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Monday, May 27, 2024

MIA, Catching Up


It's important to know the difference and why you should not say Happy Memorial Day to anyone.  That's like saying Happy Funeral Day.  My Father, Uncles, and Grandfather all served; but I am lucky that they all returned safely, so I honor them on Veterans Day.  For those of you who have lost a loved one in service to the country, I honor and remember them and am sorry for your sacrifice.

As a person that doesn't really like winter, it's I think a bit odd that I decided to read/listen to this 4 books series by Elin Hilderbrand, but I've been taking a break from some of the heavier books I've been into of late (WWII, politics etc).  This is book #1

This is book #2

This is book #3

And this is book #4.  Lots of characters in this series.  At the center of things is The Quinn Family, owners of the Winter Street Inn during the Christmas Season.  Eggnog, and Whiskey and prison terms, a surprise pregnancy, Santa kissing who?  Subplots a plenty between a hedge fund manager, a drug addicted wife, a music teacher with an interesting and frustrating love life, a bartender, a French maid, a marine in Afghanistan, and a Famous TV Anchor.  NEVER a dull moment.  I've enjoyed many books by this author who writes about Nantucket, her home.  A fun, and entertaining diversion from life and all the things in the news currently.

Catching Up:
  • I've been MIA since returning from Hilton Head with lots of appointments.  The most involved was dental surgery, Gingival Graft that turned out to be far more involved than was anticipated.  I'm 5 ish weeks since, but not yet completely healed.  Eating and exercising have been difficult until just recently.  
  • I am now back to going for walks and mowing; but have no exercising stats for several months to record
  • I've been involved with the planning of our 55th high school reunion which will be at the end of the summer
  • hubby and I have finalized the details of our upcoming tour of Sicily in the fall

We recently finished watching this series.  I really like Jeff Daniels; though the series is a bit dark...........realistically so when you think about small towns in the rust belt.  Thus far there are 2 seasons, and there's debate about whether or not there will be a 3rd season.  Just have to wait and see, I guess.

I'll post a picture of the almost finished afghan, the last one I worked on while still on Hilton Head Island, in the next blog post.  For now, I'm anxious to get blog walking and see what you all have been up to in my absense.


  1. How wonderful to see a post from you. I am sorry that the dental stuff is taking so long to heal, but good to know things are going well. Looking forward to seeing the afghan picture.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks so much Jackie, much appreciated.

  2. Spending a few moments thinking of you all in the USA and the sacrifice that some have made for others in this way.

  3. Yes, it's not a 'happy' day when we think about it. -glad your family members who served returned home.

    1. I think too many people confuse the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Lots of Happy Memorial Day comments and memes on Facebook. Thanks Bea

  4. I've been wondering if you were traveling. Sorry to hear you were going through dental issues instead. I hope you are fully healed and back to normal soon.

    1. So good to hear from you Sandie, thank you. Each day things improve a bit.

  5. A trip to Sicily is something wonderful to look forward to!

    1. Totally agree. Really looking forward to it. I've always wanted to go there.

  6. Sorry to hear about the dental treatment. Hopefully things will be better very soon. A trip to Sicily sounds fantastic and it is always great to have something lovely to look forward to.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks so much Ellie. Looking forward to Sicily and each day the mouth feels better.

  7. Hi Sandy,
    I do appreciate what you said about not saying Happy Memorial Day. I agree. I like how you hit the nail on the head, it is like saying Happy Funeral Day. We have a friend who died during his service in Bosnia.
    Thank you for this shout out.


    1. I just wish people would think about it. Every year on social media there are meme's and articles explaining the difference, and yet people still do it. It's hurtful I think. So sorry to hear about your friend. ((HUGS))

  8. I have never heard of a gingival transplant. I'm so sorry. What does that involve? it sounds very painful.

    1. It was pretty painful. They take graphs from the roof of your mouth and stitch it to your teeth and gums. With age the gum pulls away from teeth exposing roots, which can cause teeth to fall out. It can also happen due to brushing too hard, and can be inheredity. I was very swollen and bruised, and then I developed an infection. It's been a drawn out situation.

  9. My DIL had that surgery and believed that it would heal in 2 weeks like she was told but it took a lot longer. I hope you are completely well again very soon.

    1. I'm at 5 1/2 weeks so far. Definitely doesn't heal in 2 wks. I got my stitches out in 2 wks. It takes a full year for the roof of your mouth to be totally healed. People who have to have it done in multiple areas can only have it done once a year to give the mouth time to heal.

  10. I think you're amazing - living such a balanced life while planning your 55th high school reunion. Impressive. Sorry about the dental nightmares, though I'm glad the worst of it is behind you.

    1. Thanks so much, appreciate your sweet comment.

  11. Your poor mouth. I hope the healing speeds up, and amazed at all you have achieved in the interim. Enjoy your tour.

    1. Many thanks. A bit here a bit there. I'm getting there and looking forward to the tour.

  12. Sorry to hear why you have been MIA, I hope things improve soon, especially for your planned holiday. The books sound nice and easy to read:)

    1. The books are easy, and a good escape. Thanks for your encouragement.

  13. A vacation to Sicily sounds absolutely fantastic :-) I hope you enjoy your books... I haven't read anything by Elin Hilderbrand yet, maybe I should :-)
    It is important to be very careful about exercise after dental surgery. The body needs its strength to heal and exercise has to wait... walks are really nice too. I hope you enjoy your needle and yarn too... I look forward to your work.
    Many kind regards come to you from Viola

    1. Right you are about needing to heal and exercise on the back burner. I'm getting my energy back now that the mouth is better.

  14. Hopefully, you can keep cool this summer with these winter reads! All the best to your travels. Hope you get to take some yarn with you...hahahaha...All the best to your beautiful projects. Thanks so much for reading and your comments. Sometimes, first love is the hardest. Maybe you'll learn from it. Although, it is hard to know the right protocal with these things. I remember as a senior in high school I did totally devastate a Freshman boy. I didn't even know he liked me that way until I read his long letter he'd posted inside my school year book. If that wasn't enough, my closest and funniest friend (who was also a guy and really loved to write) Wrote a parody of it in my yearbook as well. Graduation can bring joy as well as grief.

    1. The hardest part of packing for me is deciding which project and yarn to take with me, lol

  15. My sympathy on dental work. If I had a buck for every buck spent on periodontal work...I'd be rich. thankfully I have good dental insurance. I've read some of Elin Hilderbrand, but not this series. I will check them out,
    Have preparing and planning for your trip to Sicily.

    Hugs cecilia

    1. Thank you. I have dental insurance, but it only covered a small part of this procedure, so double ouch.

  16. Nice to see you again. Dental work is never fun. However - a trip to Sicily sounds wonderful!

    1. Thank you Mari, am looking forward to Sicily for sure. And finally feeling better after the dental surgery.

  17. ...happy doesn't seem proper to me!

  18. Nice to see a post from you with all your news. Sorry to hear that the dental treatment was more involved than you thought but at least it's done with now. I find I dread going to the dentists more and more as I get older.

  19. Praying for your good health.

    God bless.

  20. Good to see you in action again. Dental work is no piece of cake; although yours seems extensive. Hope you continue to improve especially for your upcoming trip abroad and your reunion.

  21. Ouch about the dental surgery. Hope you are feeling even better. Take care.


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