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Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Lacy Yellow Shawl, A Bright Future, Get Your Amazon On!

Making headway, but slower than I would like with my yellow shawl.  I tend not to work on this at night while watching tv.  The light weight sock yarn and I do better in the light of day without distractions......thus it's taking longer.  Since it's laying on my green chair and ottoman you can see through the yellow section better than the multi-colored sections.  Think you can now better see the lacy effect better than you could before the yellow section was added.

Folks there seems to be technical trouble.  The sound isn't working now on this video.  It worked, then it didn't, then it did again, and now not.  Will leave it for now in case it works itself out.  Now some folks are hearing it and some aren't.  I hear it when I open using Explorer, but not currently with google.....yikes.  Give it a try though folks, he really is cute.

Snarky.......yes, but it made me smile, so thought I'd share.  So much going on right now, hard to keep up with all the scandals and lies.  Never in my life did I think we'd be in such a state with so many people at the top being so inappropriate.  

As a person who LOVES Amazon Prime..........I had to snatch this picture!

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Stuff and Such on Sunday

 Pink Himalyanan Salt Light.  Have you heard of them, seen then, use them?  They're often used in Yoda Studios which is how my friend learn about them.  They provide a very nice soft light and are quite relaxing.  Thus the yoga connection.  However, they are reported to have other benefits like increased energy, improved mood, better sleep.  Some say they purify the air.  I bought mine through Amazon for under $20.00 and it had the low wattage bulb with it.  It also has a dimmer with 5 selections which is nice.  We tend to use it on the lowest or 2nd to lowest setting.  The light is actually a chunk of pink Himalayan Salt from the area of the Khewna Salt Mines in Pakistan.  They're decorative.  I bought it to see if helped hubby sleep...I think maybe it does, which in turn helps me to sleep or perhaps it helps us both directly?
 A recent meal that was particularly good.  Pork Tenderloin, fresh green beans and a nice salad.  I like to prepare the pork when I bring it home from the grocery.  But, when buying from Cosco you get a rather large package and each package has 4 tenderloins which I season, cut in half, wrap in wax paper, then foil and then freeze in a zip lock bag.   By seasoning ahead (and doing all 8 pieces at a time), you have less mess and safe time.......but additionally the meat has a chance to absorb the flavors of the seasoning more than just seasoning them when you're ready to cook them.  A half piece of tenderloin is perfect for a dinner for 2 people.  3 slices for me, and usually 4 for hubby.
 Travel Hangers.  They are laid out in the 1-2-3 of how to use.  They come folded (like the blue one).  Step one fold down the 2 sides (gives you the size of the pink one), fold out the ends of the 2 sides gives you the size of the yellow one.  They are light weight plastic.  I spotted them advertised the other day and immediately wanted them.  Oddly enough my friend (that told me about the Himalayan Light), sent me a text saying she spotted them too.  We often compare notes on good things travel related.  I ordered them pronto, believe she did also.  I got a package of 10 from Amazon for $9.55.  I think they will be really handy when traveling in Europe where often hangers can't be removed from the closet.  If you ever need to de-wrinkle clothes in the shower, or do a little hand laundry...you need to be able to move the hangers.
 Amazon, my favorite place to shop probably really likes me lately.  I've been shopping from the comfort of my computer.  So much talk of late about the condition of our environment and what we can do to help.  Not using plastic bags at grocery stores for fruits and vegetables is a big one.  The package says these are reusable mesh produce bags that are safe, washable, and eco-friendly; as well as BPA free.  So, thought I would give them a try.  There are 2 sizes, 5 of each size.  I paid less than $10.00 from memory, but can't find my original order to be exact.  I didn't know when I ordered them but, they are made from re-cycled plastic bottles which is an added bonus in my opinion.
I still have the Vertigo, so saved this on my computer in hopes of being able to do these stretches later on.  If you try them, let me know what you think.  They look like good beginner yoga moves.  I am doing more walking again (but sometimes have to stop to slow the dizzies.  But leaning over to do these right now.......nope, not happening.

"Dirty Little Lies".  A HBO series with views of the beach, and The Bridge was perfect for my daughter and I to watch while we were in San Francisco (though the actual bridge photographed was in Big Sur...it felt like we were where it all was filmed.  Based on a best seller by Liane Morarty this 2 season series is packed with stars: Laura Dern, Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Joe Kravitz, and Shailene Woodley.............at least those are the women who's names are listed as they appear in the above photo.  It appears though there won't be a 3rd season from what I can find.  Darn it, enjoyed it.  Though doubt hubby would have, it was a good chic flick.  AND we don't have HBO...so there you go.  Have you watched?

No pictures of projects or yarn, cause I have nothing new to show you all, but hope you're keeping busy.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Looking for Old Sweater Pattern,Knitting Cardiac Collage Afghan, Downloading Problems

Here's Cardiac Collage in it's early stages.  This was before adding other colors so things have grown quite a bit from this start.  But, this is the start from my hospital sitting, during a cardiac event my husband had.  Hopefully the next picture I will be able to show you more.  Having some ipad issues and so am using a shared computer and therefore not able to show you the new picture just yet.

