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Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Friday, September 03, 2010

Flowers, a thing of Beauty!

orange lillyI love flowers. I love the beauty they add to one's yard, the wonder scents, the butterflies and bees they bring. However, with each year I get older and planting, digging, weeding, and dividing the beauties has become harder and harder. Let's face it, as you age it's just plain hard work. The arthritis in the knees, back, and or hands makes doing these things painful and certainly less pleasant. I think a wonderful alternative is a window box. I can stand to plant, and water. I would have less weeding to do, but still be able to enjoy the beauty the flowers bring.
pruple flowersWindow Boxes come in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles. You can even select what type of construction/material you prefer. The selection available even includes your choice of types of metal. Maybe you like ornate, while I prefer a more basic design. Windows come in a variety of sizes and so you'll want to select a style, color, size, and design that coordinates with your windows. You can enjoy your flowers inside and out without the extra work of digging up the hard ground after winter, or crawling around mulching. I'm also thinking how much more environment this could be. Seems to me I would need to water a smaller area which is not only more "green", but also should save some on the water bill.

Planters are available to match or coordinate with your window boxes too. That's a great idea. I could use one on the front step area which would also be easier to maintain then my current large flower beds.

Make your selection, then order the accessories you need to hang the window flower boxes all at the same time. It's easy, secure and help is available either by way of an 800 number or use of on line chat. There's a no hassle 30 day return policy, and FREE shipping. You can even track your order once you place it. I'm planning ahead for next year, how about you?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Ending of a Season

white lillies
orange double lilliesThe ending of the summer season is upon us. Groaning big time here. Yeah, I know it's been hotter, more humid then normal and people have really complained. But, you know what comes next? Fall, gray colorless days once the flowers and leaves are gone. And then the real ugliness will be here. Short dark days, cold days, wet days, icy and snowy and dangerous days.

These beauties are already gone from my yard; but I want to enjoy them more so have posted them here to share with you. I've already cut all the dead brown stuff, or almost all. I've worked out there about 6 different times now. I do try to break it up as it's hard on the body. Hubby's made multiple trips to the dump with the debries. Each trip he's taken several of the largest trash cans full plus 2 to 3 bags. I have alot. In the back yard I have 3 large fence rows to trim and weed. That's about 99% done. Around the back of the house (which I've not yet started) is quite a bit; then there's the 2 sides of the house. Might do one side today. Though this is a scheduled post so by the time you read it, hopefully I've gotten more done. Can't do the 2nd side though, don't want to disturb Momma Bird. Looking out one of the kitchen windows the other day hubby noticed Momma Bird right up by the house. I wish I could get close enough for a picture. Hum....maybe I'll try. Let you know how that goes.

This is WIP (works in progress) s of the writing of this blog post:
Opal Ghan (crocheted)
2 scarves (knitted)
Candy Corn Ghan (crocheted), longest wip I've ever had
**repairing 2 ghans

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Pretty Pretty Flowers

I love backyard flowers. I like lots of different colors and enjoy looking out the windows at them. Sometimes I think I should get rid of some of flower beds because as I get older the weeding, the mulching...get's to be a bit much. But I do really enjoy them. Many could be picked and brought indoors in a vase, but I rarely do that because they last so much longer outside. These pretty golden yellow Stella De Oro's bloom longer then many of the others in my yard. I like they way they clump and only grow about 2 feet tall, so they make it possible to have something taller behind them. I have these here and there in the yard and they really show up even on a cloudy day.

pink lillies
These Pink Lillie's are one of my favorites. I've babied these and this is the first year they've done this well. I moved them last year. They were close to the house because they have such a wonderful fragrance I wanted to be able to smell them easily. But the dang rabbits, and chipmunks kept eating them. When this plant is just popping it's head out of the ground it's young and tender and apparently they really like that. One year I kept something around it until it was ready to bloom to protect it. Then I removed the standard so it would be prettier and the very next day a rabbit went through and completely snapped it off. I was furious and ready to behead the pest. Some years they...chipmunks, squirrels, or rabbits...unsure which cause I didn't see the culprit actually dug up the bulbs. I kept replanting and everyday it would be dug up again. Anyone want to come hunt in my yard? Sooooooo last year I moved them and they've finally gotten thick enough they apparently don't taste good, as they've left it alone. However.........2 tiny off shoots near them I was looking forward to were completely eaten. errrrrrrrrrrrr Even my neighbor, Kevin remarks how nice these smell. He can enjoy them even from his backyard.

daisiesDaisies, love Shasta Daisies. Mine get so large they look more like a bush as time goes on. Some years I've actually had to tie them up for support because of all the blooms. They're really just starting in this photo. At night, just about dusk they look almost iridescent when I look out my window.

ButtercupsThese are yellow Buttercups, they're pretty but beware....they'll take over your whole flower bed. I've pulled most of these up and have only left a few plants out in the very back of the yard. That particular flower bed is less manicured and has a more wild look to it. Hope you've enjoyed some of the color from my back yard. And maybe next year, you all can come over and help me weed and mulch! lol

Friday, August 07, 2009

Walk with Me and have some Friday Fun

This is the first time I've tried this, the results aren't great; but wanted to share with you anyway...maybe next time it will work a little better. Hubby was playing around with my camera and took this, it's not as steady I would like; and I didn't know I would be able to post here. So...this is a first. Come walk with me through part of my backyard.

You can see some of the lillies against one of the fence rows.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Selecting a Gravestone, Emotional Day

The Yucca's are starting to bloom. This year 5 are opening up. It seems to change each year which ones develop blossoms. I love these plants. You can almost see them open. Not quite like time lapse photography, but close. These plants got their starts in my parents yard, and so naturally is another connection to Mom.

Yesterday Daddy and I selected the gravestone. Such mixed emotions. On one had it was good to have things settled, taken care off...one more item off the to do list. On the other doing so not only brought back the loss of losing Mom (2 months ago), but the reality that we would lose Daddy too. Daddy is 83 and seems quite healthy and active. But, their plan has always been to be buried together in a double Urn. And so yesterday he and I selected the stone and secured it's placement in a family plot. The two of them will be surrounded by other family members. His parents, his grandparents, and his father's sister's and their husbands. A nice large family plot. I like that everyone is there together. People don't do that much these days. Families live far apart and when someone passes they're buried, but not much thought or planning for those that might follow.........thus families aren't together. This particular cemetery is beautiful. It's high on a hill overlooking Chillicothe, Ohio. I've always thought it the prettiest cemetery I've ever been in. AND, for those of you who know me well; you know how many cemeteries I've been in, how many gravestones I've photographed etc, so........that statement is significant. The lady at the monument company was nice, helpful and used humor to help us through the ordeal. She is 76 and has been doing this a very long time. She told us she hopped to work until she was 80.

These bright cheerful orange Tiger Lillies are in full bloom right now and are gorgeous. They're on the side of the garage. I wished they bloomed longer. They grow easily, often you see them along railroads. These starts also came from Mommy and Daddy's yard. So many of my flowers did, it's like my yard is a memorial to them both.

These pinkish-purplish lillies don't spread as easily as other varieties and are more fragile; have a heavenly scent. These are some of the very few I didn't get from my folks yard, I actually purchased these a few years back. Just wanted to share their beauty with you all.

These beautiful flowers make me smile and feel better inside. It was an emotional day.

Spend time with your parents, make yourself memories. The memories can make you smile on a cloudy day.

(These off and on posts here about My Mother, are like journal writing for me)