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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sea and Sand and School Stuff..........already!

YOP post

Time to think about school, school supplies and books yet again. The sales are going on already. My DD works in the inner city in St. Louis and is trying to obtain help getting books and needed school supplies for the students who are without. No, I'm not asking you to donate money, or buy anything.
I am asking you to click the above button and join, it's fast, easy and fREE. Once you join verify your email addy, then fill out a little bio. Now the fun begins. You're earning points that can be converted into gift cards from a number of places, Best Buy, Pizza Huts and Amazon among many other places; as well as $$ through PayPal. You might have seen this button on my blog, or heard me mention it before when I ordered lovely needle holders after converting my earned points to amazon gift cards. My DD recently found out she can get items her students in need through this same process. I've already turned over my remained amazon gift cards to her and will be continuing to do as I earn them. But, am asking you all to help too. It's a win win. YOu'll be helping her help students in need AND you'll be earning yourselves to shop for you and your family with the gift cards. You earn points by clipping coupons, something we all do anyway. You earn points when you join, when you shop, when you play games, when you do surveys, and when you spin the wheel. Spin the wheel everyday..........takes all about 3 minutes. I've never had a day when I didn't earn points when spinning.
Before turning my gift cards over to DD, this was the yarn organizer I received through my points. 6 holes to thread yarn through, clean sections to see the yarn; all nicely zipped in. Notice even velcro to keep the yarn from going everywhere.
I have all the yarn I need, each in it's sleeve and threaded to continue to work on my Feather and Fan Afghan, named Sea and Sand. There are places for patterns, needles and the large inside is big enough to hold....Sea and Sand in it's present size!
It's really coming along. I finished the large light gray area followed by what I hoped to be the middle variegated area and am now working on the large gray area again....working my way back down the other side. I need to lay this out on the floor yet again and determine if I finally have it large enough to be just past the half way point. As you know, the design of this ghan has changed several times due to finding out I didn't have as much yarn as I thought I had. It's a process.

Happy YOP...late getting mine posted. YOP Badge and link in side bar. Please join us. Technically I already have one change to my list. Working on a cable scarf which I posted about previously which was not on my list, however.......I'm thinking it's my warm up project using the fact I learned to make cables due to last years list.

Everyone Needs Tarps

Making a list of the reason and uses of tarps rates right up there with trying to list all the thing you can do with Duct Tape! Seriously think of uses inside your home, in your yard, perhaps at work where you wished you'd had the right tarp for the job.

Who's painted their house inside or out without the use of a drop cloth? I wouldn't suggest it. No one, not even a professional is neat enough not to need the protection a drop cloth offers. It protects things you don't need or want paint on.

Farmers need tarps and will find heavy duty ones, canvas tarps and cloth tarps available to them. You find a variety of sizes, and colors to fit any job, and you'll have the ease of ordering on line. What could be simpilier?

In my younger years we camped alot and always used canvas tarps under our tent for protection against the elements, and a different style to make a canopy to ward off rain in order to stay dry...and or to protect us from too much sunshine. Think of how nice it would be to have a canopy the right size at your next cook out, family or class reunion, or work related outdoor function. Buy already made tarps or order a roll with the accessories you need to taylor make it.

The only problem I see with ordering your tarp on line is....you might have trouble picking out which ones you want; there are soooooooooo many to choice from.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Painting with Food and Drink in Mind

Hubby and I love Guacamole, it's often the snack of choice with chips while we're enjoying our evening cocktails. Sometimes we're drinking Martini's, sometimes Vodka and Gin Tonics. No, this isn't knitted or crocheted, lol. Recently Darling Daughter, Hubby and I were vacationing in Park City, Utah. DD loves to paint pottery, and so we spent one afternoon doing just that. She's quite good at it, me.........well I've gotten better. See my previous attempt HERE (2 years ago)I didn't do real well on the back side. See the white between the 2 sides? I was attempted to sponge the edge. The gal running the shop said it was easier, and faster then trying to paint a thin black line and blended the two colors together. Apparently, I didn't get enough paint on my sponge. Still though, am over all pleased with my improvement.

FOF Badges and links in side bar

didn't post as scheduled on Friday, so playing catch up here.