I love having Followers, Thank You

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Sea Shore

When I was young I had a book that had been my Dad's favorite as a child, Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses. I loved the rhythm of that poetry; though many today feel poetry that rhythms isn't as "cool" or as "brainy" as say a Haiku....but I confess I still enjoy the rhythm of his poems. It was an old book, and I memorizes several of his poems. Then because I liked it, bought a newer book when my Darling Daughter was young. She too seemed to like the rhythm created when I read aloud to her over and over and over. She memorized some of those poems also.

I've started this simple cotton washcloth multiple times, not liking the first pattern, royally having issues with the 2nd pattern...apparently I can't count well, when talking, watching tv, and sipping wine..........go figure.

So, switched gears...and I'm loving how much more I see the colors in this cotton with this simplier pattern.

This isn't the only thing I'm working on, but the only thing I managed to take a photo of.

What are you all working on for this Wednesday's Work in Progress? Badges and links in side bars, please join us.

It reminds me of the ocean; the sea. And that got me remembering
At The Sea Side by Robert Louis Stevenson

When I was down beside the sea
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.

My holes were empty like a cup.
In every hole the sea came up,
Till it could come no more.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

Thank You Darling Daughter! This Mothers Day Edible Fruit Arrangement came early yesterday morning. Had some yummy fruit with my morning coffee. Likewise again this morning. Miss you and wish we weren't so far away; but am looking forward to our upcoming vacation in Park City so we can spend some time enjoying each others company. My Blue Lace is finished! Finished it last night, and it's almost cool enough to want to wear it today on my day, Mother's Day. This is my first true lace, in that it's not worsted weight yarn and it involved more then some of my attempts leading up to this. I had some trouble with the K2tog, until someone on Ravelry suggested pulling down a bit or up with the needle before inserting the needle. Nice tip! I changed needles a couple of times previously trying to make the K2tog's work easier. This was knit on size 8, using 1 skein of 215 yards of Berroco Ultra Alpaca (50% and 50% Laine Wool) from Peru. Fabulous yarn. It's 3 ply, hand washable. I usually don't bother with blocking a scarf, but perhaps I should to see the design a bit more? It's a Feather and Fan pattern, which I think would make a wonderful afghan.

This photo is my attempt at being a bit more artsy...didn't work too well, in that the blue looks a bit washed out to me. As I was finishing this up last night, was thinking about My Mother who's been gone now for 3 Mother's Day's. She's the one who taught me to know, back in the day. I made a little scarf, head scarf that she crocheted an edge and ties on. It was very rudimentary, but I was so proud of it. All these years later, the gift she gave me is still making me happy. It's an awesome gift and memory Mom, I Love and Miss you. (memories of MOM)

***This blue feather and fan is one more completed item on my year of projects list, badge and link in sidebar. For full list, please see YOP Tab

Friday, May 11, 2012

Flipping out, It's Friday

Flipping out realizing I've missed a few Friday's and some WIPW, where does the time go. Just finished this scarf last night. Nothing fancy, but warm, soft, and large enough to keep someone warm. This Lion Brand Homespun garter stitch scarf is a one skein scarf, courtesy of donated yarn on Bridge and Beyond. I love this blue it looks like the ocean to me...changing slightly as you go. This is the 2nd scarf I've knitted and donated from this donated yarn.

I blogged about the first scarf during the week long challenge when it was finished, molded to look like a dog talking....HERE. It too was donated, in fact this one was already delivered.

And I had fun finishing my Martini Cotton Washcloth. That's right I said Martini, and I said mine. I staged it, also for the week long blog challenge. Take a look HERE, please and thanks.

Looking forward to getting back in the swing of things as I start visiting you all to see what you've been working on. Need to mow today, then I think it's time to perhaps start working on another afghan. You all probably wondered about that. Figured a few scarves and cotton cloths would be a nice break from the larger more tedious work of putting together afghans.

Anyone use bloglovin? I just joined it yesterday. I've not yet added this blog; but think I will...added Traveling Suitcase just yesterday. With summer travel's coming up, you might want to have a look, I've been blogging up a storm over there. Even added a series that's called Menu Monday with reviews and recommendations for places to eat when you travel.

**Finished Object Friday badges and links in sidebar, please join us**

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Pay it Forward - Surprise!

Spotted this post yesterday while making my blog rounds for (WIPW) work in progress Wednesday, and liked the idea. So, left my comment on Clean Cup, Move Down, indicating I would be posting and continuing the Pay it Forward, Random Act of Kindness....whatever we want to call this.

The rules are as follows:
  • I will send a surprise gift to the first three commenters on this post. The gift will be handmade by me. It will be sent sometime in the next 365 days. It will be a surprise. We all love getting surprises in the mail, right?
  • To sign up and receive a gift, you must play along, too. Pay it Forward on your blog, by promising to make a surprise for the first three people who comment on the post.
  • You must have a blog (that is updated, as I will blog stalk you to find the right gift for you).
  • After commenting here, you must repost this or something similar to your blog in 48 hours. If not, I will choose the next person who comments.
It's a beautiful day here today in Central Ohio, the sun's out, the windows are open (what a change), and the birds are chirping. On tap this weekend is mowing, girls night out and watching a cooking demonstration, drinking wine, a mini class reunion. Should be lots of laughs involved. Hoping to throw some knitting time in there, and maybe a bike ride.
Enjoy, the rose is from my Dad's yard. A Rosa Rugosa, old time rose that smells heavenly. Mom always loved it and when it blooms, it makes Daddy smile.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Projects Projects

Been working on these lovely feather and fan blue lace scarf. As you can see it's grown about 8 inches since last I showed it to you. I love this color of blue and DK weight yarn is awesome. I don't have much left as you can see. So, stopped working on it since I was away from home. Wanted to measure it and see how far this might take me, then decide whether or not I'm going to need a 2nd skein. Looks like I will.
And, since my last WIPW post (2 wks ago), I've started this scarf...the 2nd one actually. Will show you the completed one on Friday. Straight garter stitch with Homespun, always a hit. This is for Bridge and Beyond and is being from yarn donated to me. Worked on while out of town, and the flight...perfect no count type of project.

