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Monday, August 12, 2013

Mara-chi Surprise

This isn't a picture looking back, this is the type of thing/picture/moment that creates a memory.  This was my younger brother's 60th birthday party.  He's the one of the left with me in the middle and my older brother on the right.  The question is how long will it take for us to look at this as a memory and say...remember when?  The questions could be remember when we looked that young...remember when we all got to the restaurant before you and surprised you....remember when the Mara-chi bands played?  Or maybe remember the one picture of the 3 of us that turned out ok!  Seriously, the 3 of us never seem to be able to get a semi decent picture........so, my bets on remember that one picture where we all looked ok.......where is it.  lol

Please join us for another round of Memory Monday
  • Write your blog post and add our badge with a link back here
  • Post a picture or paint one with your words, and tell us a little story
  • Add your name and blog post url to the linky
  • And visit others on the linky.


  1. HI Sandy I did it I joined you though I am a little nervous with my linking skills. This is fun when an 'goldie-oldie' group gets together, lots of laughs esecpially when there are so many versions of the same incident.

  2. I remembered! Yeah for me and my 58 year old brain!!!

    I say it will take 5 years for you to look back on this and say, "remember when". That's how long it took for me to look back with love on my 50th b-day pics. Nice looking group of people. Happy b-day to your brother.


PLEASE leave your name and url. Do NOT use anonymous. You can use hyperlinks to take me to your blog as well, so that I might return the favor of a blog visit. Profile links, Google links DO NOT take me directly to your blog, but name url does.