This crochet sweater is one I made for my Mother YEARS ago.  I loved the pattern and wish I still had it.  It had great inset raglan sleeves and ribbed sweater bottom and sleeves.  The pattern was well written.  I don't know how I lost it, or I sorta think maybe I loaned it and never got it back.  It was made with sport yarn.  I've posted this once or twice through the years in hopes of someone recognizing the pattern.  I've searched antique patterns but haven't had any luck finding it.  From memory (almost 100% certain), the picture on the front of the pattern was a pretty mintish green or blue-green.  The pattern was I think a Leisure ARts Pattern.  One of those single leaflets that opened and had a pattern on the front and the back.

Not a great picture, used phone but was by a window so it's a bit light.  You can however see some progress with Cardiac Collage.  Since it was small it was/is portable and therefore has come to forefront.  I plan to make squares using up odds and ends and then piece them together.  The squares with have different numbers of colors, different amounts of shared colors.  Truly no symmetry to it.  Somehow, the lack of symmetry and predictable pattern seems fitting for cardiac collage (cardiac events are not at all symmetrical).

Haven't watched any good English TV of late, as hubby and I have been involved in other matters.  But, I do have a question for you.  Have tried to download movies and or tv series from my ipad using my Amazon Prime Membership so that I might watch something while on a couple of long plane rides.  I've googled and it appears I should be able to do that.  However, I do not see a download option.  Google tells me you can watch now, or download...any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Still Knitting, Watching Cranford, Memories, and Laughing

Ok, so I wasn't all that hooked on this series, seemed slow and finally with about 1.5 episodes left in the first season things start happening.  Characters develop and then ...just as I'm getting into it.....Season 1 is done.  Season  is Called Return to Cranford, but it's not available on Amazon Prime unless you have a subscription to BritBox.  Good grief, I knew about Hulu, Starz, Master Piece Theater, and Acorn; but I didn't know about BritBox.  You could go broke if you subbed to everything.  But, you do get a 7 day free trial.  So, I signed up today so I can watch season 2 of Return to Cranford.
Only watched a few minutes so far, but LOVE this.  If this is historical accurate how much better is it for the baby to see you, Mommie, or Grandma or whomever is pushing the stroller vs looking away at strangers or unknown things that might be frightening?  This looks like a much better design to me.  Then the pusher of the stroller and the baby can intereact.
I have been knitting, but there's not enough of a different on Jeweled Lines to show up.  New picture next time.  Had to do some unknitting......about 12-13 rows worth......bummer.  But, thought you all might enjoy this funny about yarn.  You could certainly substitute fabric for my quilter friends, or DMC for my cross Stitch folks.
Speaking of Cross Stitch.  I made this over 30 years ago for my Grandmother.  It's stamped, not counted.  I LOVE the saying.  She had a beautiful rose garden that never had weeds in it...or at least as a child it seemed that way to me.  She loved her roses, so long ago...actually the more I think about it, bet it was closer to 45 ish years ago I made this for her.  It's been hanging in my house since she passed.  Always makes me think of her.

Most of my cross-stitch projects were before digital cameras so I don't really have pictures to share, unless there are some in photo albums.....hum, might have to look.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

How to Occupy Yourself with a Broken Foot, Poldark and more

Spotted this picture a couple of weeks ago on Facebook and saved it to my computer as a reminder.  The cute bright colored lady bugs are painted rocks.  I thought it was a cleaver idea, but knew I would not remember it without a picture.  I don't think I'll do this in a flower bed, as my flower beds are too large and far from the house so I wouldn't really see them.  But, perhaps in flower pots on the deck where I could enjoy them?  

Am continuing to work on this afghan, Learning Logs.  This picture isn't absolutely up to date, as this was several sections ago; but you can see it's considerably larger than the last picture I took of it.  I'm having a problem in that I may run out of the right colors.  I actually think I have some down in the basement in my stash, but with my foot still in the boot and limited mobility; I can't go searching through my stash.  I had put what I thought was enough in the project bag long ago when I started this in the class on Crafty's to learn how to do the drop stitch work for multiple colors.  I was able to have hubby get me more of the yellow.  I sorta remembered where in my stash it was, so he found it easily; but.......didn't have much luck when I asked him to see about the rose color.  Soooooo, we'll see how this goes.  I may have to put it aside until my foot is healed and I can go back down the stairs.  I do have another project bag of yarn that I could start another project (but not sure there's enough in there either, as I planned to add to it when I got the original idea of putting specific colors together.

 I've mentioned several times lately how much tv I'm watching while elevating my broken foot.  This is Poldark.  If you've not watched this series, I highly recommend it.  Firstly, ladies...take a look at the main character.  WOW!  The scenery is captivating and reminds me of what I saw touring Ireland last fall.
 There's lots of love stories, intrigue, suspense and good guys vs bad guys.
And did I mention, the main character is sexy!!  I watched seasons one and two as part of my Amazon Prime Membership.  I'm currently using a 7 day free trial of Master Piece Theater to watch the 3rd session.  It's my understanding from a google search, that a date for season 4 will be announced sometime early summer of 2018.  Not sure how or where that session will be available, so am keeping my eyes pealed.