My other work in progress is an additional Blog, Flat Stanley and Friends. Takes some time, as you probably know to select a theme, move things around, write some posts and begin getting visitors, followers, people to comment etc. Inviting you all to please have a look, leave a comment let me know you were there. This blog is to help parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, baby sitters and Kids look at their spare time differently. To see learning possibilities, even if small in life around them or far away. I'm posting Flat Stanley Adventures with ideas of things to do with the kids with a similar experience in your area. I'm inviting everyone, KIDS included to get involved. On Saturdays each week, I'ld like to post your adventures. I know almost everyone has been involved helping a neighbor, a student, a family member with a Flat Stanley project of some sort. Sometimes they're writing assignments, sometimes history can play a part, sometimes art, geography and well...really there is no limited. Kids can color their Flat Stanley or use one of mine and get involved in something. Send me your Flat Stanley adventures--be they old ones or news ones that you create and I'll post them every Sat. Saturday will be Flat Stanley Sharing Saturdays. Naturally kids complete names will left out for protection., unless you don't see a problem with it. Kids I'm sure would love to see their story, their picture, their adventure posted on the internet.

**Badges and links for WIPW in left side-bar, join us. AND Flat Stanley's Badge and link in upper right sidebar....please join us.**

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Balancing my Yarn Addiction, Knit One Double Crochet

Year of Projects Post Info And
Day 7 of the challenge Post
Crafting Balance
Are you a knitter or a crocheter, or are you a bit of both? If you are monogamous in your yarn-based crafting, is it because you do not enjoy the other craft or have you simply never given yourself the push to learn it? Is it because the items that you best enjoy crafting are more suited to the needles or the hook? Do you plan on ever trying to take up and fully learn the other craft? If you are equally comfortable knitting as you are crocheting, how do you balance both crafts? Do you always have projects of each on the go, or do you go through periods of favouring one over the other? How did you come to learn and love your craft(s)?

KCBWDAY7(use this code in a google search to find all who participated in this day's blog challenge)

I am bi-linqual, I speak both knitting and crocheting. I learned both while very young. I learned to knit from my Mother, and to crochet from a friends Aunt. I made one item using each skill when I initially learned. For years didn't do either again. Then crocheting came back into my life...big time. Hubby was working full time and going to school, and while I was also working full time, I had ........time on my hands. Since I decided I should do something with those hands, I once again began crocheting and that's all I did for years. I became pretty skillful and confident with has, scarves, blankets, afghans and the like. I crocheted Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, baby shower gifts and more.

There was no balance. I was in fact, resentful of those who knitted. They seemed a bit upity I thought. Wasn't uncommon to hear someone say, "oh ..you don't knit, you just crochet". Pattern books for knitting far and away out numbered pattern books for crocheting. There seemed to be a prevailing feeling that only Old ladies crocheted, and all they crocheted were doolies, doll clothes, and toilet paper roll covers.

That has all changed. It is no longer only old ladies who crochet, and those who crochet make wonderful wonderful items for themselves and their families, as well as for many charities. Then the fiber world offered such wonderful varieties of soft luscious fibers, that knitters and crocheters came out of the wood work. Both skills were being taught to men and women of all ages. It became "cool" to possess either skill. Battle lines between knitters and crocheters became a thing of the past.

When big fat knitting needles and fun novelty yarn came into vogue, I once again picked up knitting. I think some fibers lend themselves better to one skill then the other. Each has it's place. Knitting takes more time, generally speaking then crocheting, and uses less yarn. Crocheting seems to bother my arthritis a bit more then the knitting does, but I always have projects going representing both skills. I like to have a project that's a pick up and go item...often scarves, which can be either knitted or crocheted; along with a larger more complicated item that really can only successfully be worked on at home. Generally the big item at home is an afghan which is always a crocheted project; as I assemble afghans for charity (please see my blog, Bridge and Beyond) , from donated knitted and crocheted squares from around the globe. Additionally, I might have a more complicated knitting pattern with something that involves counting stitches and rows constantly....I do better with that home, where I can knit without interruption.

Balance between the 2 crafts, isn't the problem I have. I find I need balance between the knitting and crocheting for charity vs making something for myself or family members. Somehow, I always push aside the item I purchased special yarn for myself in order to make something I deem more important for those without.

I've shown you many of the crocheted afghans I've put together from donated squares in the first challenge post about color, HERE. The above picture is an afghan I made specifically from many different patterns for my great nephews arrival into this world. Just thought there should be a picture here for you all.

This concludes the blog week challenge......whew. Must give some thought whether to participate in this challenge again next year if it happens. Thus far, it's been lots of work with pretty limited participating; that's been disappointing. Wondering how the rest of you feel?
Day 1 Challenge Post 3KCBWDAY1
Day 2 Challenge Post 3KCBWDAY2
Day 3 Challenge Post (wild card) 3KCBWDAY3 3KCBWWC
Day 4 Challenge Post 3KCBWDAY4
Day 5 Challenge Post 3KCBWDAY5
Day 6 Challenge Post 3KCBWDAY6

YOP, literally no change. I've knitted and crocheted; but everything I've worked on was something not on my list. Between traveling, and blogger not working well (scheduled posts not posting as they should), playing catch up both here and in life...I've really nothing to report. However, if you click on Day 2 challenge you'll see one item I finished, likewise Day 5...those post show 2 of the items I've been working on.