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Friday, May 03, 2013

Oh Friday, You are MY Friend

WOW, it's been a fast week.  I had planned to have my post written and scheduled and totally missed getting that done.  Been a busier week then normal, with promises of busier yet next week. 
  • I make a really good Lemon Drop Martini
  • I don't like fish, though I do eat tuna salad
  • I've worn glasses since I was in the 4th grade, and started wearing tri-focals about 15 years ago
  • I dislike winter immensely, and with each year am more impatient for spring
  • I'm not an animal lover.  In fact, I have a fear of many.
 The above picture, lunch counter ladies is for your amusement, it is after-all Friday!  No one looks good in hair nets and lab coats, so we decided to make faces along with it, and heck why not play with the adjustments of color on the computer and really make the silly picture even more ridiculous.  Taken awhile back on a particularly crazy day at work while we were in the "test kitchen".

Enjoy your week-end.  Link and badge for Friday 5/Random Friday in meme tab.  It's fun join us.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Rainy Monday, Got Yarn?

Next ghan to be assembled from donated squares through Bridge and Beyond for Homesless Families Foundation is Blue Jay.  The variegated squares, dark blue, and medium blue required 1 row of single crochet as an edging, while the light blue required one row of double crochet.  I managed to get all the edging done in the car ride as we traveled back from St. Louis yesterday.  This needs to be tied together so crocheting it together can begin and I think will need a substantial border to bring the size up a bit.  Currently it measures 43 x 43.  Should be able to add several inches to it once it's assembled, bordered, and blocked.

Sorry gang, I'm a day late with my Sunday, YOP post.

My Year of Projects List for July 2012-July 2013

My Afghan Goals:
To complete 12 afghans:
10 from donated squares (9 down and 1 to go)
1.. Summers End
2.  Sandbox 
3. My Granny
4. Christmas Time 
5.  Buckeye Blitz
6.  Box of Crayons 
7.  Arapaho
8.  Desert Rose 
9.  Iris and Lillies 
Complete Candy Corn Afghan (longest work in progress project EVER)
Finish the Feather and Fan Afghan (knitted), that finally has a name, Sea and Sand
  **Sea and Sand in the works

Other portion of the lists are not coming along as well as the afghan list.  The project for Darling Daughter got switched after I made a scarf that the colors weren't right, and switched that project to a sweater, which is in the works, but only have a portion of the the back piece done.  Need to rip out a few rows, and so have put it on the back burner.

Cable knit skirt for myself.....no hope of getting it done, though I did get part of my goal completed.  I learned how to knit cables, by knitting a scarf with cables, which is still in need of a good soak and blocking.

Cotton cloths for myself, has gotten switched to 2 Pay it Forward Gifts, and a gift for a friend who's husband has been very ill, in and out of the hospital.  Sadly, mostly in the hospital and she's in need of a pick me up.
Here's one cloth in the works, have completed a couple of others, which have previously been posted.  Hoping to get a few more done.  Worked on this some in our recent travels from Cols, to St. Louis.

YOP badge and link in meme tab across the top of the blog.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Friday, Everyone's Favorite Day

Hello Friday (5 on Friday and Finished object Friday)
  1. I drink coffee to wake up, but want tea in the afternoon, or tea when I'm cold, or tea when I don't feel well.
  2. I like wine, dry wine.  Typically I drink White(favorite Pinot Grigio) to sip and Red with dinner (Pinot Noir).  I tent to like lighter reds over heavy like a Merlot.
  3. I rarely drink pop, maybe twice a year.
  4. I like Champagne, we always have a bottle with our traditional Christmas morning brunch.
  5. I love milk and it took me forever to get used to 2% after drinking the real deal forever
Finished another little project, the traditional corner to corner Grandma's Favorite cotton dishcloth.  Little projects are very satisfying.  Need to make 1 maybe 2 more and get rollin back on some major projects again.  Had planned to make myself a couple, then remembered this would be good for my Pay it Forward Gifts, then found out a friend's husband is very ill and thought she could use a pick me up with say homemade soap, pretty cotton cloth and a card.  So, looks like I'll be making more then I had planned on.

Join us for Finished Object Friday and or Random 5, links and badges in meme at the top of the blog.