The title Sloushy, Strange Saturday. It's rainy...AGAIN. My allergies really need a break from this damp weather we've been having. Strange because it's late July and should be sunny and warm, and it's sweatshirt cold, damp, and dark enough to be 9 at night. So much for not using lights during the day to be more "green". You can't see without them on. UGLY!!
Finally gave in and went to the doctor yesterday, since I wasn't making any headway with my normal allergy meds. She says I have fluid in my lungs, gave me an inhaler, antibiotics, and a steroid noise spray. Explains why I've been feeling lousy, and making no headway. Suppose to go to my 40th class reunion tonight. Right now, I really don't feel like it. Takes energy which I don't have to stand, walk around, small talk etc. I get tired just going up and down stairs doing laundry. Hubby and I graduated from HS together, perhaps he'll go on his own and fill me in about who's where doing what. We always enjoy going, nice that we graduated together. Always feel sorry for spouses who don't know the school, class etc. But, I think I'm coughing way too much to go, ears hurt, and the headache now into about it's 8th day. Come out sun, help dry me and the yard up...Please!
**I'm about 3/4th done with a navy blue scarf I've been crocheting for The Bridge and Beyond
****SIL will be disappointed if hubby and I, or hubby doesn't go to the reunion--she graduated with us too; but is competing in a big horse show today and tomorrow.
More flowers
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