I love having Followers, Thank You

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Allow me please to introduce

Jan. Jan is my SIL. We've known each other for years and years. We graduated from high school together, were in English together, did Candy-Striping at the Hospital together. And, um...we even cut school together! lol So, you see we were fast friends before she and my older brother got together, though they did date in high school.

Jan is a published childrens' author, she does writing clinics and seminars for adults and children. She's very new to the world of blogging and has just very recently started a blog. She'd love some visitors to make things more fun and to help spread the word. She's interesting in helping teachers, and students. Perhaps you'd like some ideas yourself about things to do with your children, or grandchildren. Please stop in for a visit and introduce yourself to her, ask for ideas on an activity. Jan is a team member on The Bridge Project,and is my connection to Rae. You can find her here.

Finished up another scarf for my daughter, Chrissy last night (she's still giving them out there in Baltimore). This is another of the fun Light and Lofty, and is knitted. And so, in my ABC quest...this is C...a bit of a cheat perhaps as the item doesn't start with C, but hey it's going to Chrissy and that starts with C. lol

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


And now...I give you the letter B, which translates in knitting and crochet language into the following:

Finally after frogging a knitted pair twice, getting one mitt of a crocheted pattern done, Crochet Princess designed a crocheted mitten pattern that makes sense. So, I now have a pair of mittens for The Bridge Project Completed. Hubby showing them off, but not showing himself off. lol She has sent an improved and updated pattern to me, which I hope to start on tonight after work. Thanks bunches Beth.

JoAnne's had a nice sale of cotton, 5 of super sized cotton balls for $10.00. So 5 of them wanted to come home with me. Got 2 of the blue. These will be bibs, for Lil_Troppers. Marine Corps Kids, and perhaps Caring House. Aren't they pretty colors

Bottie....singular, as I need to knit it's mate. Plan to several pair.
**snowing to beat the band, gotten head to work, stay warm and safe all

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The ABC"s

Close your eyes and picture Julie Andrews singing, "Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start, when you sing you begin with Do Rae Me......"

And so following Julie Andrews, I give you The A
A being the very beginning of the alphabet.

A = in yarn language, AFGHAN.

I've got 3 in the works. Sorta.

Oh...you can't see into my project bags. Going left to right, bag 1 is for a co-worker Opal
I've not started it really, but I do have the yarn, and pattern....see. I will start it today, even if only a wee bit.
Bag 2 is Christmas ripple. Silly me, I actually started it a week before Christmas of 08, then came to my senses and put it away for 09. What was I thinking of?

Bag 3 is The Candy Corn Ghan, man this has been a WIP for a record long time. I plan to work on it today for either 1 hour, or until I hit the next logical section. Which is the strip with the wild corner and attach it to the ghan. This has been a piece meal type ghan, using up some donated odd colors and handful of bright colored granny squares that didn't go with anything else. I've ripped out a few times, not having enough of a particular color has required adjustments along the way.

When finished it will go to Victory Junction Gang. This is one of Paul Newman's Hole in The Wall Camps, free to children with medical problems.

**working on mittens for The Bridge Project, click on the botton on my side bar
***helping SIL with her blog, stay tuned for an introduction. She's a published Childrens' Author with great ideas about writing activities.