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Sunday, June 27, 2010


According to wikipedia, a tattoo is a marking made by inserting dark, indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment for decorative or other reasons. Tattoos on humans are a type of decorative body modification, while tatoo's on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding.

Henna TattooWikipedia also states Henna or Hina is a flowering plant used since antiquity to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather and wool. The name is also used for dye preparations derived from the plant, and for the art of temporary tattooing based on those dyes. Additionally, the name is misused for other skin and hair dyes such as black henna or neutral henna, which do not derive from the plant.

I'm not a lover of tat's. I don't think most are pretty or add to one's appearance. Real ones make me think unpleasant things in history where people were branded. But, while at The Arts Festival, I learned a bit about Henna Tattoo's. They are temporary gone in about 10 days. What we see here in the picture is crusty; but that goes away...you can brush it off and the color underneath is a brownish red. It's not bright or all that visible but darkens or becomes more noticeable with sunlight.

I was impressed watching the lady free hand this drawing, and others on her clientele. I've mentioned before I can't even draw a decent stick person, so always am in awe of someone who can actually draw something that looks like something.

For those who like tattoo's this is considered wearing art. For those who think they might like to have a tattoo; why not try a temporary Henna type before you consider something permanent.

Doing a google search I found out Muslims and Jewish faiths believe this is defacing God's Temple and therefore it is against their religious beliefs to have a tattoo.

I think the thing that fascinates me most about the large number of people who sport tat's is so many folks are afraid of needles, yet the willingly pay someone to stick them.

Would be interested in your thoughts, please leave a comment.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sandy's Summer Salad

This is good eating if I do say so myself...and I do. Spinach, red and yellow peppers sliced, thick sliced mushrooms, red onion, handfull of sliced sun-dried tomatoes, 1 can Mandarine Oranges, 1 grilled chicken breast sliced, fresh ground pepper, hand full rice noddles. This would probably be good with a sweet sour type dressing; but hubby's not a fan so we used a regular Garlic Expressions. You can't go wrong with that dressing on almost anything anyway. I like avocado in my salads, but again hubby's not a fan so I had one sliced on the side. It was super ripe and good; but didn't slice that well because it was so soft. Complete your meal with seasoned olive oil to dip your hot bread in. Plain bread works best so you don't have anything flavors fighting each other.

No meal is complete without a nice bottle of wine. We're drinking a light red wine we shipped from The Callaway Winery in Temecula Valley in California called Fratello. It's one of their special selections we tasted while we were there and really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How many is too many?

knitted bright and lofty scarf on the needles
How many projects is too many projects? I've gone back and forth in my knitting and crocheting organization. Working on multiple projects, a different project each day...working on only one at a time, trying to finish one before starting another....working on big projects at home and taking smaller projects with me for breaks at work or car rides etc.

Add to that the difficulty of balancing charity knitting and crocheting, with things for friends and families....and or once in a blue moon something for self. It's a process, one I see lots of knitting and crocheting Bloggers discussing. Towards the end of last year I decided I would finish all my WIP (works in progress) before starting new ones. That plan went by the way side. Why? I'd go shopping because a friend wanted to, or because someone was having a good sale and every-time I did that yarn would find it's way into my hand, into my house. It would call out to me....I'm here....I'm here, please come see and play with me.

Sooooooooooo, I would start something new. Then I thought perhaps I should have exactly 7 projects going, so each day of the week I would work on Project Monday, Tuesday etc. I thought about that, but didn't do it.

Soooo, now I need to count how many projects I have going:
  1. I have Fun and Funky Scarf (knitting) Gift
  2. I have 2 balls recently rolled of fabulous Mango Moon (will be knitting) Me
  3. I have corner to corner ghan for homeless (knitting) Charity
  4. I have granny squares for homeless (crocheting) Charity
  5. I have Candy Corn Ghan for Victory Camp (crocheting) Charity
  6. I have Opal's Ghan (crocheting) Friend Request
  7. I have Bright and Lofty Orange Scarf homeless or passion of the heart (knitting) Charity this is the item pictured here.
I think that's right. So, as it turns out I do have 7 projects after all. Does 2 being balls rolled count as a project? Does the purple green unidentifed specialty fiber not mentioned above but in my mind for a special someone count? I worked on #1 yesterday; I could perhaps finish it today? (though this is a scheduled post so by the time you read this it's no longer today...lol). So, you see my quandary.

Back to my questions how many is too many?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Crochet and Knitting Books

I'm pretty excited to have found these 2 books at Half Priced Books, plus that particular day there was an additional 30% off. I got a Christmas present while there too, but.......shhhhhhhhhh can't show that.

The Readers Digest looks to be a good how to type book with great details and pictures about how to make certain stitches and I really need that type of help. The 2nd book, Filet Crochet has some darling patterns that would make some nice afghan's or squares for afghans. I'll be using yarn though and not thread. I highly recommend both books and suggest you call your local Half Price Book Store to see if they have them. I already removed price sticker for the knitting book and sorry to say, don't remember what I paid for it; but thought it was a good buy at the time.

Anyone have these books? Funny, I learned to crochet first and have lots of separate pamphlet type patterns like from Leasure Arts, but lately have been more into books with knitting how to's. What's your routine? I have more patterns than I could ever make, and often look at them for ideas; but with crocheting have often not really followed the pattern. Much the way I cook....hum..........I'm seeing a pattern here of not using the patterns. lol

Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Green Can it Get?

green green grass of homeSeriously, how green can it get? We've had sooooooooo much rain and cool nights I can't remember a spring or early summer when things have been sooooooooooo green. This is my backyard which is constantly in need of mowing due to the rain and the cool nights. Click on picture to enlarge so you can see the beautiful yellow Stella De Oro's. Normally the fire pit isn't in the yard; but behind the shed; but you can see the mound or what's left of the mound the tree people have left. Yes, I'm still hearing chain saws. Think this might be day 10! Up and down the entire neighborhood trees are being trimmed and cut down because they interfere with the electrical wires. It's a relief really, we've had so many power surges and little electrical outages this should help........but the noise is getting to be a bit much.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fun and Funky

funky scarf on the needlesThis is FUN, and funky to my way of thinking. Purchased this yarn some time back for a gift; but was delayed in getting it done. Rolling this from the hank to the ball to use was a job and a half. I spent about 4 hours working on it; then took it with me this past weekend where Julie got it done. She likes the puzzle and likes playing with all the fibers. I've counted 8 different fibers mixed here, and they do catch on themselves both when rolling into a ball and while knitting.

The suggestion from my LYS when I purchased this was to use to size 13 and knit straight. They also suggest lengthwise not width wise in order to see the colors and textures develop. I used most of their suggestion in that I am knitting lengthwise and one of my needles is a 13. I chose a 6 for my 2nd needle feeling it would be way to open, prone to pulls --stretching using only 13's. I think the 6 on one side helps to give it a bit more body? As a result is it going to be more narrow, or am I stretching the yarn where it will end up wider? These things always confuse me a bit. Bigger needles make bigger stitches, but also use more yarn. Anyway, I LOVE the fun in seeing how this changes as I continue to work on it.