Jan, over at Ignite to Write gave me this award some time ago. Way back on April 26th to be exact. It was in the middle of things at the hospital not being good, and I intended to get back to it later........hadn't thought it would be this much later; but in truth I forgot about it. Was cleaning out some things on my computer and came across the photo. Yikes!
The rules with this award are to:
list 7 things you love
Link back to the person who gave you the award
Pass it along to 7 other bloggers.
Long over due, here I am
- My wonderful husband
- My Darling Daughter
- The rest of my family
- Memories from Family and Friends
- Special Friends
- Good Wine
- Time Outside
7 blogs........wow, thats the hard part:
- Sandie over at the Corral, she's very creative/kreativ with her blogging as she blogs about her craft, how to do things, and through her blog helps many people
- Jan over at Animal Talk, cause she's creative/kreativ with her animal stories and entertains us
- Beth Crochet Princess, because her blog is very attractive/creative/kreativ, she blogs about lots of different things, she's a very kind and giving person on many different fronts. She needs a BIG HUG from all of us right now, she's lost a grandchild, and the mother of a Dear Friend. (((((HUG)))))
- Priscilla over at Hooks or Needles, because she makes awesome stuff, really awesome stuff hop over and take a look. One day I want to knit as well as she does.
- Elsie, over at Yarn Tales, because her blog truly is creative/kreativ...just plain adorable
- Tammy over on her blog, take a look at her blog and you'll see what I mean about creative/kreativ
- Andrea over at Octopi's place---did someone say creative/kreativ?
Hugs to all, Congrats to all, and many thanks to Ignite to Write for giving me this award. It's very much appreciated.