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Friday, April 08, 2011

Little Princess moves to the FO List

Here's Little Princess after being joined, still needs tails woven in, and needs a nice border.
I had a hard time deciding on a border for this ghan, but am really pleased with the one I selected. The pattern called for one more row of the open weave, but I nixed it and went with just the 2 rows instead of 3. Here's a close up of the border so you can it better.
Debating a lot about what color to edge, join, and border with; as I'm not one to use much white or off white....but the off white here seemed like a good choice to me. I try to stay away from light colors like that because of the dirt factor, but....

This is another ghan made from squares donated through my Give a Square Program that was active for 3 months. The finished ghan will be donated to Faith Mission where I hope it will give warmth and hope to a little girl in need.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Little bit of knitting corner to corner

After finishing the 2nd longest WIP ever ghan, and Rose Garden Ghan, I needed something sorta mindless. Also, needed a project that could go with me to work and other misc places. Also, needed something knitted to give my hands and fingers a little break from crocheting which seems to be harder on the arthritis, carpal tunnel etc. Though, am still working on ghans that require crocheting for Bridge and Beyond, I do now have a knitted project I can work on in between which is helpful. This corner to corner is simple straight garter stitch. With this yarn's texture, there's really no reason to use a fancy stitch; it would be lost and not seen anyway. Had a hard time trying to lay this out so you could see it, as the circular needles curl so badly. The yarn is JoAnne Sensations Rainbow Boucle with 873 yards a skein. It's nice to work with. I believe I prefer knitting with this over crochet though. I've seen this yarn used for almost everything from a really lacy knitted shawl, to baby sweaters, hats, scarves, doubled up for slippers as well. Lots of different colors to choose from and fun to see how it changes from light to dark. Thus far, you're not seeing that in my start. I'm using 2 color ways, a pink and white, and a pink-gray-black. It reminds me of Poodle skirts.

Not totally sure what this will end up being. Well, actually not true. It's going to be a blanket/ghan. I'm not sure how big I'll make it or whether or not it will be for a little girl or an adult female. I'm just knitting and we'll cross that decision bridge when the yarn runs out or I get tired of working on it. lol Most likely it will be another Faith Mission Blanket though.

**PLEASE make a point to pop back in Monday, a fun Monday Meme and linky love for all**

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

10 Thought Tuesday

The Daffodil wanted to bloom, but then it got cold, and there was no sun.
daffodils before bloomAfter some encouragement and a wee bit of sun, it's trying. Come on...you can do it!
daffodils mid bloomTaDAH!
daffodils blooming**I had to lean over to get these photo's and thus they are blurry. Couldn't step close to them, as the ground was sooooooooooo soft and wet I might have been sucked up in the muck.**

1. Would love to know what you all think of my new blog template. Just loaded it yesterday.

2. With the downpour yesterday, we had this again!(which explains why I couldn't stand by the daffodils...leaned over from the little porch)

3. Please tell me no one is taking Donald Trump seriously. Besides a bad hair cut and a bad TV show, what's he got going for him?

4. I can see Daffodils in my yard, which makes me really really really excited. I love yellow, I love flowers, and I love knowing Spring is trying super hard to make it to Central Ohio.

5. Tried to design an afghan yesterday for Faith Mission, but my creative juices failed me. Argh, that was a bummer. Must try again, hope time permits today.

6. Need to check on knitting needle regulations for an International flight....anyone happen to know if taking knitting needles in one's carry on is ok?

7. Was disappointing only 1 person joined yesterday's Monday Meme. Maybe next week will be better. Please check back next week and join the fun.

8. I found how to go back to the old editor here on blogger, and believe I like using it over the new one. How bout you all, what are you using?

9. The situation in Japan is so sad. One wonders how long before things will be "normal" there again?

10. I remember when flip flops were called, thongs. And they were really only shower shoes, or something to wear at the swimming pool or beach. They were never considered to be shoes. Why do people like wearing them, and consider them dress shoes? I hate the noise they make, and the thing between my toe. When I see people wearing them everywhere, I feel old.

?? Does anyone know how to get rid of boxes after the post that say interesting, boring etc? Firstly, it appears only part of them are visualizing. I'd like to get rid of them. Thanks!

Monday, April 04, 2011

My First Monday Memories, Mutterings, Musings Meme

For Fun, I thought I'd try my hand a meme. I do sometimes get involved in them, but haven't really started one. Monday's mean many things to people. The beginning of the work week, the end of the weekend. Positive and Negative feelings about Monday no doubt. So, let's have some fun with Monday and share those things with Monday Memories, Mutterings, Musing and More.

To join in, post a comment here, write your Monday Memory, Mutterings, Musing on your blog with a link here, and be sure and add yourself to the linky. This is a good way to have fun, to meet some new bloggers, to share some linky love...so please join in.

My Mutter:
I'd like to have a loud speaker on my car so I could shout out at people who do thoughtless, careless, and dangerous things while driving. The list would start with Mothers who want to protect their children, but don't seem to give a hoot about other children. Case in point. It's rare for me not to see a car with a bumper sticker, or window decal with one of those baby on board signs while out and about. Ok, they want people to know a baby is inside the car should something happen. That's a safety issue. Right? How then can they speed through school zones, change lanes without signals, while talking on the cell phone, turn on red in the school zone and literly pay no attention to the school children trying to cross the street!!!!!!!!!! If I got paid for everytime I've witness this, I would be a rich woman. Their time is NOT more important then the safety of those children. I've honked the horn, people on the sidewalks have yelled at them. I see it all the time.

And that's my rant/ my Monday Mutterings today, what's yours?

**Just loaded a new blog template today. Still messy with it a bit. Need to change the color of the font I think, seems a bit hard to read? What do you think? Took awhile to figure out the slide show, and now that it's there...don't know if I like it? Thoughts? Does it add?

Moved some widgets around, nixed a few too. When I did, noticed hakucho is my top talker. Thank you much, greatly appreciated.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Rose Garden

FO Friday Badge
Rose Garden before borderRose Garden before border, before ends were tucked in, and before laundry and blocking. This was a recent WIP, so thought you'd like to see it getting moved to a FO!

Rose Garden finsihedRose Garden bordered, ends tucked, laundered, and blocked.

Rose Garden border close upClose up of border. The squares and rectangles were edged with dark forest green (not black as the picture looks), they were joined with dusty rose, and the blankets border was several base rows of the dark forest green and final scalloped edge in the dusty rose. This ghan and the 2nd longest WIP ghans were rather tedious, so need to do a few less tedious projects to regroup so to speak.

PLEASE pop back in.  Monday the 4th I'll be starting my first ever Linky Love Meme.  Look forward to seeing you all.

**This ghan is for Faith Mission Afghans, for Bridge and Beyond.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kaleidoscope and Little Princess Afghans

KaleidoscopeFrom a huge stash of various sized squares and rectangles the above design has been laid out. I'm calling this ghan, Kaleidoscope. Still in thinking stages, more then WIP stage technically. Debating on edge color. Thinking currently either light blue or black. Will check stash and go from there. These squares are donated Through Bridge and Beyond, and will be used for Mothers and children at Faith Mission.
Little PrincessThese crocheted granny squares also donated are a bit further along in The WIP. I have 10 other squares waiting to be edge before the joining will take place. This ghan also for Faith Mission will go to a little girl and so is, I think appropriately named, "Little Princess".

I've also started a rather unusual baby blanket (at least I think that's what it's going to be). Unusual in that it's pink and black. It's knitted, a corner to corner style blanket. Sorry folks haven't yet taken a picture of it.