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Friday, July 12, 2024

Summertime, Cocktails, Books, Afghans, Food....What are you up to?


Shades of Fall is the latest afghan.  It's been laundered and is drying/being blocked as we speak.  This is yet another afghan that will be donated.

It's oriented differently in this picture before I started edging and joining.  As you can see the squares weren't all the same size, some are knitted and some are crocheted.  Some are a bit more rectangle than square, so they weren't all edged with the same number of rows.  And I ended up moving a few squares around for sizing and color from this the original layout.

I enjoyed more Elin Hilderbrand books.  I've never been to Nantucket, but her books make me want to go.  This book will remind you of a movie, "Same Time Next Year".  I know you'll enjoy it.  Lots of different emotions come to light in this book.
Three women with problems need to escape their routine lives so they head to the beach.  Can 3 women get along in such a small cottage?  Can lives be repaired?  Can love blossom?  Lots of intrigue, hope you'll enjoy this book; I certainly did.
This book of Elin Hilderbrand has lots of emotion!  How does a dead woman control the events leading up to a wedding from the grave?  Love, scandals, betrayal......all take place.  Add this to your list, take it to the pool or beach with you and enjoy.

No, I haven't completely stop reading heavier books.  Maggie Haberman, A Whitehouse News Correspondent gives lots of back story how this sleazy man came to be.  While I knew of lots of his antics both before and during his time occupying our Whitehouse.........this book leaves no room for doubt about what a truly horrible human being he is.  The way he treated people makes you want to scream from the roof tops.  He is a true danger to us all.
I've added a new cocktail to my repertoire.   A Paper Plane.  Such a refreshing cocktail for summertime.
This is what you need to make the delicious cocktail: Lemon juice, Aperol, Amaro Nonino, and Bourbon.  Garnish with a slice of lemon and or orange.  I  had lemon on hand..
Summertime isn't complete without a dinner of kababs.  Love veggies cooked this way, pair with pork, chicken, or beef.  We opted for chicken this time round.  Both Veggies and chicken were marinaded in olive oil, garlic, and paprika. 

Will show update on my shawl next post, with some exercise stats such as they are.  Hope you're all doing well and staying hydrated with the intense heat much of the country is experiencing.


  1. After days of cool temperatures and rain, we are now reaching highs of close to 40C with the humidity. I am now regulating any outdoor activities to the morning and the afternoons are spent either sewing or knitting mittens.
    We have also been trying to BBQ a bit more to keep the heat down in the house.

    God bless.

    1. We're cooking out again tonight for the same reason Jackie. That and when outdoors, move slower than normal. It helps a little. I'm limiting my yard work as well.

  2. Nice sounding books but I think I will pass on the one about Trump. BBQ sounds good and looks good too. Your afghan is coming along beautifully. Whoever gets it will enjoy it, I'm sure. The weather here is cool with rain off and on. Typical weather for us but I'm glad we are not swelting in the heat. Have a good weekend.

    1. I force myself to read these books about the orange one because I think it's important to know as much about him as possible; they're not easy to read because I want to scream from the rooftops what's wrong with you people who support him. He's a horrible human being and more.

  3. love elin hildebrand books.
    that cocktail looks very interesting but I admit aside from lemon juice and burbon I've never heard of the other liquors. What a summertime thing, kabobs and don't they look lush!
    your comment on being lost... lordy me too. I get lost all the time and hate the feeling. But, in creative pursuits you can't be lost if you don't have a location in mind! lol

    1. Glad you too enjoy the Elin Hilderbrand books. I hadn't heard of those liquors either until I wrote down the recipe and went shopping for what was needed. Agree on the creative pursuits and getting lost, that's another whole story for sure.

  4. Your afghans are beautiful and a great donation!
    Kababs and veggies are a favorite dish of mine.
    Elin Hilderbrand's books sound a good reading to me!

    1. Thank you Duta, let me know if your read one of them. I've gotten really hooked. Started a new afghan a few days ago.

  5. ...what am I up to? Trying to make the the best of each day in Jolly July!

    1. Jolly July, I like that and will have to remember it Tom.

  6. The afghan looks really good with the border and it is so great that you donate these. Made with love indeed. Enjoy your cocktails and kebabs!
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks so much Ellie, I still have lots of squares so am continuing to work on afghans. I need check my totals and see how many I've made through the years.

  7. I’ve read and loved all of Hilderbrand’s books. I’ve never heard of that cocktail, but I generally only drink wine and champagne.

    1. You might want to order one the next time you're out so you can try it. Quite pretty and refreshing. I think I'm running out of her books to read, so hope she writes more.

  8. That cocktail sounds delicious. Especially the Bourbon bit ...

    God bless always.

    1. Thank you Victor, pop over and I'll make you one.

  9. Elin Hilderbrand is new to
    me - thank you. The Orange Monster? Shudder. From across the world I already know it would be a snowy day in hell before I could vote for him. Not a good man.

    1. You're right he is not a good man. Appreciate your support from across the world. Elin's books are fun, check one out and let me know what you think.

  10. The kebabs look tasty. We just need the dry weather to enjoy them outside :-)
    The newest Afghan is looking lovely and all ready for use later in the year. Enjoy your week, Sandy.

    1. The kebabs were tasty and I hope you get some good weather so you can grill outdoors and enjoy it. Thanks for the kind words about my afghan.

  11. Thank you for the recipe for the refreshing cocktail. :-)

  12. Summer time is so wonderful... we have wonderful weather and enjoy being outside.
    Your Afghan turned out beautifully.
    I also mixed this cocktail... now the bottles are empty. I'm taking a cocktail break first :-)) But I ended up with ice cream :-))) Summer is so beautiful. Have fun grilling too.
    And have fun with your books.
    A hug comes to you from Viola

    1. Glad you also enjoy this cocktail. We're enjoying the summer weather as well. My favorite time of the year. Thanks for the compliment on the afghan.

  13. Those vegetable kebabs look delicious and not heating up the kitchen is a great idea. It's hot here too but it wouldn't feel like summer if it wasn't.

    1. Agree on it wouldn't feel like summer if it wasn't. We love it.

  14. Love the Shades of Fall afghan. You always have the best color sense when putting squares together. Great job!

  15. The afghan is really pretty. I love the color and design.
    I like Elin Hildebrand too. I really enjoyed 28 summers.

    1. Glad you also enjoy Elin Hilderbrand books, I'm listening to another one currently. And thanks for the compliment on the afghan.

  16. Thank you for your comment on my Blog. I have responded there.

    God bless always.

  17. Another lovely afghan, so many people will be cosy wrapped in your donations. Some lighter books this month, it's nice to read something more lighthearted in between the heavier topics.

    1. Thank you Jo, it is nice to read some lighter books. I was on a roll of only the heavier stuff; but then that on top of what's going on politically here...needed some lighter books for sure.

  18. Everything looks great except that Trump book. Your shades of fall is impressive, your cocktails look refreshing and the food looks pretty yummy.

    1. I can't stand the man, and each book I've read about him has me scratching my head even more about how anyone can support him. He has truly always been a jerk, a horrible man. I think he was born that way.


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