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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Yarn Stash Oh My, Fresh Mint and More


Fresh Mint is done, it's been laundered and is now being blocked/drying.  Some of the squares were a bit more stretchy than others, so there's a bit of a wonkiness to it; but it will keep someone warm, and it's cheery and bright.

Just laid this one out to begin sizing the squares.  Don't believe I have enough black so plan to use red to even up sizes, then edge in black, perhaps in a strip vs each square...again because I don't think I have enough black, then maybe a red and black final edge?  Will have to play it by ear and may need to make some adjustments as I go.  I've not come up with a solid name for this one yet....perhaps Firecracker?  Love some thoughts from you all.  Maybe RedDawn?

There are many memes out there, but this one spoke to me.  The double standard in this day and age is most annoying.  And JD Vance's comments about how woman who aren't mothers are less, should get less of a vote, etc etc.  I'd like to knock him upside his head for starters.


Yes 3 more Elin Hilderbrand books!!!  All good, all entertaining, and all are recommended.  Golden Girl might be her most unusual book, dealing with the beyond......what happens after death if you could watch you family and friends.  Nantucket Nights probably the most entertaining and made me think of Casper the friendly ghost...yes those of you my age will remember that cute cartoon.  Silver Girl.......think Bernie Maydoff, it's full of who knew what and when.

#1 New York Times Best Seller!  The behind the scenes, how things unfolded with trump trying to be a dictator, to his impeachment trials, to the insurrection on Jan 6th.  We're still very much dealing with the fall out, and the scary possibility he could make it even worse.

Back in December my daughter convinced me I needed to start thinning out my stash.  I sent her home with 41.5 pounds of yarn at that time, and previously showed you a picture of the donation.  She donated it to several different locations in St. Louis.  I've continued to sort, separate, untangle and roll yarn since then.  And when she was home over the 4th of the July, I sent her home with 51.5 pounds of yarn (forgot to get a picture of it).  Actually thought I had taken one...who knows, I don't have one.  Those donations are full and partial skeins but not bits and bobs like you see here.  Here are 6 bags of smaller left overs I call bits and bobs, that a friend and classmate said an art teacher of hers could use.  This was only 3.75 pounds.  Am I done......nope!  I'm still sorting; but can't get rid of all my stash until I finish making all the afghans I have from donated squares, and rectangles.  This is an ongoing project.


  1. You are certainly using those crocheted blocks up and making some lovely blankets.

    God bless.

    1. I'm working on, but sometimes feel like they multiple in my sleep, lol.

  2. My wife has made a few of those squares afghans and we use them on the bed in the winter. Have a awesome August!

    1. Thanks Bill. Would love to see some of your wife's afghans. Post some pics. They are indeed warm. I have a few here at the house, that I made long ago. Currently all the ones I made are being donated.

  3. Your square afghans are bright and beautiful!
    You're a prolific reader, Sandy! 'Midnight in Washington" sounds like a very interesting read!

    1. Midnight in Washington, was very insightful. As much news as I've read there were still things I didn't know, so hearing it from someone who was a part of it, was very good. Thanks on the kind words about my afghans.

  4. Your blankets are great. I hope you enjoy crocheting... I've gone from being an enthusiastic knitter to being a sewer. It's so nice to make something that will be used and loved.

    1. You're right, knitting, crocheting, sewing. All very satisfying.

  5. None president every gave birth.

    1. Powerful statement isn't it!

  6. It's amazing how many odds and ends and partial balls of yarn you end up with when you're a knitter or crocheter. It's good that you're able to put so many to use in your afghans and very generous that you're donating some to other causes too.

    1. My stash area looks like a store almost. You don't realize how much you have until you get it all out and try to organize it. But, I am making headway.

  7. That's a lovely blanket. How talented.

    God bless always.

    1. Thank you Victor, appreciate your sweet comments.

  8. Both afghans are lovely. I like the ruffly edging on the mint. Red is my favorite color see lots in the 2nd photo
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thanks so much. The Red one is coming along, so hopefully I'll be able to post update in the next post.

  9. The fresh mint turned out really nice! I know your red and black one will too.
    I love Elin Hildebrand books.
    I'm frustrated because my blog feed doesn't alert me to new posts from you. For some time I just figured you weren't posting, and now several times I come here and there are new posts. I don't think I'm having this issue with other blogs, but now I have to wonder.

    1. Thank you Mari. I've got lots of squares still to put together, but am chipping away as best I can. Probably gliche with blogger. I typically visit everyone on my blog list when I make a new post, instead of trying to rely on being notified.

  10. Your crocheting will certainly keep someone warm. It's a good hobby, I do enjoy it but of course I had that many rugs I'd done, gave so many away to keep someone warm in our winter.
    I had a lot of wool too, so I crocheted squares, put them together till the wool was all gone.

    1. It is a good hobby, hubby laughs and says it keeps me off the streets, lol. I'm working at til the yarns gone; but ...it's going to be awhile.

  11. Hi Sandy.....Thank you for stopping by my place for a visit. I do enjoy meeting new friends in the blogging world. Oh goodness...I have been watching video after video, trying to learn how to crochet. It looks so interesting. So far, I have been able to do a straight line...Much to learn.. I enjoyed stopping by here.

    1. Thanks for the visit, will get you added to my blog list. Good luck with the crocheting, hope it works out for you.

  12. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Hi Sandy, thanks for popping by, reminding me I have new blog posts that need writing:-) (Martine at Silencing the Bell, google doesn't believe I'm signed in)

    1. Sorry you're having trouble with signing in, and hope things get fixed for you soon. Thanks for telling me who you are.

  13. Hello Sandy, thanks so much for visiting my blog. I also enjoy meeting new blogging friends. I have certainly enjoyed my visit to yours and look forward to coming back. I have been thinking about taking up crocheting and have been watching my daughter-in-law making her blankets recently. She has made some pretty ones just like yours. Love the colors you have chosen. Great blog post!

    1. Thanks so much Denise. I'll get you added to my blog list. There are lots of u-tube video's to help you learn to crochet. It's such a nice hobby, hope it works out for you.

  14. Impressive! I once crocheted and knitted, but haven't done so for years. I like that Fresh Mint one, great colors.
    Agree about the comments re women. I seriously thought we were past those days. Grrr.
    I need to check out Erin Hildebrand. I have not read any of her books, and always open to recommendations!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    1. Thank you Granny Sue, perhaps you should get your hook and or knitting needles out again. I know that comment about women infuriated me. He's such a jerk. Will get you added to my blog list.

  15. We were up at our lake house this weekend and had to witness a so-called Freedom Parade and boat tie-up. Complete with Maga and Trump flags. Oh the irony!

    1. Sorry you had to see that, seeing or hearing him, or flags or red hats truly gives me the creeps.

  16. Must feel good to clear out some of your yarn.
    Vance - what a creepy idiot. Ugh.
    On a brighter note, your stitchery's lovely.

    1. Agree on creepy Vance. Yes the cleaning out does feel good, thanks for the compliment on my stitching.

  17. Hey Sandy. Fresh mint is fabulous and I love the meme about the presidents. Way to go on cutting down on your yarn stash.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

  18. I love the MAGA comment - so funny!

  19. You do such a wonderful job making the afghans. Sorting out a stash is difficult sometimes but can be very satisfying. I am still going with my sorting and donating and there is some way to go yet!
    Best wishes

    1. I hear ya big time on the sorting and donating and some way to go yet. But, it does feel very satisfying to be making headway.


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