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Sunday, November 08, 2009

Red, White and Blue

So many way to show we care. Red, White and Blue. Be patriotic. These 12 inch squares are traditional style grannies. The royal blue left over from a blue scarf I made for The Bridge Project, The white from a yarn donation from Rae's Mother, the red and variegated from my stash, navy also left over from several other scarves for The Bridge Project. These 7 12 inch squares are for a new group I found recently doing a search using the words crochet and charity. American Angels Heroghans.

All squares need to be 12 inches, all squares need to be red, white, or blue or combination there-off. All are joined and given to grieving families who've lost a love one in service of their country. To date this group has crafted over 700 heroghans for families who's loved ones were indeed hero's.

Show your patriotism. If you like to make baby items there are 2 groups who distribute handmade gifts to newborn's who are born while Daddy's deployed. (Marine Corp Kids and
Lil Troppers). Want to support injured military personnel, donate 8 x 10 inch squares through HAP (Handmade Afghans to thank our military Project), who assemble and distribute thousands of afghans throughout military hospitals to our injured service men and women. Want to support the active military personnel make hats for the Ships Project (read about it on my friend Sandie's blog). Give your support to grieving family who's hero has paid the highest price, their life-- donate 12 inch squares for American Angels Heroghans. All groups have links in my sidebar.

Friday, November 06, 2009

When Men go Shopping

leaf blowerA week or so ago, hubby and I were blowing and raking leaves. He always starts up on the roof in order to get the junk out of the gutters etc. He was almost done when our trusty blower stopped. He came down off the roof and headed to the hardware store. I thought he was looking for a part, so I continued raking. When he came back from Home Depot (his favorite store), he had this new shinny red blower! Ok, the old one was old; maybe it cost too much to repair. I don't know, he didn't say. We continued with our work. Later he said, he thought he could fix the old one and would use it as a vacuum instead of blower---therefore we'd have one of each. They all do this, I think. But, the connection to do that on the old one broken and so was taped with duct tape, so he never used it except to blow.
table top heaterThat's him, putting together the other item he bought while there at Home Depot (did I mention it's his favorite store?) It's one of those table top heaters. You sometimes see them in outdoor eating areas as a way to extend the time people can eat outdoors at bars and restaurants. Sometimes there on a taller pole beside the tables. Interesting I thought; but you see my printer hasn't been working right for several months. Every-time I need to print something, I email it to him at work. That's convenient, right? It printed spotty. Well, that was before the new computer which is Vista. After that, it didn't work at all. The photo software isn't compatible with Vista, and the scanner part only partially worked. I wanted a new one; he said to wait. I'm still waiting. You know how much new printers cost? Not much is the answer. Anyone care to guess what a new shinny blower and table top heater cost? When women go shopping they compare prices, they shop around, they think about it. Often they go multiple times before they buy something..........men go, see, and buy. End of story.table top heaterAfter we finished the leaves, the sun was getting lower in the sky, it was cooling off. But, cocktails on the deck is always a nice reward after a hard day of labor. lol

He got a good buy on the heater, it was on sale; and he had a coupon for more off. Several days later he was once again at Home Depot...did I mention it's his favorite store! I don't even remember why he was there that time. lol Anyway, they had lowered the price again and so he get's a refund of the difference.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Patriotic Donation

Patriotic booties and hat for newborn. This last set fills my box, and completes this donation to Marine Corp. Kids (link on sidebar). I sent 5 newborn sets, plus one extra pair of booties, and 3 preemie sets with 2 additional hats. They are all knitted, and vary in colors. Blue variegated, light pink, yellow, brown variegated, rose etc. Think most have been pictured here earlier as they were finished. Marine Corp Kids sends donations to various military hospital when wee ones are born while Daddy's deployed. Such a small thank you for all they do.

I must now focus on finishing up some long over do ghans that are in my project bags. I don't like having them hang over my head for as long as they have.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween

Look at the size of this pumpkin. It touches the back tailgate...and goes all the way to the silver toolbox. Side to side it didn't quite touch, but it did fill the length of this truck bed. The truck was from Indiana. I cropped so his license plate wouldn't be visible. Look how much above the truck bed the pumpkin shows. Daddy and I were driving north on US Rt 23 on our way back from Chillicothe the other day when we saw this ahead of us. He was driving so I was able to pull out my new camera and get this photo, even though both the truck and our car was moving. Thrilled it turned out so I could share this HUGE pumpkin with you. This just outside Circleville, where the annual pumpkin show was taking place. It's been years since I've attended the festival, though when our daughter was young we went several times. Lots of pumpkins on display, lots to buy. And everything you can think of made from pumpkins, and then some to eat.

Happy Halloween one and all. Hope the kid's have fun as they go trick or treating, and have their parties at school. What fun memories this time of year brings.