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Monday, July 27, 2009

Hammocks and Holidays

Oh my, these picture was taken long ago. Remember when we all had little Instamatic cameras and opted for the mat finish? Which doesn't hold up well over the years it seems. It doesn't scan all that well either.

This is Mom with a silly hat on, reclining...relaxing in the hammock with Daddy sneaking up behind the tree. I find this picture funny for several reason. Mom wasn't one to relax all that much, so her laying in the hammock like she has not a care in the world is funny. Actually, they had been working in the yard all day. Their backyard is full of flowers, redbrick walks; quite pretty. It takes lots of work to keep it looking that way. The little boat in the background is the little fishing boat they had. Fishing was their other hobby.

The pretty set table is also from years ago; though a bit more recent than the hammock picture. This is the table before a Thanksgiving, before the family grew to it's present size. Mom always decorated so pretty for the holidays. The table at Thanksgiving was always well appointed with a beautiful linen table cloth and napkins, special china and silver, and stemware. The silver was family silver several generations old, so was the stemware. For many years we used the family china, hand painted and handed down through the generations. But, as the family grew she opted for the white stoneware china that could be put in the dish washer. The hand painted china was fragile (not good when grandchildren were young and running about).

Mom made all the holidays special, special family time.

These are 2 memories that come to mind for the letter H, for my Memory Monday as I remember Mom.

The letter G (gowns)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sloushy, Strange Saturday

I Looked down on one of my clumps of Black-eyed Susan's a few days ago. Though I always thought they were all yellow and black, I seem to have a mixed variety. I have one clump slightly lighter orange then this group, one that is orange and yellow in combination. Odd, but interesting. This is the only clump that looks large and health at the moment though. I've weeded around the others carefully, as I think they were getting strangled by a vine. Perhaps they'll do better now.

The title Sloushy, Strange Saturday. It's rainy...AGAIN. My allergies really need a break from this damp weather we've been having. Strange because it's late July and should be sunny and warm, and it's sweatshirt cold, damp, and dark enough to be 9 at night. So much for not using lights during the day to be more "green". You can't see without them on. UGLY!!

Finally gave in and went to the doctor yesterday, since I wasn't making any headway with my normal allergy meds. She says I have fluid in my lungs, gave me an inhaler, antibiotics, and a steroid noise spray. Explains why I've been feeling lousy, and making no headway. Suppose to go to my 40th class reunion tonight. Right now, I really don't feel like it. Takes energy which I don't have to stand, walk around, small talk etc. I get tired just going up and down stairs doing laundry. Hubby and I graduated from HS together, perhaps he'll go on his own and fill me in about who's where doing what. We always enjoy going, nice that we graduated together. Always feel sorry for spouses who don't know the school, class etc. But, I think I'm coughing way too much to go, ears hurt, and the headache now into about it's 8th day. Come out sun, help dry me and the yard up...Please!

**I'm about 3/4th done with a navy blue scarf I've been crocheting for The Bridge and Beyond
****SIL will be disappointed if hubby and I, or hubby doesn't go to the reunion--she graduated with us too; but is competing in a big horse show today and tomorrow.

More flowers
and here

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Boy and Dog, Wordless Wednesday

Perhaps I should say, almost wordless Wednesday. lol Little guy next door romping about in his jammies (Mickey Mouse Jammies), and his dog, Heismann. Heismann is always just a hair away.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

10 Thoughts for Tuesday

  1. One of my favorite lillies for today is My Mother's Birthday. RIP and know you are remembered
  2. The Japanese Beetle problem has lessened. YIPPEE
  3. Darling Daughter is getting nervous about not yet having a job lined up. Keep your toes and fingers crossed, please.
  4. Happy to report Hubby's feeling better (he's really been under the weather)
  5. Sad news learning about the recent death of Walter Cronkite, he was really quite an icon.
  6. I've not been feeling my best, allergies have been bad; though I think the meds are helping now.
  7. Laundry never goes away, been working on it alot today...groan
  8. Hubby's and my 40th class reunion is this wkend. Yikes, we're getting old.
  9. Jan, my SIL is working hard preparing for a big horseshow this wkend. It's a shame it's the same wkend as our reunion. She and I and hubby all graduated together. Good Luck Jan, hope things go well for you.
  10. Happy to report more seasonal weather has returned. I see the sun!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Traditional 4th of July Celebration

To the right in my side bar you'll see a photo widget I made with the pictures from our 4th of July Celebration. We had more food then we needed (nothing new), drink a plenty, and games. There were 14 of us, and for awhile my 3 neighbors joined us making 17. We had corn on cob, salad, potato salad, marinated chicken breasts, a variety of drinks both soft and adult.

A good time was had by all. We played corn hole, had 2 games going at one time, badmitten...lots and lots of badmitten. Had the croquet set up; but we ended up not playing that game.

After the family all headed their separate ways, hubby and I walked down to our neighborhood fireworks display. It was wonderful! One of the best we've seen. We were up close and personal, loved it.

It was odd not having Mom with us this year, her favorite holiday and all; but she was in all of our thoughts as we enjoyed each others company.

does anyone know if you can put one of those picture widgets in the actual post? I tried, but perhaps I didn't do it correctly?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Child Labor Laws, should this be reported?

See first, you gotta turn it on here.

Sometimes it takes more then one try.

Then you push, push, push.

"Jake, our you mowing in your PJ's?" The only thing as cool as Thomas The Train is Mickey Mouse.

He loves to come early in the morning. I was drinking my morning coffee, and had to run get my camera. If I could write, I think lots of fun short stories could be written about this little guy.