago. 

Join us for Memory Monday, no longer will Monday be a day that makes us groan.
  • Find a picture to share a memory
  • Add blog badge and link back here in your post
  • Add a comment to this post
  • Add your name and blog post url to the link
  • Visit others on the linky and have fun!

Saturday, August 03, 2013

I Choose Happy

Today is August 3rd, wow..where does the time go.  Seems we've barely gotten to enjoy the summer and we've been seeing back to school sales everywhere.  Really dislike seeing them all summer, can't we enjoy summer first.  Clicking on the above picture will take you to a very different type of blog challenge.  It's different because there's no linky, it's different because there's no sign up list.  Never done a challenge without those items, so it will be interesting to see how this works.  It's a very relaxed challenge, lol.  Relaxed and challenge don't seem to even to together, but the idea is to do it for fun, not to stress.   Here's a cut and paste of One Gals Musing's blog post about it.

Forget Your Troubles! C'mon, Get Happy!

On August 1, this year's August Happiness Challenge begins. The idea is very simple: "Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world."

Really. That's all there is to it. No rules.

I like finding an icon that will make me smile every time I see it for 31 days.

**Apparently we'll just use the comments as a list to visit from.

I'm not sure I'll do this everyday, as it's been a good number of months of one challenge after another and I think I'ld like to get back to "normal" blogging,  whatever that is , but
Focusing on the positive is something that calls out to me.

Happiness is a choice I think, we can't rely on others to make us happy...so anyone needing a little happiness, reach up there and take it.  And enjoy it.

Hearing birds chirping outside my window this morning as I type this scheduled post makes me Happy, what makes you happy?

Another thing that makes me happy is sweet memories, so pop back in on Monday for Memory Monday.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Random 5 Friday, It's Good to be Back

  • Missed the last couple of weeks, as I was traveling.  Hubby, DD and I had a wonderful time.  Take a peak here on my traveling blog.
  • Getting over a wicked allergy bout that hit again on our return from vacation.  We landed in a terrific rain storm that lasted too many days,  that seemed to reverse all the good I got from being in the beautiful, dry mountain air of Park City, Utah.
  • The work week was pretty nasty after vacation, we were over over booked, and understaffed, and it was a mighty long week.
  • Spent a good deal of time working on my mothers side of the family (doing the family tree), and think I've found a lost cousin we've wondered about for years.  Posted a long letter to him yesterday and have my fingers crossed that it is indeed him, and that I get a response.  Too bad some of these folks eluded me before, Mom would have enjoyed the additional information I found.   **edited becasuse this was a scheduled post to say, my cousin called last night-though I didn't get to talk to him he left a message so will make contact today...pretty excited.  
     These 2 pictures you can tell are from long ago, back in 1951, I was 1 then; and he's now 75.  Wonder if he played music all his life???  So many questions.
    Beyond the clues these 2 pictures tell us, he played trombone and liked dogs....I know very little about him.   Hope that will be remedied soon.  My cousin Lee said in his phone message it was good to hear from me.  Wonderful start.
  • Looking forward to a gathering of old neighborhood friends (from childhood) in my old hometown this wkend.  Some of you might remember I met up with one girl friend I hadn't seen in 50 years earlier this summer.  This is 2nd go round, but a few others are joining us.

This is the picture she took of me at President Hardings Memorial, a place we played often as kids.  This will be the meeting place again this week.  I love making connections.

I've been very disappointed so few have joined me in Memory Monday, so am trying once again to invite you all.  Monday's are often dreaded days, let's make them more fun.  PLEASE join me on Monday, post a photo and share it's memory with us.
  • Write your post, add the badge with a link back here
  • Add yourself to the linky that will be up on Monday with the post
  • Visits others, and have fun

Monday, July 29, 2013

Pedal Pushers and Flowers in Niagara Falls

More fun on Memory Monday.  Chuck, Mike, Mom, and Me.  Dad's behind the camera.  I remember thinking how cool it was the flowers could tell time!  This was The Canadian side of Niagara Falls.  Back in the day, we took a mini vacation.  Think maybe a 3 day.  We stayed on the American side, think the lodging was cheaper, but I remember Mom talking about how much prettier, cleaner the Canadian side was.  Not sure of the year but think I was in 2nd grade, while Chuck was in 4th and Mike in Kindergarden?

Pedal pushers, and kids today think Capri's are a new thing, lol; not so much.  Then later when they guys wore a version of them they were called clam diggers.

I can remember how carefully Mom packed.  She packed for all 5 of us, in just 2 suitcases.  Remember when you had to carry your luggage, before wheels and over sized bags to stuff?  I remember her having a folding little travel iron that she could touch things up on the bed in the hotel room.  Who out there is as old as me and remembers stuff like this?

  • Write your blog post
  • Add the badge and link back here to your post
  • Leave a comment
  • Visits others and have fun!