What are you working on?  How many work in progress do you have?  Are you out doing gardening things yet?  Spring has been fickle around the country.  Have you watched Poldark?  What did you think of it?  

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Sunday, Let's Start at the very Beginning

sound of musicLet's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with ABC
When you sing you begin with ...

You get the picture. And so today we begin with yarn, hooks, needles, patterns and ideas galore on our 2nd year of Year of Projects. Note the new fancy badge in the side bar. New Tab will be added for year 2.

Year one tab will still be available for awhile on the blog. It reminds me what I did and didn't accomplish. I did make 15 afghans (assembled them from donated squares); though I had 4 others that were on list.

I had 2 goals, accomplished one, removed one from the list. Heck, batting in the majors I'd be batting 500, so that's not to shabby.

I made a half dozen items that weren't on my list.

So, this years list will start off a bit more simple.

My Afghan Goals:
To complete 12 afghans from donated squares
Complete Candy Corn Afghan (longest work in progress project EVER)
Finish the Feather and Fan Afghan (knitted), that finally has a name, Sea and Sand

The goal accomplished last year, learn to cable. I want to make a skirt for myself using this new skill. Need to re-find the pattern for starters.

I want to make time for working on items other than the above afghans. I kept so busy with those last year, many other wanted projects didn't happen.

Cast on....I know there are other methods beyond the traditional one I always use. I get all tangled up when I try to do the thumb one and so ....do it old school...the long slow way. Would like to learn another faster cast on.

I have a knitting machine, haven't used it in over a year. In fact removed it from my office in order to make room for my antique Treedle Singer Sewing Machine. Would like to set up a space in the basement and use it some again for accomplish quick things for charity, Bridge and Beyond.

superpoints badgeSome of you have noticed this button in the sidebar and or in my previous post. But, thanks to this Superpoints membership, I have now been able to turn this needle mess

needle messInto this!
2 needle holdersLook how nice and organized. I've attempted to label the needles with size and length (click to enlarge and see little white rings on the right hand pouch). I'm going to explore further ways to label and so have these 2 pouches organized with interchangeables on the left (Denise) and Turbo's and other circulars in the right.

rolled needle organizersWOW, that's quite a difference. All together, organized and taking up less space. No more searching. Thank you Superpoints. I earned points by joining, by spinning the lucky wheel, by watching video's and by doing surveys. I converted my points into Amazon gift cards and shopped for my needle holders. Thus far, I've earned $30.00 worth, have spent $25.00 and am very close to earning another $5.00 gift card. Click on the botton and join, you'll start earning points as soon as you fill out your profile and verify your email addy. I suggest you use a separate email account to keep things separate from your personal or business email.

Happy Year 2 of Year of Projects.
And....I'm still working on the feather and fan afghan, which now has a name, thanks to a comment previously...Sea and Sand.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday, Working Away

needle holderI ordered 2 of these last night through Amazon.com. I'm pretty excited because I've been wanting and needing one for some time. Each needle holder has 15 sections. These will help me get organized and have all my needles in one location. Really anxious for them to arrive. Normal price is 29.99, on sale for $11.99; but I only paid $3.97 for both after applying
superpoints button$25.00 worth of gift cards earned through SuperPoints over the last couple of weeks! And that includes shipping. I have so many odds and ends this will be really helpful. Plus, I have a set of Denise Interchangeable needles with 2 sets of cords and the flimsy plastic case things came in just really doesn't work. So, my thought was to put The Denise in one and the odds and ends in another. I still like The Denise, but find with some yarn I do better with some of my metal odds and ends. Depends what I'm making.

Work in progress...I will continue to use and enjoy my Superpoints Membership (if you'd like to join me, just click the button above on in my right sidebar), you'll start earning points as soon as you verify your email ady and fill out your profile. Enjoy and happy earning. Let me know if you have questions or need help.

AND work also continues on Feather and Fan.

feather and fan half wayThe light gray should be the middle section. It measures 16 inches (should be slightly more after blocking) before the light gray. I didn't think 32 inches was wide enough and so have decided to add a larger middle section of this light gray. The variegated skein will probably be the next section, which has lots of the blue-ish gray look. Very similar to the variegated already there, right before the light gray. What I'm not quite certain about it...if the light gray is only here in the middle is that going to look odd? Do I need to scrounge around for another variegated that compliments the light gray and make it the middle...so that there's light gray on the otherside of it...therefore having the light gray in 2 spots? Sing out with your thoughts. As you know the design on this keep changes, because I'm trying really hard to use yarn in my stash and make it all work.

Happy Wednesday, work in progress badges and links all in left sidebar. Do join us.

Work in Progress Badges and Links in left sidebar, please join us. The more the merrier.