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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Knitting, Reading, Yard Work and More


Current Project, a triangle shawl.  Love the colors.  I bought the variegated several years ago on girls trip with my daughter.  It's Knit Wit Yarn, wonderful feel.  They had a National Park Series, Grande Portage Natl. Memorial.  Didn't think I had enough yardage so this past month when she, hubby and I were spending a week in Park City, I visited the yarn shop there and found the yummy blue and green to blend with it.  After starting with the variegated, I stripped it with the blue every two rows to get the shaded effect, then did the solid blue, then stripping again to fade out of the blue, variegated next, stripped with the green to fade in.  Hope using all 3 skeins will give me a nice size shawl for the upcoming fall and winter.

A beautiful baby blanket my Darling Daughter knitted.  It's being block here after it got a soak bath.  Click to enlarge to see the cool texture.  I've always loved blue and green together.

The beginnings of the curly lilies.  Love how this look ruffly.  Such a vibrant color.  

Book #1 of a 3 book Series.  Yes I'm on a Elin Hilderbrand kick of late.

Book #2

Book #3.  Family life gone amuck!  Follow the money....fowl play, double life, mystery family, mystery....who's going to jail?  LOVED the series.  Add this to your fun summer to read list.

And because one can't really ignore real life, please please add this book to your list, SOON!  Jonathan Karl has known trump longer than any White House correspondent.  Didn't most of us think after Jan 6th, we had gotten rid of this man, or maybe it was just wishful thinking and hoping and praying.  

At some point I'll go and add up my steps/miles; as it's been awhile since I've documented and reported on it.  Sadly I've had too many interruptions in my exercise program.  The Dental Surgery really did a number on me.  I am back to walking, doing yard work, and mowing; but haven't restarted other exercises.  Why is it so hard to restart once you break the habit?

We're approaching The 4th of July.  If you're traveling to celebrate with friends and family, please be safe.  


  1. Your yarn project looks good, I like your colour choices. Good luck getting back to your exercises, it can be hard, I know that from my experience. Have a great month of July, Sandy.

    1. Thank you Bill for the encouragement with regard to exercise and kind words on my project.

  2. I love the shawl and I agree with you about the colour combination working well together.
    Have a great day on the 4th July.

    1. Thanks so much, appreciate you sweet comments.

  3. I’ve read every single book by Elin Hilderbrand and I follow her podcast. She’s fabulous!

    1. I'm almost through all her books, they're addicting. There were a few I've not been able to the audio version, so have saved those for last. I just really audio books, but may have to read those to get all of hers. Thanks for letting me know she has a podcast. Will look it up.

  4. Your triangle shawl looks lovely! Glad you've resumed walking and yard working.
    Happy 4th of July, Sandy!

  5. Happy Summer Days.... thank you for the book reviews. I always appreciate them.
    Good luck with the exercise... I know how it feels to not be on track... good luck.

    1. Maybe we can spur each other on with the exercise Carla. Thanks for the visit.

  6. Your shawl is looking lovely, as is the baby blanket your daughter knitted. You have obviously inspired her! Well done for your exercising (any exercise is a good thing) - especially after your surgery was so debilitating.
    Have a good week
    Best wishes


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