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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Day at the Beach

A Day at the Beach is the name I've chosen for this afghan. A bigger name then usual, particularly for a smaller afghan, lol. I love these colors together, bright and cheery. The gold makes me think hot sun, the shades of aqua make me think water, and the variegated colors make me think beach and bathing suits. There are only 16 squares here, just under 7 inches prior to the edging. Edging added about 2 inches a square. Once joined, my plan is to do a few rows of boarder to increase a bit more. I rarely use white in afghans, for the dirt factor; but this white seemed to work. It's not white white, and it's not ivory/offwhite. It's called Winter White. Some one donated it awhile back. I reviewed by stash and felt I had enough of this...on my second 8 oz skein. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember doing a afghan that had this variegated yarn. I'm hoping I have enough left in my stash to do at least a row in the border. Playing through. As always, this afghan will be donated through Bridge and Beyond for Project, "Welcome Home."

Many thanks for the help in the comments of the previous post (year of project post) regarding my substituting yarn. I appreciate the brain power. I've gone back to the drawing board on that project....I really like the yarn I bought, and am going to look a bit more for patterns that use the DK weight, and or review the original pattern to see if it makes more sense the 2nd or 3rd time I read it.

**Question, would like to have a page with thumbnails of all the afghans, either here or on Bridge and Beyond, or both...how does one go about posting thumbnails on the blog that can be clicked to enlarge/and or go to the blog post regarding said item?**

Work in Progress Badges and Links in left sidebar. Join us and have fun looking at everyone's projects.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blocking Blue Jazz

Blue Jazz in the works here, as some saw it on Wed. The colors are more true in this picture, though I did make a few square changes in the finished project below.
Not sure why this picture isn't as good. I may move it later and re-photograph it; it's in a location I don't typically use for photo's....perhaps it's a lighting thing? But, it's wet and currently being blocked, so don't want to pick it up now and move it. Lots of different sized squares, some rectangles, some knitted, some crocheted. Took lots of edging to bring this one together so it really needed blocked...more so then some of the ghans of late. Used about double the amount of yarn I usually do in the edging, joining, and bordering.

Have picked out a shrug pattern I want to make for myself (not on the YOP list), but it calls for bulky #5 weight yarn. Says it should measure 15 x 54, using a size 10 needle is suggested. While I don't think it's necessary to swatch for something like a shawl...I'm wondering...I want to use DK weight yarn (merino), probably size 7/8 needles...in my mind, I can't determine if my item will be larger or smaller? I've not substituted yarn before knitting. Thoughts? I bought the yarn for a specific pattern, then found a pattern I liked better

The afghan is the only think I've worked on this past week, therefore the only change to the list. YOP list on tab across the top of the blog, with badge and link in right sidebar.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blue Jazz

Jazz - an American art form and an international phenomenon! Jazz is not the result of choosing a tune, but an ideal that is created first in the mind, inspired by ones passion and willed next in playing music. Jazz music is a language, sometimes intimate, often boisterous, but always layered with experience and life profoundly lived. Jazz is not found in websites or books or even written down in sheet music. It is in the act of creating the form itself, that we truly find Jazz.
I thought, that partial definition I found on the web made perfect sense when viewing this afghan design. Rather I should say, that definition seems to be a good description for this afghan design. It's free flowing...it's changed over time, it mixes things up, it was an idea in the mind, and brings together many hands and thus many life experiences. Inspired by ones passions....that surely hits things squarely on the head. Those who knit and crochet squares show their passion for wanting to help, and my passion is orchestrating their wishes into realities. If you've not read about Project, "Welcome Home", please pop over to Bridge and Beyond, my charity blog. This afghan was designed some time ago and has been waiting in que...step #1Step #2, removed a few squares--think I might now have enough red, white and blue in bins to do a Patriotic Ghan so removed that one, plus wanted to diminish the whites some; so removed those and added a few additional squares to enlarge the size with squares that have come in since it's first design. Have begun edging and joining as you see, it's in the works on this Work in Progress Wednesday.

I've also been scouting out shrug patterns....I actually might get around to making myself a shrug.......though am not holding my breath. lol Check back, partially trying to decide how warm I want it...do I want it more summery or using a nice wool for cooler weather?

Happy Wednesday, please click WIPW badges and links in sidebars to see some cool projects, and please feel free to join us and link up in the one or more of the linky parties.