Step 1 of many. Working in the yard, weeding when I heard a crack ....I was standing right beside this tree; well about 3 feet from it. Dropped what I had in hand and ran the opposite direction. Yes...this old broad can still run; though in truth faster then I knew. lol

A 5 minute strong wind and pouf the tree was down on top of the house. Called hubby pronto. He arrived from work and we began pulling, and sawing, our way to the house to check for damage. We truly were lucky. Thank You, only the gutter appeared to be damaged. The next night we began cutting all this up, rented chain saw and trailer and also cut down the 2nd half of the tree which you see on the left at a angle. We didn't want it to fall and possibly hurt the cute little guy next door when he was swinging or something. So 3 days later, 4 trips to the dump later. This mess was cleaned up.
Then, the 2nd storm hit and we lost a major limb in the front yard. A even bigger tree slated by the electric company for removal started the next day of messes. The crew came and began the work. Pulled large limbs from our back yard through to the front ....I didn't even bother to take a picture of the mess I was so disgusted. Where things hit in the back yard we have holes, deep ones. They weren't careful, and left lots of stuff piled on top of our landscaping. Some items are totally flattened. They didn't even clean up after their day of work. We expected them back the next day to finish the job, as the tree still isn't totally down. They didn't show. Meanwhile day 2 and our grass is now all matted. The important thing here is this is NOT our tree they're working on; but our neighbors across the back. This is the same tree we spent 2 days last year working on when a big junk fell in our yard because the electric company wouldn't do anything at our say so...not our tree. The neighbors informed us it was our problem since it was in our yard...even though it's their responsibility to take care of their trees. Two large work trucks have our street blocked, hubby can't even use our drive. The neighbors who's tree this is have no mess, they have a large circle drive where the equipment could have been pulled up pretty close to the tree, saving them time and energy. Go figure.
So, the next night hubby and I moved all the junk we could lift from our yard and put it by the tree in the neighbors yard. Hubby called, and called, and called. FINALLY, got someone to answer so he could register a complaint. We were told they would be here today. Writing this now at 3, and they've just shown up. However, the equipment is still on my street...and not on the neighbors street which means they'll still be tromping through my yard. Why, I really don't know. Thought after we called maybe it would change?
Spent another day in Urbana checking on my aunt with my Dad, and managed to get some cleaning and laundry done today. Between that and my work schedule....I've not been here as much. Knowing my time is becoming more limited I deleted the EntreCard widget from this blog. Sorry folks for the ads that were canceled, hope some of you will continue to visit as I will still visiting you all from my
Travel blog dropping etc.
Have worked a bit re-designing my SIL's blog. Please take a look. I'm pretty happy with her
Animal Talk Blog but think more work is needed on her
Ignite to Write. Though it's coming along.
I hope things calm down soon so I can get back to regular blogging. It's Friday, definitely TGIF for me. Hope you all have a good wk-end lined up.
Maybe hubby and I are becoming to good at this
tree business?