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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Knitting, Crocheting, Audio Books, and Fitbit

 Another Afghan in the works.  Calling this one Fresh Mint.  As you can I have some really different sized squares and rectangles.  I've used this mint green to edge previously and since I'm trying to use up stash, decided I would use the mint green to bring the squares to size, but join them with light gray.  I don't normally join before edging every square, but was having a hard time reaching the rows above, so thought I could join the 3 rows, then move everything down to make reaching things easier.

Here it is before I started edging.  Plus, you can probably tell I moved a few squares around.  Had all the bright yellows at the top and the muted yellows at the bottom for one.

I've made some good headway with my shawl.  When Last I photographed it, I was working on the first green section, and am now on the 2nd green section.  As the triangle gets wider, the number of stitches per row really increases.  Make it seem slower for sure.

Three more Elin Hilderbrand books....sorta.  I didn't really care for Reunion Beach, as the Hilderbrand area was a book I had already enjoyed, and I didn't think much of the others.  The book is an apparent tribute to Dorothea Benton Frank.  I think I read one of hers years ago, but don't remember which one.  I've searched my 5 Libraries and haven't found any of hers as audio books, so probably won't pursue her books.  I did enjoy the first 2 Elin Hilderbrand books though, so put those on your list.

Camera Girl was fascinating.  I was a young girl when Jackie was the first lady, so didn't really know much about her.  This book covers her early years, prior being Mrs. John F. Kennedy.  She was quite accomplished, intelligent, and very full of life.

A story about a woman who defies social norms, her rich parents and follows her heart.  Inspired by the real life story of Samuel Bellamy of the high seas.  Pirates, adventure, and of course love!  Enjoy.

It's been so long since I've recorded my activity that Fitbit, the webpage apparently no longer exists.  I was floored.  You get a message that says you can check your dashboard in the app.  Well the format on the app is not nearly as good as what the  webpage was.  So, The only thing I seem to be able to find is daily averages for each month in miles or steps.  The webpage gave totals for the month which I preferred.  So it looks like the last time I recorded anything here was Dec of 2023.

Jan I averaged 3.85 miles per day

Feb 4.57

March 3.97

April 2.84 (the month I had my dental surgery)

May 2.94

June 3.85.   I don't know when the last time was I recorded planks, so I guess I need to start over on that.

Ukraine hasn't been in the headlines much lately, but I was please to see this sign of support on one of my recent walks through the neighborhood.


  1. I like the colours in your shawl. The afghan is coming along fine. I haven't read any of those books but they sound good. Enjoy your week, Sandy.

  2. I wasn’t that impressed with Reunion Beach, either. Nice job on the miles!

    1. Glad I wasn't the only one that didn't think much of Reunion Beach. Thanks on the miles. I've not gotten back to where I was at this time last year, but it's something.

  3. Your afghans and shawll look very nice!
    I wonder whether the book on Jacki Kennedy 'Camera Girl" mentions her marriage to Onassis .

    1. No, the book is an earlier Jackie, and how she meant JFK; but it's primarily about her growing up, her working. I found it fascinating. Thank you Duta on the afghan and shawl.

  4. Thank you for hopping over to visit my blog, Sandy. Your crochet is looking lovely. I'm a little envious of it, as it's been so long since I picked up my hook.
    And the shawl colourway is gorgeous. Xx

    1. Thank you Jules. Hope you grab your hook sometime soon and let us see what you're working on.

  5. I really like that fresh mint green you've used - it makes everything work so well together. The shawl is coming along beautifully too. You are very talented with your needles! It is easy to not focus on Ukraine as other things in the world take precedence and are reported on, but it is all still going on. It is important to spare a thought for them whenever we can and make sure our governments continue to support them.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks so much for your kinds words, and I totally agree about Ukraine.

  6. Ukraine is no longer grabbing the headlines, but people are still fighting and being killed. There's some speculation that Putin is running out of ammunition. He won't run out of Russians, though. Those poor families losing their sons and brothers - they have no choice. At least the Ukrainians volunteer and are not forced.

    1. Hope you're right about Putin running out of ammo, and sadly you're right about the poor people.

  7. Such great colors in your projects. Thanks so much for the reviews too. I will take note! Hope you are doing well this summer! All the best to your creativity! Thanks for your comments! Happy Weekend!☀️🌈💕

    1. Thank you ellie, I love mixing colors.

  8. Jackie was stunning, right? That's a great photo of her on the book cover.
    Support and love for Ukraine.
    For you too, Sandy. Stay well.

    1. Thank you, and yes, Jackie truly was stunning and such a capable lady.

  9. I like the afghan! I also appreciate Ukraine support.
    I usually like Elin Hildebrand books but haven't read those ones. The Jackie book looks very interesting!

    1. The Jackie book was very interesting. I learned so much about her I didn't know before. Let me know if you read it what you think.

  10. The shawl is looking good, the squares are indeed lovely.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you Margaret, much appreciate your sweet comments on my work.

  11. Thanks for your greetings, I'll quickly write a short blog post so that everyone can see that I'm doing well too.
    Your blanket is great. And the scarf will be really great.
    I should also pick up a book :-)) I'm traveling a lot these days.
    A warm greeting comes to you from Viola

    1. Enjoy your travels, looking forward to reading about it when you return.

  12. You are a talented woman, Sandy! I am a little puzzled by the bird you describe, but let me think on it some more. Initially Pyrrhuloxia came to mind, but that is a bird of arid desert regions and you are in Ohio.

    1. Thanks David, I'm smiling and taking bow. I'm going to see if I can get a better look at the bird, but didn't see it yesterday.

  13. ...I remember Ukraine each week in my posts.💛💙

    1. I'm glad you do Tom. I feel so bad for those people.

  14. I was a young person when Jackie O's son and wife met their untimely fate in a plane crash. Jackie always struck me as *the* most poised and well-dressed woman.
    I recently watched a docu-film that you might find fascinating, if you've not yet seen it. It's called The Commandant's Shadow. In this film, one of the Höss children (now elderly) and his son, a preacher living in So. Germany, grapple with their immediate history. A survivor of the camp, the remarkable Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, along with her daughter, contend with how their lives have been shaped, for better or for worse, by the Holocaust. It's a difficult watch, but well worth it, in my opinion.

    1. Thank you Bea. I just made a note and will look for the documentary. As you know, I read lots of WWII books; so you're right.

  15. I love the colour of your shawl, it looks like a nice easy knit to pick up and put down. I don't do very much crochet but I've started a Granny Wrap shawl to use up my odds and ends, it'll be a long term project but I'm enjoying it.

    1. Right you are on a pick up and knit for the shawl. That's the kind of knitting I like to do...relaxing. Good luck on your granny wrap shawl. Hope you'll post about it with a picture.

  16. I have read several books about Jackie. You are right, she was intelligent, and accomplished. I will check out Camera Girl. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Let me know if you enjoy it.

  17. I like the shawl colours. You're talented.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Victor, appreciate it.

  18. Some lovely colours in your latest Afghan.The bright yellows make it glow. The shawl is looking good too.
    Have a great week, Sandy :-)

  19. The afghan looks nice. I am also mourning the loss of the fitbit webpage. There's a post on the forum trying to get it reinstated: https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Product-Feedback/Maintain-Fitbit-web-dashboard-going-forward/idi-p/5589669

    1. Thanks for the compliment, and I followed the link and added my two cents worth. Good of you to leave the link.

  20. Your projects are coming along nicely and have turned out well. Keep up the great work and good luck with the planking this month.


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