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Monday, January 17, 2011

The last of the garage sale hats, completed!

4 hats for the homelessThese 4 hats are the last from the partial hats needing completion from The Garage Sale. I've mentioned this before. (HERE) and (here) Am happy to have those all finished and on heads of those in need through Bridge and Beyond.

I started this fun multi-colored scarf also for Bridge and Beyond the other day at hair dressers. Needed something I could do without my glasses on while I was getting rid of the gray. That process seems to take alot longer then it used too...hum, must be because the gray is more gray and there's more of it. GROAN! This is called kaleidoscope and is probably the softest Red Heart Knitted Worsted Yarn I've ever used. Wonder why it varies so much from color to color?
crocheted scarf for homelessThe picture makes it look more orange then it is. I might have enough for a matching hat too since this is for a child. We'll see as it progresses.

We've been busy redoing our bedroom which has been a pretty major project. In a small house, it's hard to have places to move furniture in order to paint...AND before you paint you have to repair places (Spackle and stuff like that). These projects always take more time and become more involved then one thinks it will before starting. Always! New bed will be delivered in a couple of days so we need to get the painting finished before delivery. We moved our bed into the other room, but had to move the bed from their to the basement. See what I mean...always more work then you think it's going to be. But, am anxious for it to arrive. We both feel like we'll sleep better going to more space, a King. Sometime down the road, we'll need to do some changing around in the room we moved the bed too...cause it's over crowded now. But, one thing at a time.

As always busy busy, how bout you all?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Started before Christmas...still a Work in Progress

Buckeye ScarfBuckeye Colors, Scarlet and Gray. This was going to be part of a Christmas gift, but as you can see....it didn't get finished in time. It's basic garter stitch and is striped but at an angle which I like called Chevron. Now that it's sat awhile, I'm not sure I can figure out where I am in the pattern. Errrrrrrrrr, why didn't I leave myself a note. I don't want to frog it since it's striped would have all those separate pieces. tsk tsk...must think on this. This is where my knitting isn't up to my crochet skills. With crochet, I can count figure out where I am and or determine what the stitch is etc. I find that harder with knitting. I keep at it, hoping I'll improve my skills. I do enjoy knitting; but...I can't do it as easily when someone's talking etc.

Did you get all your planned projects done in time for gift giving?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh Baby

start of Candy LandCandyLand is the theme for this OddBall Baby Blanket.
I had issues with this blanket. Firstly didn't realize it wasn't a knitting worsted weight blanket. Was trying to follow suit and used Caron Simply Soft (which I had on hand, and hate using), but it was purple and to close in color to the section already here. I didn't want to buy more yarn, even though baby yarn or sport was suggested. Found some fingering weight yarn in my stash still nice and clean in it's original closed plastic bag. Fingering is too thin, so I used 2 strands. Since I had quite a bit done and had to frog, I went with your basic garter here to get this on it's way. I had held the group a bit and felt badly about that. The yellow next to the purple looked nice.
Mossy Delights startBarely started here in this picture, though since photographing have made some good headway with this one. This one is titled Mossy Delights. I'll be the last knitter on this OddBall. I'm using Pique Triangles which is a nice two sided stitch. It's best not to have a right and wrong side with blankets, though that can't always be accomplished. I love all the greens.
close up of border for ConfettiThis is a close up of Confetti, where I was on Border Patrol. I crocheted this edge and used up some green confetti looking yarn so was able to stay in theme with my border. I found this border (and the one I used for finishing up my daughter's ghan for Bridge and Beyond), in a nice leisure Arts book by Jean leinhauser titled 50 More Crocheted Afghan Borders. #4531 I like the book, it seems to have a nice mix of borders to use for different types of ghans.
Confetti Baby Blanket CompletedAnd here's the completed Oddball Baby Blanket, Confetti. The Oddball group is on Rav if you're interested. There's a group for baby sized blankets, full size ghans, and even pet ghans. Everyone does their bit and the blankets do a bit of traveling before they're donated. The baby blankets are all donated to children's hospital's around the country for those in need.

This is some of what I've been busy doing. Still many projects in the works, but a bit here, a bit there and slowly they get done. Though it seems for every completed project I start 2 or 3 more. lol How bout you? What are you up to? Remember busy hands are happy hands. Even if they're not hands that are knitting or crocheting.